
[STD | 10k-100k] 5 Digit Canadian 1v1 Tournament 5

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Welcome to the 5th edition of the 5 Digit Canadian 1v1!

General Rules

  1. This is a 1v1, osu! Standard, double elimination tournament.
  2. The tournament rank range is 10000 - 99999 (no BWS), with no rank buffer. Once registrations are over, if you are overranked or underranked past 10000 or 99999, you will be disqualified from the tournament.
  3. Players must have a Canadian flag on their profile to play or have proof of Canadian citizenship/residency.
    1. If you are a Canadian and would like to participate, but do not have a Canadian flag on your profile, then please contact one of the hosts directly by joining the discord server and messaging them.
  4. The tournament is not badged.
  5. To participate in the tournament, you must be in the Discord server for the duration of the tournament.
  6. The hosts reserve the right to disqualify users on a case by case basis, to maintain the integrity of the tournament (e.g. unrestricted but had all top plays removed).
    1. Players found to be cheating, schedule cucking, or otherwise foul play will be disqualified from the tournament at the staff’s discretion.
  7. Referees, commentators, and streamers will be allowed to participate in the tournament.
  8. Depending on the number of player and staff registrations, qualifiers will lead into RO64.
  9. Follow the instructions given by the referee.(e.g. if they ask you to move to a certain slot, then you should do that.)
  10. All match times will be listed in UTC..

Match Procedures

  1. The lobby will be created by a referee before the scheduled time.
  2. Players will have 10 minutes to join the lobby after the scheduled time. Should a player arrive late, they may play the missed map(s) at the end of the lobby. If a player arrives after the second map has finished, they will not be allowed to play in the lobby and will need to reschedule to a new time.
    1. The referees and other players will wait a maximum of 10 minutes before they start. If you miss the first map, you may play it after the other maps have been completed.
  3. In an exceptional case where a player encounters technical difficulties or disconnects within the first 30 seconds of a map, they will be allowed to replay the map at the end of the lobby. This will only be allowed once per player.
  4. The mappool will be played through in order once.
    1. To reiterate: only 1 playthrough per player.
  5. The top 64 players from qualifiers will advance to the bracket stage. (Subject to change)
  6. No warmups - make sure you warmup & practice before the lobby is opened!
  7. If you miss a lobby, you will have to reschedule for another lobby.
  8. Qualifiers will determine the seedings of the tournament by average placement.
Bracket Stage:
  1. Invites will be sent out by the referees to each player.
    1. If match is not streamed, the max length is 3:59
  3. Both players will roll. The player with the higher roll gets to pick between Ban Order (e.g. whether they ban first or second), or Pick Order (whether they pick first or second).
    1. If the Pick order was chosen, then the player with the losing roll will choose the Ban order.
    2. If the Ban order was chosen, then the player with the losing roll will choose the Pick order.
    3. The pick order will be ABAB
    4. The ban order will be ABBA
  4. There will be a 10 minute grace period for players to show up to the match. Once 5 minutes have elapsed, the player at fault forfeits all his bans in the match. Once the 10 minutes are over, if a player does not show up, they forfeit the match.
  5. Players will have 2 minutes to pick and ban maps. If a player fails to ban a map within the given time, they will not get a ban. If a player fails to pick a map within the given time, the pick will be given to the other player.
    1. This means that if a player forfeits their pick, then the opposing player will be able to pick 3 maps in a row.
  6. If a player disconnects within the first 30 seconds of a map, the map will be replayed. If that player disconnects again in another map, they forfeit the map.
  7. No Fail and ScoreV2 will be required on all maps.
  8. You cannot ban the tiebreaker.
  9. The tiebreaker is Free Mod - you don’t have to choose a mod! (NoFail and ScoreV2 are still enforced)
    1. The EZ multiplier on TB is 1.7x.

Subject to Change. Refer to the discord for the most up-to-date information.
Weekday matches are allowed with mutual agreement from both players and relevant staff.


  1. Registration: September 9th - October 2nd (Tentative)
  2. Qualifiers: October 5-6
  3. Round of 64, 32, 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals, Grandfinals subject to change depending on signups.
    1. If RO64 happens, the Grand Finals will be held on the November 23-24 weekend.
    2. In any case, the tournament will be concluded by December 2nd.

Mappool Information

  1. 4 NM, 2 HD, 2 HR, 2 DT
  2. Star range is around 6.2 stars.
  3. Refer to Qualifier Procedures for more information.
RO64, RO32:
  1. 5 NM, 2 HD, 2 HR, 3 DT, 1 TB
  2. Best out of 9
  3. Star range of Round of 64 is around 5.60 stars
  4. Star range of Round of 32 is around 5.70 stars
  5. 1 ban per player
RO16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals:
  1. 6 NM, 3 HD, 3 HR, 4 DT, 1 TB
  2. Best out of 11
  3. Star range of Round of 16 will be around 6.00 stars
  4. Star range of Quarterfinals will be around 6.30 stars
  5. Star range of Semifinals will be around 6.50 stars
  6. 2 bans per player - no double-banning mods (except NM pool)
Finals, Grand Finals:
  1. 6 NM, 4 HD, 4 HR, 4 DT, 1 TB
  2. Best out of 13
  3. Star range of Finals will be around 6.70 stars
  4. Star range of Grand Finals will be around 6.80 stars
  5. 2 bans per player - no double-banning mods (except NM pool)


  1. 1st place: profile banner + 40 CAD
  2. 2nd place: profile banner + 25 CAD
  3. 3rd place: profile banner + 10 CAD
i love canada
may we tempt you with a cheese stick
femboy lover
hi canada
GFX department cooked frrrrrrrrrrrr (Totally wasn't me that made the GFX *cough* *cough*)
I would say wjat I think about this post if I coudl read
go america
Can you believe it guys? 5DCT, just a week away. 5DCT is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. 5DCT! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? 5DCT! Just in a week! It got here so fast! 5DCT! Just a week away!
omw to get dumpstered by an 80k player with basic reading abilities
BBC Enjoyer
i will win for laval :D
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bring the noise
Can I play too? :D
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