NOTE: This forum post contains a subset of the rules and regulations present in the linked Rules Document. Please refer to the Rules Document for a complete scope of all regulations.
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- The 5 Digit World Cup 2025 (5WC2025) is a country-based, world-cup-style tournament played in the osu!std game mode.
- This is a 4v4, team size 8 tournament (minimum size of 6).
- Matches will be played using TeamVS and ScoreV2 with NF enforced on all maps.
- There will be a qualifiers stage that determines seeding for a double elimination round of 32 bracket stage.
- Country organizers are assigned and are responsible for submitting final rosters by the posted deadline.
- Warm-ups are not allowed.
- All posted times are in UTC+0.
- This tournament features protect rules.
- Rank locks at the Team Submission Deadline.
- Slight changes to the bws formula have been made (see “Registrations”), but badges from before Jan 1, 2022 do not count.
- Players may only play for the country listed on their profile flag, unless specifically listed otherwise in the rules document. Players with flags generic to their continent must go through osu staff’s process to get their flag changed to play for the country they reside in.
- Changes have been made to the mappool structures & freemod rules. For mappool structure changes, refer to the rules document.
- Changes have been made to how the protect, ban, and pick order are decided.
- Changes have been made to match decision timers.
- Players must play for the country displayed on their profile flag. Refer to “Changing Country” for more details.
- Violations of rules from our Discord server will impact your standing in the tournament. The rules on this document extend to cover our Discord server which is viewed as an official communications platform, as is osu!Bancho, and will be treated as such.
- Players and staff are expected to uphold the osu! community rules at all times.
- Administration reserves the right to punish - as they see fit on a case-by-case basis - toxicity, obscene language, slurs, and other derogatory language or behavior displayed in any match chat, community, or social media platform, including but not limited to osu!, Twitch, Discord, X (formerly Twitter), and private messages therein.
- This rule is intentionally vague. Administration reserves the right to moderate the community however they wish.
- Multi-accounting, cheating, and other foul play is not allowed.
- Should a player be restricted for foul play while the tournament is ongoing, administration reserves the right to disqualify teams entirely and replay the bracket history in a fashion appropriate based on the stage of the tournament.
- Custom skin elements must not be used such that they alter core gameplay elements or mechanics in unintended ways.
- If a map is to be replayed for any reason (aborted by the referee, etc.) the roster must remain the same. If the match was aborted due to a player experiencing a technical or personal issue so severe that they are unable to play osu!, the team may swap that player out for another player on the roster.
- If a player disconnects from the match, their score will count as zero (0) unless adequate proof of a “last known score” is provided. Examples include:
- Screenshot of the score results screen using the osu! web screenshot tool (Shift+F12)
- Livestream, VOD, or other recording of the score (this includes 5WC streams)
- A replay file
- Harassment of staff members, toxicity towards other teams, and/or other language in chat or through smoke that violates the community rules will result in punishment up to and including immediate disqualification from the tournament, pertinent to the judgment of administration.
- Instructions from referees and administration must be followed. Failure to adhere to staff instruction can result in disqualification from the tournament.
- Referees may be lenient or strict with the timers at their discretion, pertinent to the rules laid out in Match Procedures - Timers & Timeouts.
- Administration reserves the right to alter these rules at any point. This is a living document.
- Any changes are guaranteed to be announced through an official channel at the time of change. Any rule changes announced will be applied prospectively.
- Administration may request a liveplay or recordings of individual players or teams at any moment without warning.
- This tournament features a BWS (Badge Weighting System). The formula is bwsRank = curRank^0.989^badges^2.2
- Badges from before Jan 1, 2022 do not count in this formula.
- View this graph on Desmos
- Registrants must individually fill out this form by January 31, 23:59 UTC to be eligible for selection onto their country’s team.
- There will be no rank buffer. You must be exactly within the rank range, after BWS, once the team registration period ends.
- Once team registrations are closed, the rank restriction is lifted.
- Any member of staff except commentators are not allowed to take part in the tournament.
- Eliminated players may apply to join as a staff member (potential roles listed here), should a need arise.
