This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercredi 25 septembre 2024 at 00:31:36
Artist: Linkin Park
Title: Heavy Is The Crown
Source: League of Legends
Tags: nymphe supav derandom otaku ren lol worlds championship 2024 theme ost anthem riot games english rock metal from zero lp kiyoshi guarden leomine leominexd video game andrea osuplayer111
BPM: 128
Filesize: 25177kb
Play Time: 02:42
Difficulties Available:
Download: Linkin Park - Heavy Is The Crown (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1. The Emptiness Machine
2. Heavy Is The Crown
3. Over Each Other
4. Two Faced
(and more to come soon)
league of legend worlds championship 2024 anthem👑
gds by ren, supav, nymphe & andrea
animated youtube video source
thanks defreeyay for mp3/video
thanks leominexd for hitsounds
check out nachmark's alt style version of the song
Artist: Linkin Park
Title: Heavy Is The Crown
Source: League of Legends
Tags: nymphe supav derandom otaku ren lol worlds championship 2024 theme ost anthem riot games english rock metal from zero lp kiyoshi guarden leomine leominexd video game andrea osuplayer111
BPM: 128
Filesize: 25177kb
Play Time: 02:42
Difficulties Available:
- Andrea's Another (4,31 stars, 502 notes)
- Challenger (4,57 stars, 486 notes)
- Nymphe's Insane (4,03 stars, 477 notes)
- Ren's Normal (2 stars, 242 notes)
- SupaV's Hard (3,19 stars, 391 notes)
Download: Linkin Park - Heavy Is The Crown (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1. The Emptiness Machine
2. Heavy Is The Crown
3. Over Each Other
4. Two Faced
(and more to come soon)
league of legend worlds championship 2024 anthem👑
gds by ren, supav, nymphe & andrea
animated youtube video source
thanks defreeyay for mp3/video
thanks leominexd for hitsounds
check out nachmark's alt style version of the song