
How did you Find out about Osu!~?

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Interesting since it's not really advertised or anything..

As for me, I was sitting next to a guy at a PC gaming place and he was playing it. I thank the gods that I went that day, otherwise I'd never know about Osu!. Scary thought...

And what were your initial impresions when you first started playing?
I didn't. osu! found me

I have a feeling there's a thread like this somewhere...
Anyway, I saw my friend playing it and it seemed interesting.
It was this guy.

I was looking at his laptop and there were shortcuts that I didn't know. Asked him about one program and it was a mania like rhythm game which auto generate the "beatmap" (I don't know what to call it, but I'm pretty sure you'll understand). But he says, "this one is not so good, there's another one that fits the music more." Then he closed the program and moved his cursor to this pink circle shortcut with three letters and an exclamation mark and open it. I was enlightened.
My cousin introduced me to this game 2 years ago.
It was back in August 2013,

I was watching Dyrus stream one day, and while he was in queue for a League match, he was playing osu! I thought that it looked really cool so I downloaded it and tried it out. I didn't really play osu! too much at first, but I started to play a lot when I found out my friend also played it a couple months later.

B1rd wrote:

First encounter: I was searching for a subbed version of Hyadain2525's Battle of the Four Fiends remix when I stumbled across a video in Youtube. Apparently, someone made a beatmap out of that song, but it wasn't completed and s/he wanted feedback or something. Having played Osu Tatakae Ouendan, I was familiar with the gameplay but was astounded that someone would make a beatmap 'just for fun'. Is there a fan-released Osu game I wasn't aware of?

That was how I found osu. Except I didn't play it yet because I was happy with my DS version... and playing with the mouse was just plain weird to me at that time.

Time skip to a year or so, my friend showed me osu... except she was playing Catch the Beat, and I didn't recognize osu that time until she pushed me to downloaded it. That was I started playing.
Well, I remember going to this party and saw one of my cousins playing osu!.
He was playing taiko and well I have the game for Wii and I thought it would be great to play it on PC as well.
So, when we went to the main menu, I saw the almighty 4 letters, O, s, u, and !.

I went home, downloaded it, made account, blah blah blah
and I failed horribly
and I enjoyed osu!, and as well as the community.
i was watching some cod videas/montages and shiee, i glanced at the videa suggestions and saw something that wasn't related to the call of duties at all

clicked on it, can't really remember what happened but i somehow ended up watching funorange's videas

then i basically went: "this shit looks asian as, ima try get pro @ it"

in my first month of playing, i felt like i could never play insanes/gitgud, was a lot of fun though and still is
saw friend playing it in school library
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mrdumpling64 wrote:

saw friend playing it in school library
Which school?
I was searching rhythm games for my Android phone, and then there's osu!droid. Downloaded it, had so much fun and after some months I downloaded the PC version of it (osu!).
Trash Boat
by my brother, however at that time i had no internet yet, so idk how did he make to install it. and this was the first song i played along with tutorial
I saw my brother playing it upstairs and found it fun after I played it. Downloaded it after a few plays
I was watching someone's league of legends stream (I think it was c9 Hai, forgot) and they started playing osu! during a waiting queue.

Funny thing is I don't play league of legends anymore lol
I was looking at plays of StepMania beatmaps on youtube and one of the suggested videos was a Cookiezi video.
Soo bin
This exact video made me start osu
My younger-sister, I saw My sister playing osu! and I try to play it... luckily, until now I'm still playing it (but sadly, my sister doesn't play osu! anymore)
I found about osu seeing This guy play it in class with his touchscreen phone in late 2013. We go to the same college and classes so later that day I downloaded the game and got hooked hard. :D
Mofu kun
I was watching YouTube, and cookiezi plays big black was in related videos. And now I'm here.
I used to play it on my iDevice, Then I found out there was an PC version... o-o
I don't really recall who (which I find a shame), but I saw someone playing it on twitch either. Kinda cliche but welp. As I saw him playing it it reminded me of EBA which was a huge part of my childhood etc etc, so that made me decide to play it.
Izmukka made me play osu! with him but I didn't really like it back then. (We only played some dubstep on standard)
Around two years later Kyuuto who's now my boyfriend suggested that we would play osu! together. He told me about ctb and got me hooked on the game. ,____,
My friend introduced me to osu! 6 months ago, and I still remember how he raged when he taught me how to play it lol.

