
all black shoes or all white shoes

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black shoes
white shoes
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my brother and i have had this debate for years

i have always worn black shoes, occasionally i wear white ones
vise versa for my brother, he always wears white shoes but occasionally he wears black ones

my arguments:
-shoes shouldnt be the main part of your outfit, black shoes are really easy to sort of move attention away from your shoes
-black shoes are far more professional
-black shoes don't get dirty (or at least, you cant see the dirt)

brother's arguments
-white shoes go with everything
-popular in fashion
-only emos wear black shoes

ofc there are probably more arguments but those are the ones i can think of right now
black and white go with anything, so i don't mind either. i personally though have to always wear colorful shoes, but if i had to choose, i'd pick black shoes because of the two pairs of full black combat boots i have

sametdze wrote:

Black shoes don't get dirty (or at least, you cant see the dirt)
white shoes are definitely better than black shoes for the first 3-6 months

lostsilver wrote:

black and white go with anything, so i don't mind either. i personally though have to always wear colorful shoes, but if i had to choose, i'd pick black shoes because of the two pairs of full black combat boots i have
full black combat boots.... i dont know why but i saw this one picture some time ago of full white combat boots with so many straps it looked so silly but also.... tastyyyy

if i had the actual money to feel safe buying enough clothes for an outfit that works with these, and only if that outfit was something that was able to fit my body but also make my body silhouette a bit differently-contoured, then ooooo i would totally wonder if i could pull it off

(i found them!!!)
these,, they dont make sense to me, like why would i like this im pretty sure they would maybe look dumb but somehow they intrigue me immensely

it could theoretically look totally wrong though. i usually assume everything looks wrong on me because like, it usually does and i dont like how anything sits on me ever


im just not brave enough for any kind of white shoes, so

even though there may have been a world for me with them,
i have to stay in relative inconspicuous safety with black shoes
I only have black/dark shoes.
White gets dirty way too fast and reflects sunlight so not good for everyone else.

Jangsoodlor wrote:

sametdze wrote:

Black shoes don't get dirty (or at least, you cant see the dirt)

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

black and white go with anything, so i don't mind either. i personally though have to always wear colorful shoes, but if i had to choose, i'd pick black shoes because of the two pairs of full black combat boots i have
full black combat boots.... i dont know why but i saw this one picture some time ago of full white combat boots with so many straps it looked so silly but also.... tastyyyy

if i had the actual money to feel safe buying enough clothes for an outfit that works with these, and only if that outfit was something that was able to fit my body but also make my body silhouette a bit differently-contoured, then ooooo i would totally wonder if i could pull it off

(i found them!!!)
these,, they dont make sense to me, like why would i like this im pretty sure they would maybe look dumb but somehow they intrigue me immensely

it could theoretically look totally wrong though. i usually assume everything looks wrong on me because like, it usually does and i dont like how anything sits on me ever


im just not brave enough for any kind of white shoes, so

even though there may have been a world for me with them,
i have to stay in relative inconspicuous safety with black shoes
honestly i'd buy those combat boots
they look so silly heheheheheh

and dont worry!! im sure youll eventually find some sort of style that you like that fits you <33
both can look good, but im gonna go with black shoes, because they look cooler and because im emo /j
Theres nothing like walking around in uncreased, clean white shoes
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