
The Battleship! (ROUND 21!)

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Inspired by Mara, of course!

The Battleship!

"You sunk my ship!"

Okay, so, battleship, yeah, the one of the very classic board game, is now on osu!

Rules / Setup

There'll be 2 teams, 4 players for each team. Each player will get this amount of ships, to place in 20x20 grid area, so there are 28 ships for each team.

The ship can't be placed close to each other except corners or placed diagonally. (At least 1 space is required between each boat.)

I'll provide each team a 'QuickTopic' for chit-chatting and make strategy. Using others methods is fine, but please let me know where do you want to shoot.

For spectators, try your best not to spoil the game. Commenting is great. ;)

Now to the next part, cannons. Each player can shoot his/her cannon once per round, unless further change. How to fire? Just say the coordination and let the cannon does its job.

There'll be an announcement at the end of each round. If the ship was hit. "Hit" will be announced, otherwise will be mark as "Miss"
If the ship was sunk, the ship owner's name will be revealed. If someone lost all of his/her ships, the right for shooting the cannon is lost.

The game's ended when all the ships from any team was sunk.

OsuMe65 wrote:

Additional Rules ('Fleet Admiral' system)

In order to get away from the classic Battleship, I'll add some gimmicks on it. These will begin once Sign-ups is done.

:arrow: Each team must assign a Fleet Admiral. The Fleet Admiral is the representative of the whole team.
:arrow: The Fleet Admirals must introduce themselves and declare war to begin the game.
:shock: eg. I am OsuMe65 and we declare war. (You can make your own, actually.)
:arrow: The Fleet Admiral can declare a Trêve Temporaire (Temporary Truce) Only ONCE. The opposing Fleet Admiral must agree for the truce to commence. Use it wisely (For short, a timeout). The Fleet Admiral can declare his/her truce in this thread in any round beyond 10.
:shock: This truce is only effective for a day (24 hours). You may discuss your plans during the truce. NO FIRING TILL THE TRUCE IS OVER
(However, the hosts of this game can declare an emergency truce once we have problems/issues)
:arrow: If the Fleet Admiral was K.I.A. (Killed in Action) while he/she has a truce power remaining, he/she can pass the truce power to someone in his/her team. The chosen one can't pass the truce power anymore if he/she is K.I.A.'ed and he/she didn't used it.


Team 1: Clusterfuck 22
- ColdTooth
- Navizel
- Static Noise Bird
- Prime Number byez

Team 2: S.H.A.D.A.L.O.O.
- Trash Boat
- DakeDekaane
- DenoisoGoiso byez
- Penguinsanez

I wanna play!

Just say "I wanna play!" or something like that, "/in" will help a lot.
Then, say which team you want to join. And that's all! You're in!

If the team's full, you'll be redirected to the other team instantly.

Introducing my co-mod!

OsuMe65! He'll take care some moderating duty and help me fixing up what I've missed. (I tend to miss a lot. lol)
Trash Boat
i think Mara already did this
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Chamelo_Th wrote:

Inspired by Mara, of course!
Seriously, did you even read?

Yes, Mara did, but it's a game between Kickin'Rad.Tv and Osu!

I wanted to have some local games, so I stated in that thread and Mara didn't say/complain anything.
And here we are.
Trash Boat never does anything properly, no.
shit just got real
Aw shieeeeeeet.
Trash Boat
yeah sorry for not reading it, but you just had to write it in tiny
does someone need a player for a team
Bump, where do I choose my team?
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Just say which team you want to join, that's all. :)
Trash Boat
ok i'll join too. team 2
Team 1
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Team 2
1. Trash Boat
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?


Chamelo, need some assistance?
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Very, sir.
Currently at school, I'll be team 1 /in
I SHOULD be home in two hours
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I just think you're gonna be with Trash Boat.

Team 1
1. ColdTooth
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Team 2
1. Trash Boat
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
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RANDOM.ORG said I should be in team 2. So I'll join there.
Team 1
1. ColdTooth
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Team 2
1. Trash Boat
2. DakeDekaane
3. ?
4. ?

Sign-ups will be open till the holes of each team would be filled.
Round Results will be posted at 12MN~1AM (GMT +8)
Further rules will be posted after the sign-ups

(I'll go to the beach about 3 hours from now... 'coz family =w=b)
i know everyone is gunna go team 2 because

"omg a brony, i wanna kill!"
Navizel said I should be in team 1.

inb4 lose
Team 1
1. ColdTooth
2. Navizel
3. ?
4. ?

