
What is the meaning of life for you?

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Wimpy Cursed
I looked into a forum post recently, unrelated to osu!. I wanted to answer a looming question that has been around for months now: the purpose of our existence, of life. Well, it's nothing.

I found out that people make up their own meanings to fulfill themselves, to continue living. But I don't think I really have a meaning myself.. hence the question. So, for you, what is your meaning of being here? Even if you don't think you have one, what motivates you?

I want to learn further about this, to see how I can apply the answers to myself.
Cant wait to see what people say omg...

for me its all the small things!!! For a majority of my life I've struggled with depression and struggled with finding a meaning in life. I always thought your reason for living had to be something big, or for someone else... but then I started to heal and began appreciating all the small things in my life. Like the way the flowers looked on my walk to school, the yummy taste of pizza, how soft and nice my bed feels- just all these things I didn't put enough notice and appreciation to before.

so to me, I think the meaning of life is simply to exist, experience, and feel. there's lots of bad in the world but if you REALLY look around and take things in, there's a lot more good!!!

Patatitta wrote:

I guide myself by this
I thought of the same thing, also Life of Brian.
lots and lots of sex and Linux troubleshooting

In all seriousness, I am one to believe that the biological meaning of life, which is to make a fuck ton of kids, goes hand in hand with the one we, personally, make for ourselves. I personally want to help people as much as possible when it comes to the things that I find enjoyable, i.e games and computers/computing in general, as well as emotionally, whenever I can.

Winnyace wrote:

I personally want to help people as much as possible when it comes to the things that I find enjoyable, i.e games and computers/computing in general, as well as emotionally, whenever I can.
actually super sympathetic, i wish you well there, i hope you'll find what you hope to learn of these things

vNoke wrote:

Cant wait to see what people say omg...

for me its all the small things!!! For a majority of my life I've struggled with depression and struggled with finding a meaning in life. I always thought your reason for living had to be something big, or for someone else... but then I started to heal and began appreciating all the small things in my life. Like the way the flowers looked on my walk to school, the yummy taste of pizza, how soft and nice my bed feels- just all these things I didn't put enough notice and appreciation to before.

so to me, I think the meaning of life is simply to exist, experience, and feel. there's lots of bad in the world but if you REALLY look around and take things in, there's a lot more good!!!
also, this is really sweet <3 i hope youll grow to nourish what you want through this


ot: i dont actually have an articulate answer to this...

i dont particularly want to prescribe or describe my experience of life or other lives with a pre-deterministic "purpose" of my own... but i probably do it subconsciously anyway, not that i really know

if i was asked seven years ago, i would've had some form of "nihilist-absurdist" response, but not i'm not really sure i have a descriptor i consciously adopt. it's like, these things mean different things to different people... and the colloquial understanding of a descriptor is increasingly lacking

maybe i'm some form of... humanistic pseudo-hedonistic maybe-existentialist-absurdist phantom of idealized notions of altruism and eusociality? i'm some kind of product of particularly vague intersections of sociocultural phenomena over the modern-day internet, with a heavy dose of alienation and isolation... and a lot of yearning, a very vast lot of yearning...

i love to be a drifting hazy ghost,
i love to be a sponge of mimicry,
i love to be a camera network,

i love to be expressive if i can manage it. i think i just really wish i could escape the dull flat affect of living without the sensitivity to ground myself and my body to a life i'd never wanted to own anyway. i seem to love melodrama, i savor the logic of irrationality, i love a little bit of a ludonarrative in life. my ludophilia has very shallow depths, and very cowardly limits. i do not appreciate a ludonarrative at a person's expense, i do not appreciate a ludonarrative at the disaffected minimization of humanity. i am a coward, after all, and i am weak-willed and weak-bodied... and in a sense, through identifying with minimization, i find a certain warmth in that gentle frigid haze of failure, sheltered by tenuous circumstance

i love people without loving people. i don't feel it reliably but i think it into existence anyway. i treasure anything i can capture about people. about you...

you are not exempt... or maybe you are, because i am an inattentive and imperceptive fool, a puddle of idealized voyeuristically-creative impressionism

life is everywhere else. life is everyone/everything and what everyone/everything thinks and sees and feels. i want to see and feel what you see and feel. what do you think? why are you like that? how could you do that to us? what have we ever done to be your object of ridicule? i think about you anyway, not the real you but the blurry idea of you behind your screens and words, the you underneath your decisions made in the continuity of consequence...

i forgot what i was thinking about
To be able to create something

I enjoy the constant process of learning new things in art and design specifically architectural work (not on the technical side like engineering), digital drawing, 3d modelling, technical drawing, graphic design, and likely more in the future. The enjoyment of creation brings me sense of purpose in life that I would continue till I can't no more

