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This is what you asked for, heavy is the crownFire in the sunrise, ashes rainin' downTry to hold it in, but it keep-
300pp choke ehhhhh
aintnoway shoemaker went from 2-0 to 2-3
o7 eu
doinB eloprint productions
L9 theshy AATROXCARRY (insta victory screen hack) 26rmb/game boost service (iron 4 -> bronze 4 in 2 hours LP TELEPORTATION) CN minimum wage technological advancement (1rmb/month factory job producing fake gucci and versace handbags-> 2rmb/month HUGE BUFF IN NEW PATCH (NEW META?) ) permawinnerq glitch turbolamborghini to rank 1 CN superserver (1v1 xiaochaomeng for rank 1 (guaranteed solo bolo triple proxy strategy 10 cs per hour technique or cashback guaranteed) ) CN combo lee 0.1s BERMUDA TRIANGLE COMBO macro hotkey (100% land rate) background music lyrics: want want want want wantwantwantwantwant you more (plays the NCS AHH BEAT + concussion sound effect) source: https://youtu.be/l5DsrBH_jzE?t=656 (timestamp: 10:56 - 11:04) (THIS PLAY HAS BEEN APPROVED BY TSM PENTALIFT)
bro that lee sin triangle was kinda fire ngl, bro could be the strongest vel'koz main no cap with the way he calculates that hypotenuse
what in the actual fuck is this alien script
sotarks still haven't learned that gigantic OD doesn't makes maps more farm
It does if you just lock in and SS
why just akolibed haven't locked in an SSed Sidetracked Day?skill issue (his play would be 1850pp on lower OD)
bruh this OD is not it
fire in the hole
ranked speedrun any%
Holy, less than 1 week and there's already a map ?
it was literally mapped like 4 hours after release
sotarks speedranking arc
The song has been out for less than 1 day and you still managed to fully map them, and get them ranked. wha- :skull:
sotarks gonna map the whole album 💀
Inb4 speedranking drama sparks
the song is out for 12 hours and what the f ???
why does the singer sound like theyre 30 years younger than the rest of the band??
because she might be
I am not up to date with Linkin Park lore 😔
The song has been out for less than a day and a map is already qualified
Just summon bns smh my head
brother, this song has been out for 10 hours. what are you doing
Every mapers dream. upload a map, 5 hours later qualified.
i predicted this before it happened lol
Literal Speedrun.Godspeed sotarks!Banger ngl, although to me it doesn't hit as hard as imagine dragons, this is the best one out of the past couple years (because its not cringe hiphop or kpop)