Team 2
1. Trash Boat
2. DakeDekaane
3. ?
4. ?

Navizel wrote: said I should be in team 1.

inb4 lose
ah dont worry

ill let you choose the team title
Trash Boat
so, em, where is going to be the place to discuss this stuff? because i guess it wont be here
Are you even serious when you decided to join the game. For fuck's sake, read the first post carefully.

Chamelo_Th wrote:

I'll provide each team a 'QuickTopic' for chit-chatting and make strategy. Using others methods is fine, but please let me know where do you want to shoot.
Aw shiiiiiiiiiiiet, rivalry is sparking already.
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Trash Boat wrote:

so, em, where is going to be the place to discuss this stuff? because i guess it wont be here
I had sent you a PM of QuickTopic link.
Even before you post this.
Trash Boat
oh ok then thx
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4 more players! 2 each.
Anyone who would like to join?
There's 2 slots on each team.
(petite bump)
Another petite bump :>
C'mon and join the fun!
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I wonder something

Did you guys received my PM of QT link?
Yeah I did, I just never really said anything in it , sorry
/in Team 1.
Team 1
1. ColdTooth
2. Navizel
3. Static Noise Bird
4. ?

Team 2
1. Trash Boat
2. DakeDekaane
3. ?
4. ?
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I usually forgot to change the title. lol

3 More slots! 1 for team 1 and 2 for team 2!
/in Team 2 desu

nani QT
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QT: QuickTopic. A small forum-like chat.
Sent ya a link, thanks for joining! :D

One more for each side! :)

Additional Rules

In order to get away from the classic Battleship, I'll add some gimmicks on it. These will begin once Sign-ups is done.

:arrow: Each team must assign a Fleet Admiral. The Fleet Admiral is the representative of the whole team.
:arrow: The Fleet Admirals must introduce themselves and declare war to begin the game.
:shock: eg. I am OsuMe65 and we declare war. (You can make your own, actually.)
:arrow: The Fleet Admiral can declare a Trêve Temporaire (Temporary Truce) Only ONCE. The opposing Fleet Admiral must agree for the truce to commence. Use it wisely (For short, a timeout). The Fleet Admiral must declare his/her truce in this thread in any round beyond 10.
:shock: This truce is only effective for a day (24 hours). You may discuss your plans during the truce. NO FIRING TILL THE TRUCE IS OVER
(However, the hosts of this game can declare an emergency truce once we have problems/issues)
:arrow: If the Fleet Admiral was K.I.A. (Killed in Action) while he/she has a truce power remaining, he/she can pass the truce power to someone in his/her team. The chosen one can't pass the truce power anymore if he/she is K.I.A.'ed and he/she didn't used it.

Any suggestions and/or complaints? =w=b
Interesting rules, I like them
I'll go with team one if possible.
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OsuMe65 wrote:

Additional Rules

In order to get away from the classic Battleship, I'll add some gimmicks on it. These will begin once Sign-ups is done.

:arrow: Each team must assign a Fleet Admiral. The Fleet Admiral is the representative of the whole team.
:arrow: The Fleet Admirals must introduce themselves and declare war to begin the game.
:shock: eg. I am OsuMe65 and we declare war. (You can make your own, actually.)
:arrow: The Fleet Admiral can declare a Trêve Temporaire (Temporary Truce) Only ONCE. The opposing Fleet Admiral must agree for the truce to commence. Use it wisely (For short, a timeout). The Fleet Admiral must declare his/her truce in this thread in any round beyond 10.
:shock: This truce is only effective for a day (24 hours). You may discuss your plans during the truce. NO FIRING TILL THE TRUCE IS OVER
(However, the hosts of this game can declare an emergency truce once we have problems/issues)
:arrow: If the Fleet Admiral was K.I.A. (Killed in Action) while he/she has a truce power remaining, he/she can pass the truce power to someone in his/her team. The chosen one can't pass the truce power anymore if he/she is K.I.A.'ed and he/she didn't used it.

Any suggestions and/or complaints? =w=b
Basically, it's a 'leader' system.
Great, we'll have that too. :)

Prime Number wrote:

I'll go with team one if possible.
The last guy who will join will be automatically directed to Team 2
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Just one more! \;D/
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Just one last slot and we can start now!
Enter or regret. :P
sounds like fun, I'll join
finally o.o
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Preparing the next step.

Please wait. ^ ^
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Done. Everybody will receive my PM.

Round 1 will start after the Fleet Admirals introduce themselves and declare WAR
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