Nanofranne wrote:

To be able to create something

I enjoy the constant process of learning new things in art and design specifically architectural work (not on the technical side like engineering), digital drawing, 3d modelling, technical drawing, graphic design, and likely more in the future. The enjoyment of creation brings me sense of purpose in life that I would continue till I can't no more
so real. this is meaningful, and it's wonderful to hear it.
good question
Topic Starter
Wimpy Cursed

vNoke wrote:

Cant wait to see what people say omg...

for me its all the small things!!! For a majority of my life I've struggled with depression and struggled with finding a meaning in life. I always thought your reason for living had to be something big, or for someone else... but then I started to heal and began appreciating all the small things in my life. Like the way the flowers looked on my walk to school, the yummy taste of pizza, how soft and nice my bed feels- just all these things I didn't put enough notice and appreciation to before.

so to me, I think the meaning of life is simply to exist, experience, and feel. there's lots of bad in the world but if you REALLY look around and take things in, there's a lot more good!!!
You see, I could understand this at a baseline. But my problem is that I start to question even more than previously. The small things, what exactly does it amount to? Are we really here just to enjoy? Why? Sure, I can enjoy everything that you mentioned, but at the end, there is no purpose. Maybe I am not as thoughtful or positive(?), I don't know.

Patatitta wrote:

I guide myself by this
Yes, life is meaningless. Though, we've been hardwired to keep staying on this earth, how strange.

Winnyace wrote:

In all seriousness, I am one to believe that the biological meaning of life, which is to make a fuck ton of kids, goes hand in hand with the one we, personally, make for ourselves. I personally want to help people as much as possible when it comes to the things that I find enjoyable, i.e games and computers/computing in general, as well as emotionally, whenever I can.
I have thought about the future a lot for sure. I think about it because I am different from my whole family basically. I do have a desire to make a change in the family bloodline in the future, but even then, that doesn't feel like enough to push me. I have a lot of conflict with this subject, so maybe I should seek help for that in general.

Achromalia wrote:

i dont actually have an articulate answer to this...

i dont particularly want to prescribe or describe my experience of life or other lives with a pre-deterministic "purpose" of my own... but i probably do it subconsciously anyway, not that i really know

if i was asked seven years ago, i would've had some form of "nihilist-absurdist" response, but not i'm not really sure i have a descriptor i consciously adopt. it's like, these things mean different things to different people... and the colloquial understanding of a descriptor is increasingly lacking

maybe i'm some form of... humanistic pseudo-hedonistic maybe-existentialist-absurdist phantom of idealized notions of altruism and eusociality? i'm some kind of product of particularly vague intersections of sociocultural phenomena over the modern-day internet, with a heavy dose of alienation and isolation... and a lot of yearning, a very vast lot of yearning...

i love to be a drifting hazy ghost,
i love to be a sponge of mimicry,
i love to be a camera network,

i love to be expressive if i can manage it. i think i just really wish i could escape the dull flat affect of living without the sensitivity to ground myself and my body to a life i'd never wanted to own anyway. i seem to love melodrama, i savor the logic of irrationality, i love a little bit of a ludonarrative in life. my ludophilia has very shallow depths, and very cowardly limits. i do not appreciate a ludonarrative at a person's expense, i do not appreciate a ludonarrative at the disaffected minimization of humanity. i am a coward, after all, and i am weak-willed and weak-bodied... and in a sense, through identifying with minimization, i find a certain warmth in that gentle frigid haze of failure, sheltered by tenuous circumstance

i love people without loving people. i don't feel it reliably but i think it into existence anyway. i treasure anything i can capture about people. about you...

you are not exempt... or maybe you are, because i am an inattentive and imperceptive fool, a puddle of idealized voyeuristically-creative impressionism

life is everywhere else. life is everyone/everything and what everyone/everything thinks and sees and feels. i want to see and feel what you see and feel. what do you think? why are you like that? how could you do that to us? what have we ever done to be your object of ridicule? i think about you anyway, not the real you but the blurry idea of you behind your screens and words, the you underneath your decisions made in the continuity of consequence...

i forgot what i was thinking about
Interesting approach, to say the least. I am not sure if this would be the step to it, but learning the background of people does fall into experience in a way. Though, the motivation towards it? I am not sure where the aim is. Is it to just value the earth as a whole?

