
Difficulty Info

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +119
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A little bit linked with the idea posted here t/191030 since it would be a good addition.

My idea is to give information about the difficulty of each map in the song select menu. It could be located on the top where OD, CS, AR etc are shown and maybe work as an expanding tab (like the fun spoiler). It can be solid too! Though it may take some space.

I don't have any picture for it, but just imagine that you choose the map, move your cursor to the top and the tab expands: here you have values for aim/speed, maybe with some bar graphs, and of course the basic features like OD, CS. And all those values change depending on the mods selected.

If it was implemented it would get rid of the diff name problem since people would be able to see the "real" difficulty beforehand. The star rating problem would be solved (set a 10 star rating with the limit of 300, maybe more pp rating, those which are over-limit will be 10 star +). Since Tom's algorithm is now the official ranking, I don't think there should be a problem as to use the data for this purpose.

@edit: I forgot about the accuracy rating (depends on the %), so we can just have the values for SS. Or we can just omit it.
@edit2: I'll try to make it look more understandable when I have time.

I'm terrible at explaining things, but well.... You'll have to deal with it.
Wish I had stars to suppot this ;-; This is a good idea.
Eizan Arizawa

ColdTooth wrote:

Wish I had stars to suppot this
We need more stars !! LOL
Topic Starter
I heard that Tom maybe had sth planned already (he is busy with studies now), so don't waste too much stars : D

Nevertheless, I'd love to see some more opinions or maybe someone skilled in graphics could prepare some delicious representation of the idea ^^
Eizan Arizawa

AmaiHachimitsu wrote:

I'd love to see some more opinions or maybe someone skilled in graphics could prepare some delicious representation of the idea ^^
Here the screenshot of representation but i'm not really good at photoshop so before you see the screenshot make sure your read the warning notice
warning: you will get sick after you see the screenshot because the bad photoshop skill, i'm not take any responsibilty for this screenshot
i don't think it's the meaning of your post but i think i get a little stuck on making this because little information about graphical you want so, i'm sorry if i can't make it like you want ;)
Topic Starter
Well, something like that, but maybe with exact numbers (ppl love numbers) so players can more or less predict how much pp they can gain or how does the map compares in difficulty to others (one map was worth X so I think I might be ok with map that is X - 10).
~Support as soon as i get more stars, I guess.
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