
Poll 21: Do you use a skin?

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What skin do you play osu! with?

The default skin, as-is
The default skin, with a few minor tweaks
A skin downloaded from the website or updater
A heavily customized, combined, or original skin
Total votes: 2421
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I mostly play with the default skin, because i think i can only play with it. xD
Skins are nice for variety for me. ^^
just use The default skin, as-is :)
I use three different skins:

1. A custom made one that I created from scratch. It was designed and optimised for AR10.33 and higher.

2. Narrill's older skin for HR with some added customization.

3. A "competitive skin" that is just a mixture of several other players skins like Dsan's, Azer's, Xilver's, Kaoru's, etc.

The only time i use the default skin is when i am modding or editing a beatmap xD
I use default skin, since I already comfortable with it and I like the design already.
I tend to play much worse when I use a custom skin, so I rather avoid it all together.
I use heavily modified skin because i failed to find a skin that i actually like.
The default skin hurts my eyes when playing Taiko ;_;
Sometimes custom skins and skins from the site make it more difficult to play by having a cursor which tends to blend in with backgrounds, and having hit scores (50, 100, 300, etc.) which are so big that they interfere with visibility, not to mention that some of them are kinda flashy. The default doesn't cause any problems for me so I just stick with that.
I use my own skin, Spectrum 2. Check my sig, it's sik nasty
i use a heavily modified skin of Dakkychan (RIP) link
I mostly use default for osu!, CtB, and taiko. but i use a modified o2jam skin made by ecafree2 for mania, since the column size and colour isn't good (idk how to change it).
The question is: Is the main purpose of a skin to make the game look better - or to make it simple? 8-)
Jean barrios
i usually like to mix skins that i downloaded, because i like some textures from that skin, and it's the same with other skin, either way, i end up mixing things anyway lol.
Custom skins make my PC lag,that's why I use the default skin.
Costum, it can be made for more "Minimalist"


_DUSK_ wrote:

The default skin hurts my eyes when playing Taiko ;_;
Currently using a combination of Harmony and WilchQ's skin
Custom Transparent skin user here :)

Anyway, my only issue with a skin is its hitsound and transparency for smooth play. Like, I get comfortable hitting those circles with a nc hitsound and get comfortable reading the map with transoarent sliders. Somethin like those.
I use skins that don't take to much focus like Luminous (v2) (link, IT doesn't have any numbers in the circles and that does have pro's and con's. The pro's is as i said before it doesn't take much focus and that when ever you get a miss, 50, 100 or a 300 it isn't distracting and in your face but the con's are that I really like jump maps but sometimes I become confused with the order of the circles. If i would change the default skin I would make the colors less vivid and the miss's, 50's, 100's and 300's less distracting.
imo rrtyui's skin is the best
no i don't use a skin
cinnabar real

Syden wrote:

I find the updater's skins to be garbage (no offence), but i feel that way about any over decorated skin.
dude, you are [b]SO FREAKING TRUE[b]
I really think those skins are impossible to read.

Nice to see someone with the same opinions as me
I use one a friend made for me using a bunch of other skins.
i play with two custom skins: one reddish-pink, and the other one is a kind of blue you'd see in a rafis skin. this is primarily to affect how i play, since red scientifically enhances focus and aggression, while blue suggests a more passive and calm sensation. the skins themselves are not by any means perfect, especially the standard mode, but it is fixable.

i'm also too lazy to add taiko to my red skin.
I'll play with anything so long as the cursor looks good and there's no sliderend circle lol.
[Trz] Zulsramno
Yugen 4 life
The original skin is simply too bright to use competitively, it is very distracting but also skin downloading can be made easier. there should be a section on the top ribbon specifically for skins

Nathanael wrote:

I use the default skin with some minor tweaks to remove the elements which causes lags and distracting at gameplay.

Me too, and the reason for keeping default skin is to prevent dependence on custom skin.
I use DDM's skin, its really good though.
default skin is bad
there is too much particles and balls and stuff
just run a tech map on it
u will see...
epic man 2
I use a skin called "DYSSODIA" for Mania in general, it helps me to read the map as clear as it is since it's hard to read with the default skin.. For me, of course.

It mainly works in 4K, any other key modes above 4K it will have a bar on one column while other columns are
I use the skin from popular Youtuber lol
It depends sometimes customized is better for me, but some of these skins some people make are amazing
i just use either the OT skin or the Night03 skin my Corne over in OT to lol
i like using skins ! they make my game feel a lot more customized and cute, and most of them are actually easier to play with ^__^
for a person who now only likes to play osu mania (but i'm exploring other game modes), i like this default skin. I have other friends who say i should get a skin but I think I like how this default skin looks like.
I actually don't use a skin since I'm new to the game, so I will appriciate it if someone told me how to implement a skin into the game
I had several issues with the default skins, and I couldn't find a skin on the website that suited my preferences, so I started working on my own. After all major issues I had with the default skin whilst playing were sorted out, I found that everything became a lot more readable. (I left the menus as-is, since they didn't affect playability.)
I use dusk's skin (cuz i like the rowlet catcher) however i decided to change some sounds to hat kid voice lines (like making my combo break become her yelling peck)
I also changed the pause loop to peace and tranquility
Not a single one. Haven't seen a need to change that stance yet.
Yes, I use Mathi's yellow cursor skin for gameplay and mapping.

Always felt the desire to "draw" my cursor movements when I first touched osu! and it translated into this skin.
Also use it for mapping since transparent sliders and lightly colored combo colors, which I love using as a mapper.
I used a lot of skin but currently the cool megumin skin
[ Sebastian ]
I just use the default skin. I tried using some other skins, but they looked weird to me and I'm just more used to the default skin.
I used a lot of skins but I do remember I used to play with custom skins I created online. Some skins are because they're visually appealing, some skins because I just feel like I'm gonna play better with it; whatever the reason, I had a reasonable amount of them.
My top preferences are Mafham's EZ skin, MillhioreF's EZ skin, and any of GN's boom skins.
I used to use popular 4k skins and customize them to my liking but now I have learned to make my own skin and I only use my own skin now
I always get a ton of skins first and review them to see which one's the most I like. I often stick to a skin for almost a year after moving on to a new one.
Is this subforum still alive?

But yeah. I did the same thing like Stomiks did. like using a skin for a while until i get tired of it. so far i'm using the Freedom Dive skin and never changed since, because it already feels comfortable compared to other skins. I tried other skins like shige's latest skin, but i couldn't perform well.
[ Sebastian ]
I use a mix of Clear Skin Ultra 4.0 for CTB (community/forums/topics/887468), and a Mega Lucario skin for basically everything else (
Duck o-o
I will only ever use modified versions of the monster hunter skin (community/forums/topics/1678151?n=1) depending on which holiday is closest
i use my own skin that i made on powerpoint OwO, otherwise aristia for taiko
I have not used a skin yet
The default skin is just impossible for me...
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