Nanofranne wrote:

To be able to create something

I enjoy the constant process of learning new things in art and design specifically architectural work (not on the technical side like engineering), digital drawing, 3d modelling, technical drawing, graphic design, and likely more in the future. The enjoyment of creation brings me sense of purpose in life that I would continue till I can't no more
I had this motivation before. However, I somehow back peddled on it. I am not sure why that is honestly.

I will take these and future answers, if any, to account. After more thinking on the responses, my answer results to valuing the world around us more, at least from my own perception. Personally, I just feel like I am living to live, nothing more. This question only came up because of that and how I approach motivation. I realize I don't have that much motivation at all. I don't have a sense of care or worry at times, and sometimes, that actually scares me.
So, I am hoping that this is the right approach, to learn off different people. I may question it, but I don't mean to butcher what other people feel.
Life makes no sense and has no meaning, but I think we were programmed to continue living due to natural selection, since those who wanted to continue living probably had more chances to continue living. Those who didn't care much about it were eliminated by natural selection... Idk, I don't understand much about it.
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Wimpy Cursed

Behrauder wrote:

Life makes no sense and has no meaning, but I think we were programmed to continue living due to natural selection, since those who wanted to continue living probably had more chances to continue living. Those who didn't care much about it were eliminated by natural selection... Idk, I don't understand much about it.
Yes, that's exactly it. I can only wonder the why behind it.
life itself has no meaning but that leaves any meaning free of be explored
i think the meaning of life is to be happy. sure, alot of people aren't, but it's okay. they'll find their happiness someday too. like for me, being with my family, friends, having those who care about me and my interests, and caring for those around me and talking about their interests with them is what i think life is. i don't really have much else to say than that :/
it's a bit difficult to parse what we've been meaning to say, because what you read from how they/i communicate tends to signify different things and be absorbed/conceived/received by you in different conditions. in a sense, our attempts at describing our experiences with anything approximating some kind of motive for life... moreso is an explicit product of implicit continuities.

i'm a very extremely digital person now, so my idea of "sponge of mimicry"/"camera network" is influenced very heavily by my loose awareness and subsistence on my particular surroundings of subcultural fields. i think with more precision, i think i crave some particular things that "motivate" (i'll revisit that later) me to live:

+ learning of the interiority of humanity despite our experiential exclusivity from one another. i'm starved of experiences i've never had, experiences i lovingly envy, comforts i fundamentally cannot possess and be acquainted with by way of the conditions of my birth and being. childhoods that don't exist. adulthoods that don't exist. being a student and being filled with the joy of new knowledge and new skills and new creations, as means to the ends of the people we love or perhaps as ends themselves. being a mentor to someone and seeing them grow old and wise along with you. being cared for by (caring for) your bestest friend from childhood to adulthood and being inseparable and mutually nurturing and supportive.

+ creating my own fiction to approximate and reflect these things for people. creating something that can effectively and accurately mirror what life is to people, representing the distinct depth of sociological phenomena we experience today in the hope that what i believe i've learned might happen to shelter and nourish someone that deeply desired to be understood and found. at the same time, nourishing those who want to not be found, letting them live in their abstractions and creations away from the overwhelming sea of conditions beyond them. and much, much more.

i have extremely... idealistic? impractical? kind of narcissistically grandiose concepts of what it is i want to do. i want to perfect it, but it's just not as plausible as i'd hope. there are too many people, too many experiences.

but somehow i still come back, desperate and pleading and whining, hungry to gorge on humanity and envelop it, i can't let go even if i can't process or understand it all. and so i live in my own fiction, my own phantasms.

i can't particularly speak to how that appears or functions for you, or how that would ever be accessible.


i don't know what my aim is either, exactly. i think i just never really believed i had to have one after realizing how pointless i felt it was for me to fixate on pointlessness. presumably, i aim for "heal everyone", or more elaborately, "bridge everyone's perspectives like a camera network full of mirrors for people to see themselves and play with the angles and be able to visualize what they do and what other people do, so that they may understand and negotiate with each other, keeping themselves and each other together", or something like that.

...on what it is to "motivate" yourself...

...i don't know. i'm not sure i'm "motivated" either, i exist largely because it is easy for me in my circumstances to sit up and slink into a chair and type on keys for things i want to see in order to stimulate my brain. i love to make art, i love to make music, but i rarely make them-- because i'm tired, eternally eternally tired. it doesn't ever end, and my rumination makes it heavier, but i love it anyway somehow. this all has existed with costs.

this neglect has costed me my health, my sanity, and my sense of attachment to the material world around me.
but i'm still real, still breathing, still here.
i try to do what i can.

i forgot what else i had in mind;; i apologize, this actually means a lot to hear about and the subject means a lot to me as being something for me to talk about
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