- All players and country organizers must remain in the Discord server so long as their team is not eliminated from the tournament.
- If a player did not register for the tournament during the registration phase, they will not be allowed to play in the tournament. There will be no exceptions to this rule under any circumstances.
Changing Countries
- As this is a country-based tournament, players will be automatically registered to the country associated with their osu! profile flag.
- Territories from this list who are unable to form a team with 6 or more players will automatically be merged with the country they are known to depend on. These players are then eligible for roster selection to play for the country they merge into.
- Players with a flag generic to their continent (such as “European Union”) or other flag where the country of registration is impossible to identify (such as “Anonymous Proxy”) cannot play until their flag is changed.
Country Organizers
- A country organizer is responsible for registering their country’s team in the Discord server.
- Country organizers will be selected by the Admins by the end of the individual registrations period.
- Country organizers who are not registered as a player are not allowed to join the lobby, submit reschedule requests, or make decisions on behalf of their team under any circumstances.
- It is the country organizer’s responsibility to try out registrants and select the most competitive roster possible, per their discretion.
- Country organizers who meet all eligibility criteria to play are eligible to be a player. They do not have to be the team captain, however they must select one.
- Countries with fewer than 6 registrants will not be able to qualify. There will not be a “countryless” team.
- Country organizers are responsible for selecting legitimate players. Those who appear to be multi-accounting or cheating despite passing screening will be reported to the appropriate authorities immediately.
- In extreme cases, this can result in the entire team’s disqualification.
- If any core member of the team gets screened, country organizers are allowed to replace those players with any non-screened reserve player until the start of Qualifiers.
- Any player swaps due to screening must be announced at least 24 hours in advance of the team’s qualifier lobby.
Qualifier Procedures
- Qualifiers will be played in Head to Head, ScoreV2 with NF enforced.
- Only 4 players per team will be able to play Qualifiers at the same time.
- The whole team does not need to be present to play qualifiers so long as 4 players are present.
- Every country must play the qualifiers to qualify for the bracket stage, with the Top 32 scoring countries advancing to the bracket stage, seeded based on percentile maximum. For each map, percentile maximum will be calculated as a team’s score as a percentage of the highest team score on the map.
- Qualifiers will consist of 5xNM, 3xHD, 3xHR and 3xDT.
- Qualifiers will be played in order beginning with NM1 and ending with DT3.
- Qualifiers will be played through only once.
- If a player disconnects during a map due to a technical issue, the disconnected player is allowed to replay that map once.
- A team is given exactly one disconnect redo per lobby.
- Roster changes cannot occur unless the disconnected player is having an issue so severe that they cannot participate in the redo. In this case, only the disconnected player may be replaced.
- Further disconnects will result in a score of zero (0) for that player, regardless of incident.
- A team is given exactly one disconnect redo per lobby.
- All players will be playing the same qualifiers mappool.
- All teams will be able to schedule their own qualifier lobbies at any start time between or including Friday 0:00 UTC and Sunday 20:00 UTC, on the condition their scheduling message with their desired qualifier lobby start time is sent at least 24 hours in advance of said start time.
Qualifier Timers
- Teams that are more than 5 minutes late to their qualifier lobby will need to reschedule.
- Teams have 90 seconds between maps to change players.
Match Procedures
- Teams will receive a notification of their match 15 minutes before the scheduled time by their designated referee.
- If you do not receive a prompt notification, please ping your referee in Discord and then notify an admin if there are subsequent issues getting the match started.
- Lateness to a match is defined as a team not having in the lobby by the time the match is scheduled to begin.
- Teams who are 5 minutes late will forfeit their protection and ban(s).
- Teams who are 10 minutes late will forfeit the match entirely.
- Common sense will be applied if both teams agree to delay the match to a later time due to unforeseen circumstances.
- In the unlikely event that both teams do not have enough players to play the match after 10 minutes, the higher seeded team will win by default.
- All matches will be played in TeamVS with ScoreV2 and NF enforced.
- If a player disconnects during a map due to a technical issue within the first 30 seconds of a map, the match will be aborted and the map will be replayed.
