
Is 3.8-4 * within 2 months considered good progression?

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twink weeb
Felt like ive been playing for like 6-7 i feel like this is fast progression or normal

I dont really know :sob:
I would say it is decent progression if it was real, doing "3.8-4* within 2 months" should mean racking up S ranks on those beatmaps consistently one after another, rather than playing them sometimes and think you're at that level.
Average i'd say, it depends on how often you play by the way

SnixWasTaken wrote:

I would say it is decent progression if it was real, doing "3.8-4* within 2 months" should mean racking up S ranks on those beatmaps consistently one after another, rather than playing them sometimes and think you're at that level.
absolutely, i think a lot of new players are too impatient that end up playing stuff that is impossible for them to read until they play consistently with good practice and accuracy for at least a few years

on topic yeah its pretty good dont compare yourself to others though, playing more will eventually make you better and better and enjoy the game
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twink weeb
Thanks for the tips I got alot of encouragement and play way more now :P
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