
how long did it take you to S rank 2*, 3*, 4*, etc?

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-Crazy Frog
state whether you're talking about either 4k or 7k. am just curious on how other people experience improvement
for 7k it was like 1-3 days for playing 2* around 1-2 weeks for 3* and close to 2 months for 4*

i can't really say for 4k since i played stepmania first and could already play 4* before i learned what star rating was
4k: I played a bit of FNF before mania so I started mania at 3* and was getting like 90%, from there it took me 4 days to s rank a 4*.
7k: S ranked a 2* on my first day and S ranked a 3* on my third day(Today), I'll see how long it takes for a 4*.(Edit: After a 4-day vacation from August 1st to 4th, I S ranked 3 4* maps today, August 6th. So, in terms of days, it took me about a week.)
i played gh before a bit when i was younger and i was initially able to A rank 2 stars but took like a few days to get my first 2 star S, 2 weeks for my first 3 star S (right on the dot 3.00 diff ranked lol) took about 3 months to S rank my first 4 star
I never really paid much attention to how long it took me to improve at 4k, but I do remember that improving from 5* to 6* took FOREVER. It took me at least a year of playing every day to get to 6*. Probably like 80% of the time I've put into this game was just getting past that skill wall
Talking about 4k.

I already had experience on robeats so I started off playing 4 stars. Once I started playing mania seriously (march 2021) I quickly made it past the 5 star barrier in a couple of weeks and the 6 star barrier a few months later. Fast forward to later that year (around september) and I was getting my first S ranks on 7 stars. I could play unranked 8 stars by then but for ranked 8 stars, it took me ~2 years to do (march 2023). 9 star barrier was broken a couple months later and then I broke the 10 star barrier after about half a year. If we count unranked then excluding vibro, I've broken the 11 star barrier just recently. LN is broken.

Started 4 stars bc robeats
5 stars - ~2 weeks later
6 stars - ~2 months later
7 stars - ~2/3 months later
8 stars - ~2 years later
9 stars - ~1/2 months later
10 stars - ~6/7 months later
11 stars (unranked) - ~3 months later
12 stars (unranked) - no doable maps atm
7K: Late 2016, so about a year or so to S-rank a 4*.
For 7k it took about 1-2 months to get my first s on a 4* but I probably took about a year or so to get my first s On a 4* for 4k
4k: My first ever play was a 4* S rank, but I had prior experience beforehand (Robeats), I think it took me about 2 years for 4* S? 5* S was a bit trickier, it took a few weeks after I got my first 4* S. Got hard stuck at 5* for a really long time because I never pushed for 6 stars. Soon after, I pushed my boundary. 6* was galaxy collapse, it took days of training but I eventually got it around 3.5 years of playing. 7* had taken me more than 4 years, on parallel universe with halftime (I am an LN main). Nearing 5 years of playing, I got S on HALL very recently...

7k: I actually started learning 7k on Osu, it took about a week to get my first 2* S. 3* took about an entire month. I only have 1 ever 4* S which was set last month.
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