- The 30 seconds is a guideline! It’s up to the referee to enforce the rule as they see fit, as long as they keep to around 30 seconds.
- Teams may not change players after the abort.
- Only if the player with the issue is unable to play may they be replaced.
- A team is give exactly one disconnect abort.
- Further disconnects will not be cause for a match abort.
- Protect and Ban decisions must be submitted by the captain. The rest of the team may pick maps on behalf of the captain. If a player says a map name or mod combo (e.g. HD2), and it is their team’s pick, that map will be played as if it was selected by the captain.
- Common sense will be applied to mispicks. Correcting a mispick after the pick timer has finished is prohibited.
- Teams may enact a replacement captain on the fly should the actual captain be absent for whatever reason. This must be posted in Discord and told to the referee. This person must be a registered player of the team.
- Split or asynchronous lobbies are not allowed.
- Warm-ups are not allowed.
Pick & Ban orders
- The higher seeded team from the qualifiers stage may choose the pick order, or the ban order, with the lower seeded team from qualifiers choosing the order left open by the higher seeded team.
- Teams have 90 seconds each to make their decision.
- If a team is 5 minutes late, they forfeit this choice and their bans. The other team chooses the pick order.
- If both teams are 5 minutes late, all bans are forfeited, and the higher seeded team chooses pick order.
- Any map that is protected cannot be banned.
- Each team will be given 1 map protection at the start of the match throughout all rounds.
- These protections are done in a “blind” format. Each team captain will DM their protection to the assigned referee at the start of the match. Once both protects are sent, the referee will reveal the protects to both teams, and the ban phase will commence.
- A protected map may be picked by either team at any point.
- Bans are ABAB.
- Outside of protections, there are no ban restrictions.
- Maps that are banned cannot be picked.
- Picks are ABAB.
- There are otherwise no picking restrictions.
Timers & Timeouts
- Teams will have 90 seconds to protect, ban, and pick maps.
- Teams will have 90 seconds to ready up after a map has been selected.
- Note that “ready up” in this context implies all team members being in lobby, in the correct slots, and marking themselves as “ready” in the lobby by the end of this countdown.
- After the ready up timer ends, the ref will use “!mp start 10”.
- Referees are given discretion, within reason, to enforce timers as they see fit. Referees who do not enforce timers, or who enforce timers in an obviously biased fashion, should be reported to the administration team immediately.
- Teams have one 120-second timeout they may use at any time and for any reason while the match is in progress.
- The timeout must be requested in chat before any currently active timer expires. Timeouts called after a timer has expired will not be enforced and the match will continue, including the enforcement of delay of game punishments if necessary.
- This includes the ability to extend currently in progress timers for any of protects, bans, picks, or ready ups.
Delay of Game
- A delay of game punishment will be enforced upon teams that are not ready by the time the appropriate match timers are finished.
- Match timers will be enforced using the referee’s IRC log as a reference. Clear issues with Bancho itself may present an exception to this rule.
- First offense:
- Written warning
- A short (20s) buffer to get the match started
- Force !mp start 10 should the offending team still not be ready by this point.
- Second offense:
- If made during a ban, pick, or protect, forfeit the action.
- In the case of a ban or protect, the non-offending team will not receive an additional choice.
- In the case of a pick, the non-offending team will receive the choice instead.
- If during the ready-up phase, force !mp start 10.
- If made during a ban, pick, or protect, forfeit the action.
- Subsequent offenses:
- One additional point awarded to the opponent.
- Match will continue as normal, unless the awarded point results in a victory for the opponent.
Freemod Rules
- These mods can be picked: HD, HR, EZ.
- Each team must pick a total of 4 mods.
- Teams must have at least 1x only HD and 1x only HR
- EZ = HD (Multipliers on EZ are individually adjusted for each Freemod pick on every stage. Those will be visible on the mappool tab)
- EZHD ≠ HD, but counts as 2 mods (Multipliers on EZHD are individually adjusted for each Freemod pick on every stage. Those will be visible on the mappool tab)
- HDHR ≠ HR, but counts as 2 mods
Freemod Multipliers
- EZ - Custom EZ multipliers will be assigned for each FM & TB map.
