
Linkin Park - Waiting for the End

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Thanks for the comments again, guys! I'm really happy to see them :3

Anyways, added an amazing SB by Gero, please redownload. ^^

Mapset is now ready to go~

Andrea wrote:

This probably will be my last own map? Who knows, I can never tell.
Nah, it's like drugs; you don't stop.
Just a quick mod from my queue.
Enable epilepsy warning on all difficulties.

00:57:247 (1,2,3,4) - Rearrange these a little bit. Right now they play quite null. A suggestion: click!.
03:14:188 (1) - New combo on (2) instead of this note.

01:02:188 (5) - Delete this slider so there's a nice break before the spinner, just like on other difficulties.
03:14:541 (1) - Using a new combo doesn't really fit. I'd rather you used it on current (2) instead.

02:38:188 (8) - New combo here instead of 02:38:894 (1)­, despite the vocals.
03:36:953 (9) - Missing a finish at its beginning.
03:47:541 (6,7) - Add two finishes at their beginnings?

00:21:070 (5) - You could use of a clap at the end of this slider, sounds pretty fun like that. If you're going to apply this, also apply to other similar notes (00:32:541 (4)­, 00:44:012 (6)­ and so on). This might apply to other difficulties too.
00:21:600 (6,7,8) - These notes could be placed a little bit further, like this. Adds some fun emphasis on that part, just like at 01:29:364 (3,4,5)­.
00:51:600 (5,6) - Not that big of a deal, but these might look better if moved a little bit further from each other, like (5) x:204 y:60.
01:55:835 (1) - Ermm, aren't slider reverse arrows covered by a hitburst unrankable? Right now it is covered. How to fix that: Grab 01:54:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and Ctrl+J these notes.
03:47:541 (5,6) - Add two finishes at their beginnings?

That's it! Good luck, buddy~
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Really helpful mod, thank you!

Fixed everything except the finishes at the end, I don't like how they sound there.

hue hue gratz for 200 o3o
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Thank you :3

Now it's time to summon some BATs here ^^

Good luck on your 200th rank and 44th rank as Andrea (: ♥
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Thanks a lot Gabe! <3

You trolled me again xD
loooool Go go!
OMG lol gabe you're the master of trolling xD

Gero wrote:

OMG lol gabe you're the master of trolling xD
go go Andrea :3

wdf with that avatar gero orz

Natsu wrote:

Gero wrote:

OMG lol gabe you're the master of trolling xD
go go Andrea :3

wdf with that avatar gero orz

#BlameIrreversible Baka natsu hahahahaha
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IRC Modded by Chewin, thank you!

