
[Rule Change] Requiring at least one diff below 3 stars

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Current Rule wrote:

The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties must also follow a well-designed spread with no jumps in between difficulties, hence if you may include Normal/Hard/Insane, or Normal/Hard or Hard/Insane (only if it also has standard difficulties)
Due to star rating being currently tweaked & updated it is become impossible to follow this rule properly - for now there are appears even some Insane diffs what goes below 3 stars.

So, what star rating should now have easiest diff? Below 1.00? Or maybe just remove this part of rule?

Star rating has always been vague. There are lots of maps with 3.5 star rating as lowest that are being ranked. It's up to the bats to decide if it's easy enough and follows the spread well I guess.

Though in my opinion the rule should be a guideline instead. Arbitrary ratings shouldn't solely decide what's easy and what's not when clearly it doesn't do it properly.
I think we should wait until the star rating is fixed before we can discuss properly about it.

Irreversible wrote:

I think we should wait until the star rating is fixed before we can discuss properly about it.
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Irreversible wrote:

I think we should wait until the star rating is fixed before we can discuss properly about it.
New stars already affects existing pending maps, that's why i opened this discussion.
Raging Bull
huh wait I thought this Star Rating thingy has been removed and the people choose to judge a Map as easy by logical sense. Well, that rule itself is quite silly and should be completely removed.

Edit: t/128078 well.. I still support removing this rule as changing the maximum of Star rating.
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Konei wrote:

This map will have new star rating after re-submit, same goes to every pending map what still have old stars.
We definitely can't discuss this properly yet. It appears that the threshold for diffs is as follows:

<1 for [Easy]
1 - 1.5 for [Normal]
1.5-2.5 for [Hard]
2.5+ for [Insane]

If we assume a 10-star system, then [Normal] will be around 2-3 stars. However, the way that this rating is decided is very questionable in my eyes, especially when we still don't know how sparse E/N are supposed to be. When pending maps become ranked, and therefore subjected to the new calculations, there will be nasty surprises galore.

The thing with the old system was that it was very easy to get the easiest difficulty below three stars. I mean extraordinarily so. My easies would barely even approach two. This overhaul's kludged things in a way which seems to create a lot of edge cases, so we aren't to know what the new requirements would be.

DEEDIT: Even if we were to accommodate by making the spread more extreme, we could end up with lots of cases where the jump from E->N->H->I is simply too large to feel like a steady, logical progression. We already had this problem with the old system, with N -> H being the biggest culprit.
Can confirm that the star rating fixes itself after a re-submit, though it takes a minute: <-- used that to check. As you can see, it is now a beautiful ENHI spread with a 2.54 star Insane.

IX spreads are now rankable. I repeat: IX spreads are now rankable. This needs to be changed ASAP. That said, don't use 1.00 as a cap. That's ridiculous. I would just go with what the current system uses as the cap for Normal difficulties, which is like 1.5 I think?
So what about the songs over 6 minutes, being considered a marathon map? Is the rule then changed?

I can agree on this rule, but I want to make sure that the map I'm working on , which is well over 10 minutes long doesn't need to have 2 or 3 difficulties.
The marathon rule won't be affected, since the difficulty requirement applies to shorter songs. As there's no question that your map's a marathon, you're in the clear.
This is an antiquated method of assessing beatmap difficulty and is better replaced by the difficulty rating shown on the beatmap page online. Acceptable spreads are NHI, ENH, or NH. No other spreads are allowed as a minimum requirement.

Marking as denied.
Just to add onto the above. This means you need one map below 1.5 Star Difficulty on the top of the beatmap page. See pic below.

1.00 or lower
1.01 to 1.50
1.51 to 2.50
2.51 to 3.50
3.51 or higher.

(Note, I couldn't find a map with exactly 1.50/2.50 etc so it might be, for example, 1.00 to 1.49 for a Normal difficulty)

As long as your map has 1.50 star rating or below, it is eligible for rank. as a "NHI" difficulty mapset. This means that some songs can have 4.5 star rating as it's lowest and still be rankable - for example has a 4.5 star normal. So it would still be rankable even if I deleted Easy.
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Ephemeral wrote:

This is an antiquated method of assessing beatmap difficulty and is better replaced by the difficulty rating shown on the beatmap page online. Acceptable spreads are NHI, ENH, or NH. No other spreads are allowed as a minimum requirement.

Marking as denied.
So EN is now unrankable? Yay, that should be added already.
Acceptable spreads are NHI, ENH, or NH. No other spreads are allowed as a minimum requirement.
in my opinion this was pushed too quickly, and more specific requirements need to be placed on the NHI spreads, since as lanturn pointed out many normals would be technically rankable for the lowest diff but would certainly not be beginner friendly enough to be a reasonable lowest difficulty

If a new ranking criteria thread would need to be created to address this I'd be glad to start it
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