
Improving at osu!mania

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Hello HalBroadside,
There is a difference about a fingering skill whether man have the past experience of other rhythm games,
but you can pass it depends on how much effort you make for usual practicing.

and could you read several high-density maps properly? for notes, LNs, and else patterns
No chances for people who haven't proper (I mean matching one's level) reading skill,
even though you can press the objects correctly, and vice versa.

I suggest you exercise your finger like taking a constant rhythm alternately in usual life.
what you don't press too hard is the most important thing, otherwise you will tense up soon.
Good Luck :oops:
If you have trouble with hands tensing up, I'd recommend slowing the pace a little bit, and trying to play with as smoothly as possible.
Mess around with your key layout, and try to find a comfortable hand position.

Also, be careful with your scrolling speed, I see a lot a players who can't manage their own scrolling speed, thinking it helps reading patterns, but resulting in unnecessary finger tension and hitting notes inconsistently early or late (often late).

Take breaks often, I rarely play more than 1 hour per session.

When you're bored you can also try to do fast one-handed trills on a table (alternating between two fingers). Try to do this as fast as possible without tensing your hands.

Also remember that tensing your hands during gameplay should only be used in death parts (Identity Part II notewall in o2jam).

And last advice, usually, sometimes not playing for a few days / a week, helps building greater skill when you get back at the game. It works for me and most people I know.
Force yourself to tap the keys as lightly as possible, just enough ti trigger the press, for normal notes. For LNs (holds), just try to keep relaxed and not use too much force on the key. It's really difficult to force yourself to play lightly, but it is really helpful in the long run. It can make an incredible difference in skill sometimes.

Also, we have 2 threads that you could have posted this in: t/172151 and t/146615, theres no need for this to be a separate thread.
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