
Osu!Mania Release Notes

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1
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This might have already been suggested, but I thought I'd shout into the void anyways:

It'd be cool to have an additional kind of note in osu!mania, currently hold notes require you to hold and release for full accuracy, it's pretty divisive- so much so that there's now a mod that disables it.

I've found when mapping sometimes a hold note trails off (like a held piano key) and it feels wrong to emphasize the ending. Whereas sometimes there are hold notes that have a distinctive cut off that you want to map.

My suggestion would be to introduce a new type of hold note that doesn't require being lifted at the end.

A game that implements this kind of system, for example, is spin rhythm:

(Hold and Lift)

(Just Hold)
"hold" and "lift" is more or less how it works in SMX as well and I was surprised how intuitive that was for me for pick up, as someone who previously hadn't played any game with those concepts separated. I think there's good value in this, but presentation is key -- these new "lift-less" holds have to be just as intuitive as lifts in these other games, even when the user is playing with a mania skin that wasn't built to support them.
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