And here I am.
I discovered this cool new rhythm game for the DS called Elite Beat Agents in Nintendo's Holiday 2006 catalog, and really badly wanted to play it. I ended up not playing it until I picked up a DS flashcart in 2008, which led me to discover that it was a westernized version of this Japanese-only rhythm game called Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. I ended up beating both games, as well as the Japan-only sequel Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (that name is still fun to say). I got good enough to beat them all on Hard, but still to this day haven't beaten any of the games on Insane (due to the incredibly punishing HP drain).

Then after my DS lite broke in 2009, I still had a craving for that rhythm-based circle-clicking gameplay. I discovered a PC clone of Ouendan in 2009 known as osu!, and immediately quit after bringing my playcount to about 12 (partially due to the difficulty from playing with a terrible wireless mouse at the time, but also because osu! lacked the fun storyboards that changed depending on how well you were playing. I also came in with the mindset that only the "authentic" maps were good, so I didn't even bother even looking at most of the maps that people made).

I then rediscovered osu! in 2012 after getting back into anime, playing a bit of osu!droid (and complaining about how laggy it was), and realizing that my new laptop was perfectly capable of handling the game. It was then when I realized how much progress has been made with beatmapping since I first discovered the game, and I think it was this video (or at least a video of this map) that kindled my desire to get good at the game. And after nearly 2 years, after all sorts of osu!-related setup changes, here I still am!
i was looking for a game for asians
This might be weird but a few years ago I was totally in love with The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and after random search that was based on it (on Youtube), I came across the beatmap and was like "aww dude this looks cool".
Next thing I know was that I hit that download button and started playing this awesome game.
I was in the mood for Taiko back then around 2012 april, with some help from Google i stumbled on a pc version of the game, played Taiko mode on Osu and didn't like it, prefeedr much more on the standard mode

Fast forward and now i'm here grinding my skills clicking on dem circles.
I discovered osu thanks to a group of yaoi fangirls
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^what those people actually exist in Australia?
once you have found one they appear every where
A friend told me about osu! And here I am today.

imaginarywriter wrote:

A friend told me about osu! And here I am today.

_sparky_ wrote:

imaginarywriter wrote:

A friend told me about osu! And here I am today.
There's no way back now.
Because Initial D music.
I was a new Vocaloid fan at the time, and I'd found a few gameplay videos.
About 11 months later (more or less), I came to the site, slapped the download button and started playing.
And, here I am.
Basically two germany Letsplayer brought me here ( and (both inactive :s)) since they were streaming it from time to time.
Thats pretty much it
2 years ago, a friend told me about the game, and I saw some videos. I thought that the game was really cool, and started playing. And I went back to play, with this new account.
i first heard about it while playing latale years ago, i asked about it and it didn't really interest me since i had no interest in rhythm games back then.

then when i started playing was when my friend told me to play osu, i decided to give it a try. Got addicted instantly ;w;
Airgearxtream told me to download the game because he said it have anime openings. He taught me first CtB. Then I saw people talking about osu!standard in #osu, so I played standard too.

(he was raging when i don't follow him)
A Minecraft Youtuber made an osu! video and I thought it was cool.
Mike Azuki
A League of Legends player was playing it (BoxBox)
Saw it on YouTube, I was basically jumping around and clicking at random videos and I stumbled across an osu! video. It was a replay from some top-tier player, don't remember who, but I remember thinking, "Woah, this game looks like it'd be addicting, I'm going to try it out."

I was right.
From anime page, Light was playing osu! xD
i love rhythm games, and i searched "best rhythm games for pc" on youtube and Osu! was number 1 on some guys top 5 list. Lol i didnt know then that i would become a hardcore player of this back then. XD
I was looking for Earthmind - Kaleidoscope on YouTube. All of the hits contained the word "osu!", so I clicked the first one and it was a replay of someone playing. I got curious, searched for osu!, watched some Cookiezi videos, the rest is history.
I was really into Vocaloid and I stumbled upon this video.
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