- As this is an international, country-based tournament, very early or late local match times are unavoidable for certain matchups.
- All matches will be given a default match time by administration.
- Teams will be scheduled on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) by default. It is expected that teams are available on these days throughout the tournament.
- Bracket stage matches must occur between Friday 12:00 UTC and Sunday 23:59 UTC of the weekend of their round.
- Mappool Showcases will take place at Sunday 20:00 UTC or after the last match of the round, whichever is later.
- Schedules will be provided no later than the Monday before the match weekend.
- Qualifiers may not be scheduled past Sunday 20:00 UTC on the qualifiers weekend, no exceptions.
- Qualifiers Results Stream will be scheduled for Sunday 22:00 UTC, and Round of 32 pool & schedules will be released shortly after.
- Teams that do not schedule a qualifier lobby or do not complete a full qualifier lobby in time will be disqualified.
- Teams may request any time they want for a Qualifier Lobby during the qualifiers weekend.
- If a scheduling conflict arises between two countries and cannot be resolved by Thursday 20:00 UTC, administration will intervene.
- It is the responsibility of each team’s captain (not country organizer) to request and submit reschedules on time.
- The scheduling or rescheduling of Qualifier Lobbies and Matches must be done at least 24 hours before the time you are requesting.
- Administration reserves the right to overwrite a default schedule for any reason at any time.
- In the event administration decides to overwrite a default match time, the new time and reasoning will be clearly communicated to all affected teams.
- Administration also reserves the right to approve or deny reschedule requests if necessary.
- If a team captain fails to respond to a reschedule request in a reasonable amount of time (roughly 24 hours), administration will intervene.
- If a team captain requests a totally unreasonable reschedule, it will be denied.
- Teams reserve the right to deny reschedule requests, however, in situations where it is clear a team is being unreasonably stubborn to the point of affecting the integrity of the matchup, administration will intervene.
- Reschedules must be posted in the appropriate Discord channel with a screenshot showing the agreement of both involved parties.
- Player Registrations: January 18 - January 31, 23:59 UTC
- Team Submission Deadline: February 10, 23:59 UTC
- Screening Buffer: February 11-20
- Qualifiers Showcase: February 16, 20:00 UTC
- Prediction Stream: February 22, 14:00 UTC
- Qualifiers: February 25 - March 2, 20:59 UTC
- Round of 32: March 7 - March 9
- Round of 16: March 14 - March 16
- Quarterfinals: March 21 - March 23
- Semifinals: March 28 - March 30
- Finals: April 4 - April 6
- Grand Finals: April 11 - April 13
- 1st Place
- Profile Badge (Pending)
- Animated Profile Banner
- 50% of the Prize Pool
- 2nd Place
- Animated Profile Banner
- 30% of the Prize Pool
- 3rd Place
- Animated Profile Banner
- 20% of the Prize Pool
Aquiii |
Lightin |
Lupa |
N o o b
Aquiii |
BCraftMG |
bento |
Codiant |
Gordon |
hrds |
BCraftMG |
Dave Seville |
DerpyDino |
Murasaki Rie |
P a t r i c k
Aaaaaaalex |
deflateddolphin |
edbones |
ikaenia |
-Gardevoir- |
-invy |
-Schwarts |
balner |
Breast |
CallMeRed |
draconia |
Etfard |
Gordon |
KingBaxter |
Lasseh |
Markrum |
MC_Conqueror |
Nuage |
Sirek |
skiatzo |
Ternafis |
teznin |
Trolloli |
Whenimazombie |
Aquiii |
BCraftMG |
BeZonaurul |
Crystria |
Discord |
IMaxwellI |
Isita |
Iskas |
Mavosiik |
moss- |
my angel nakuru |
renyoo |
Ruan Mei |
Schoki |
-Daku |
-fubukii |
Aquiii |
Cessna |
Flapczek |
ilw8 |
Iskas |
N o o b |
Aquiii |
N o o b |
Skyy | And More To Come!
Social Media:
Happy_24 |
Iskas |
Mappers: To be Announced!
Social Media:
Mappers: To be Announced!