
How do I improve my fingers?

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How would I improve my fingers?
My point is that during 5-6* maps, my fingers would hurt so much and my consistency is not getting better anytime soon, and I am looking for tips to receive about improving my fingers and making them faster and more consistent.
Your fingers should NOT be hurting alot. It should be pain free.

At most, u get a burn or soreness in muscles of the forearm. Even then, that generally means you should dial it back a bit.
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Stickman92 wrote:

Your fingers should NOT be hurting alot. It should be pain free.

At most, u get a burn or soreness in muscles of the forearm. Even then, that generally means you should dial it back a bit.
Reading your post, my fingers do not hurt as much, but just is always getting exhausted during 4+ minute 5*+ maps, causing me a lot of trouble to tapping notes, which I thought would hurt a lot.
Fingers feeling tired is fairly normal on stamina maps. As you improve, you'll naturally waste less energy with more efficient movements. Try playing a map that used to be difficult to your old self but you can play comfortably now and you'll see what i meant

Getting more practice with some easier stamina maps and building up from there is good. Remembering to give ur hands adequate rest so it can recover.
If you are too mentally fatigued to concentrate, or your hands feel fatigued, that's generally a good place to end the session(NOT pain, its fatigue from tiring out the fast twitch muscle fibers or whatever neural pathways ur brain fires to move your fingers, or both). Pushing it too far is counter-productive, sometimes making progress go backwards/stagnate which is a vicious cycle. Been there, tried that, don't do it.
Try to play through the stamina loss you can't build more stamina by staying in your comfort zone nearly as well as by actively trying to build it the only problem is it's a thin Line between building yourself and breaking so make sure to be very careful

If you wanna get faster it's a really complicated issue to solve however I think it's not that your too slow but rather you aren't playing it right or something along those lines your sort of have to figure out the problem on your own as my own issue is that I'm not fast enough because of stamina drain
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