
Custom hitsounds volume level

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2,845
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There are a lot of maps where hitsounds sound softer or louder depending on the choice of the mapper.
Sometimes it gives some problems to players, especially if they are using custom hitsounds.
It would be good to add an option in settings where players could choose: ignore mapper's volume level or not (just like background dim and sb ignoring)
I personally want to hear all notes at the same volume level.
Rei Hakurei
well, on my perspective:
that the mapper changes the volume of the hitsound itself to represent which part that requires loudness or not, and hitsound is something that makes the song better, not overrides the song instead...
(ignore hitsound -> ignore volume, ignore skin -> ignore color; oh well, these kind of separation, i'm neutral to disagree for this)
ctrl+alt+mwheel down

Lach wrote:

ctrl+alt+mwheel down
So if there's a loud part during the song, then you hear almost nothing on the normal parts. That's not a solution.

Well, it's not that big of a problem. Maybe play with the intended hitsounds then, since they will probably work fine with the map.
Topic Starter

Lach wrote:

ctrl+alt+mwheel down
It changing volume of all effects and doesn't help.
I simply need all hitsounds at the same level.
Sometimes people using loud/quite hitsounds and, for sure, they need to keep volume on a lesser level than usual. But when a custom hitsounds always silent it will affect song in weird way, also distracting for a while.
Thank you for making a thread about this. Im not sure what the point was in the first place with hitsounds maybe PPY know. Is it to improve how the music sound or is it to give the player feedback when hitting a note?

These maps with 5% hitsound volume or lower make me rage inside. Normaly if its 80% volume id just raise the volume of the music and hope its a good song and decent bitrate. But with 5% hitsound volume you cant really do that. Custom hitsound level is really needed and it should totally remove any multiple hitsound volume changes the mapper made.
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l1mi wrote:

Thank you for making a thread about this. Im not sure what the point was in the first place with hitsounds maybe PPY know. Is it to improve how the music sound or is it to give the player feedback when hitting a note?

These maps with 5% hitsound volume or lower make me rage inside. Normaly if its 80% volume id just raise the volume of the music and hope its a good song and decent bitrate. But with 5% hitsound volume you cant really do that. Custom hitsound level is really needed and it should totally remove any multiple hitsound volume changes the mapper made.
I understand you, bro ;w;
Hope ppy will add this as soon as possible
I'd like to see this tbh
Rori Kon
8-) xD
support :D
Just gave all my stars away, but I'd like to see this implemented. Post-insane diffs with super quiet hitsounds bug me to no end.
if only i can support :') but i approve this !
Yes. This must be added.

What about having a setting : Hitsound volume ?
5% min to 100% max. :)/
It is very annoying indeed when suddenly there's a silent note, or a part with inaudible hitsounds, but there are cases where muting slider ends or making certain notes softer is for the better, also the mp3-s themselves are different volume levels often, so a fixed hitsound volume wouldn't be the best solution.

But as Lumina said, being able to set a hitsoundvolume minimum and a hitsoudnvolume maximum would be useful, so that extreme mapper choices would be trimmed down to the max, or bumped up to the minimum.
oh this is great,i totally want to see this in game
Topic Starter

Lumina wrote:

Yes. This must be added.

What about having a setting : Hitsound volume ?
5% min to 100% max. :)/
You already allowed to change hitsounds volume globally (ctrl+shift+mouse scroll while playing or in options).
But on some maps you will hear randomly volumized hitsounds.
My request appeared to fix it!
You mean the Normal / Soft / Drum. And their sounds ?
Topic Starter

Lumina wrote:

You mean the Normal / Soft / Drum. And their sounds ?
For your understanding:
beatmap: - [insane]
00:51:371 (4) - check stream volume here!
Hum.. well I'll look into this once i can. (Writing from my phone)
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