21:59 *Chewin is editing [ Linkin Park - Waiting for the End [Normal]]
21:59 Chewin: 01:30:070 (1) - che brutta sta NC, rimuovila e mettila sul (2)
22:00 Andrea: ok fixo
22:01 Andrea: done <3
22:01 Chewin: 02:20:541 (1) - non ci dovrebbe essere nc qui visto che 02:26:188 (3) - non c'è o.o
22:01 Chewin: ma dovrebbe essere qui 02:22:659 (3) -
22:01 Chewin: fai la stessa cosa per 02:31:835 (1) - questa parte qui
22:02 Andrea: ok fixate entrambe
22:02 Chewin: non mi piace per niente come hai messo le combo qui sinceramente ahah
22:02 Chewin: sono piu cvorte della easy
22:02 Chewin: corte*
22:03 Andrea: un pò si xD
22:03 Chewin: 03:33:953 (1) - remove nc03:36:070 (2) - nc mi sembra piu logico qui
22:03 Andrea: done
22:03 Chewin: però boh tipo l'hai messa anche qui 03:39:600 (1) -
22:03 Chewin: hai fatto un po' un casino..
22:03 Andrea: dimmi come fixarle
22:03 Andrea: e lo faccio
22:04 Chewin: no vabbe è consistente con la parte prima
22:04 Chewin: ma io le avrei messe proprio in modo diverso su tipo l'80% della mappa
22:04 Chewin: ma ok.. xD
22:04 Andrea: ho un comboing strano lo so
22:04 Andrea: xD
22:05 Chewin: non è che è strano
22:05 Chewin: non ha senso
22:05 Chewin: 'w'
22:05 Chewin: andrea che mappa 4 diff per una songf di quasi 4 min
22:05 Chewin: is that the real andrea? o.o
22:07 Andrea: shit happens
22:09 Chewin: 00:37:482 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - mh..
22:09 Chewin: 3505050 better
22:09 Andrea: la hard?
22:09 Chewin: si
22:10 Chewin: anche perchè quei circle sono piazzati in maniera meh.
22:11 Andrea: fixato in maniera molto simile :3
22:11 Chewin: gg molto meglio imo
22:11 Andrea: quoto
22:11 Chewin: 01:54:423 (1,2,3,4,5) -
22:11 Chewin: billu
22:11 Andrea: *w*
22:14 Chewin: 03:47:541 (5,6,7,8) -
22:14 Chewin: is that andrea! :D
22:14 Andrea: them jumps ♥
22:18 Chewin: 01:54:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
22:18 Chewin: omg
22:18 Chewin: -_____-
22:18 Andrea: immaginavo ti lamentassi
22:18 Andrea: xD
22:18 Andrea: è troppo?
22:19 Chewin: beh se vuoi tenerlo tienilo
22:19 Chewin: a me non piace
22:19 Chewin: hue
22:19 Andrea: se mi suggerisci una bella pattern? ♥
22:19 Andrea: non ho idee migliori Q_Q
22:19 Chewin: mh idk
22:19 Chewin: ci penso
22:19 Chewin: rofl
22:25 Andrea: è difficile trovare altre pattern ;w;
22:26 Chewin:
22:26 Andrea: la provo
22:26 Chewin: il 01:55:835 (1) - piazzalo dove meglio credi, li mi sembra giusto per il flow dopo il (4) che il cursore continua a tenere lo stesso movimento circolare
22:26 Chewin: (ps: non ho aggiunto gli hitsounds
22:27 Andrea: se provassi la tua stessa pattern però un pò più larga va bene?
22:28 Chewin: 02:18:070 (5) - sembra piazzato cosi a caso o.o x:364 y:200
22:28 Chewin: cmq si mettili come meglio credi
22:28 Chewin: ti ho dato solo un input ;p
22:29 Chewin: 02:44:541 (5) - mettere nc per evitare anche la combo di 10 elementi
22:30 Chewin: 02:59:364 (9) - ^
22:30 Chewin: 03:13:835 (8) - ^
22:31 Chewin: 03:19:482 (6) - ^
22:31 Chewin: odio le combo lunghe xD io ti consiglio quali fixare
22:31 Chewin: poi vedi tu, puoi fixarne alcune o altre no
22:31 Andrea: devo fixare il colorhaxing argh
22:31 Chewin: o nessuna
22:31 Chewin: o tutte
22:31 Andrea: le fixo si
22:31 Chewin: vedi te xD
22:31 Andrea: odio le lunghe pure io
22:31 Chewin: ecco xD
22:32 Chewin: 03:25:129 (7) - ^
22:32 Chewin: 03:41:541 (5) -
22:34 Chewin: 03:48:600 (1) - perchpè non ci aggiungi una .75x con nc su questo slider? il vocal è piu calmo:
22:34 Chewin: finito :D
22:35 Andrea: preferisco di no per l'ultimo suggerimento
22:35 Chewin: era fiqo
22:35 Chewin: k cmq
22:35 Chewin: quando hai fatto me lo dici
Well yea, we have changed some small stuff in Normal, Hard and some important patterns in Insane diff. (That now it's Hard diff idk).


Gratz for your 200th map baka <3
OMG Gratz!
Gratz gratz gratz Andrea-sama~ :D
Gratz for your 200th ranked map, my friend :D
Congratulations on your 200th ranked map! Good luck in future endeavors!
Congratz baka, 200 nice ;)
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Thanks everyone guys :)

Love you all <3
bravo uomo
yay :3 Gratz Andrea
hopefully more maps soon o3o
Congratulazioni Andrea per il 200esimo rank! O.o

woh, così tanto! Grazie per aver portato tutte queste map su osu! :D
congratulations Andrea :)
ouh yeah ! gratz for your 200th ranked map !
Congratz for your 200th ranked map, finally you did it!

I mean, congratz
Gratz for your 200th ranked Map Andrea! :33
Congrats on your 200th map Andrea!
Congrats sexy Andrea :D
P o M u T a
:) :D
Nice Andrea ^-^b

Please don't leave ;w;
omg Andrea so fast xD

gratz :oops:
lol interesting song choice at this particular point
congratz :)

Satellite wrote:

congratz :)
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Thanks once again everyone guys, really!

So kind of you :oops:

I'm really happy >w<
Gratz <3 I hope you don't quit mapping ;w;
Congratulations! And happy 200th rank =w=

Kodora wrote:

Congratulations! And happy 200th rank =w=
omedeto 200 o/
Akiyama Mizuki
Wow, this is what I should congratulate. though I rly hate your mapping style
Legendary x_x
Congratulations! :D
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It's so nice to see so many warm and beautiful comments from all of you, guys. :3

I'm really happy that I reached this achievement after 5 years of mapping, and this is also thanks to all of you. <3
I'm late again orz
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