This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 5 августа 2024 г. at 3:34:25
Artist: Ishida Yoko
Title: Shiawase no Iro (TV Size)
Source: ああっ女神さまっ
Tags: anime goddess japanese folk bagpipes Verdandi Belldandy ベルダンディ Ah! oh! Aa! My megami-sama! Flights of Fancy angel AIC Color colour of Happiness tachibana_ _hellfly_ hellfly
BPM: 99
Filesize: 2660kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

don't skip the beginning of the map, this intro is perfect
BlackBN / sc2scrub
worthy of special mention:
[-E S I A-]h
Tachi's Kantan - Tachibana_
HeLLFly's Oni - _HeLLFly_
bg source:
Artist: Ishida Yoko
Title: Shiawase no Iro (TV Size)
Source: ああっ女神さまっ
Tags: anime goddess japanese folk bagpipes Verdandi Belldandy ベルダンディ Ah! oh! Aa! My megami-sama! Flights of Fancy angel AIC Color colour of Happiness tachibana_ _hellfly_ hellfly
BPM: 99
Filesize: 2660kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
- Futsuu (1,58 stars, 140 notes)
- HeLLFly's Oni (2,62 stars, 268 notes)
- Inner Oni (3,1 stars, 323 notes)
- Muzukashii (2,29 stars, 192 notes)
- Tachi's Kantan (1,17 stars, 94 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
don't skip the beginning of the map, this intro is perfect
BlackBN / sc2scrub
worthy of special mention:
[-E S I A-]h
Tachi's Kantan - Tachibana_
HeLLFly's Oni - _HeLLFly_
bg source: