
Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 6:38:27 PM

Artist: Noriko Kawahara
Title: Odin Sphere's Theme
Source: Odin Sphere
Tags: MarioBros777 Vanillaware Hitoshi Sakimoto
BPM: 68
Filesize: 14087kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0.53 stars, 53 notes)
  2. Hard (3.82 stars, 148 notes)
  3. MB's Heroic (4.52 stars, 161 notes)
  4. Normal (1.64 stars, 84 notes)
Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme
Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Changed: kingcobra's mod

If you downloaded before 2/21 you need to do a full redownload.
And this got remapped sometime around New Year's, so remodding would be appreciated.

Thanks MarioBros777 for making his diff and combobursts and helping with the storyboard.
I also used strager's SB tool.
And thanks to all the modders, otherwise this would still be my terrible first map!
I don't know if it's normal but, even if circles and sliders are well placed on the timeline, you used the 1/6 divisor.
you should set the first offset at 25 ms and the BPM at 102 or something like that
(because the song doesn't seem to be a 3/4)

In any case, I modded the map with your timing because it won't change anything

Hard :

00:01:79 (6) - a square lower (the same disance of the (1) than (3), (4), (5) and (7) )
00:32:96 (4) - move a square lower this circle too and other objects following to keep alignments
00:40:61 (6) - stop moving down objects at this point.
01:14:43 (1) - just a sugestion, i prefer it a square on the left
01:21:49 (4) - a square up
01:21:79 (5) - and so this one a square on the left and up (and maybe the last slider point a square down)
01:22:67 (1,2,3) - an other sugestion, (1) and (3) a square on the left, and then move (2) to have a vertical alignment with 01:22:37 (6)

this is detail, but it makes the map more "beautiful" than now

Normal :

00:19:43 (2) - a square on the left
00:24:73 (2,3) - not a mistake but the spacing looks strange
00:47:96 (4) - a square on th left too

nothing else to add it's amazing :)

Easy :

I have nothing to say about the easy, it's perfect I think
( 01:10:90 (1) - a very hard jump for an easy map xD )

well, that's all
I give you a star, your map is as brilliant as the song :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, Eirene. (i'm not so good at grid counting on level 3...)

I'm pretty sure the song is in triplets so I'll leave it with 1/6 divisor and current timing right now.
I suggest that you give up mapping this song. The tempo is drifting all the way, and it would be almost impossible to time it correctly.

More info at
I suggest that you ignore statementreply. Set offset to 365.
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JarJarJacob wrote:

I suggest that you ignore statementreply. Set offset to 365.
Thanks a lot for the timing fix.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

00:18:012 Finish
00:26:835 ^
00:42:717 Clap at the end
01:14:482 Finish
01:18:012 ^
01:21:541 ^
01:23:306 Finish at the start


01:03:600 Remove hitcircle?
01:10:953 Finish
01:14:482 (5,8) ^
01:18:012 ^
01:25:070 ^


00:23:306 Remove this break
00:40:070 (4,6) Claps?
00:53:306 New combo
01:00:365 ^
01:15:659 Clap
01:21:541 (4,6) Whistles

Nice song. Starred, unless I think the timing is a little wrong (but I can't find any better value, sorry T_T)
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Thanks, Armin.
00:14:018 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - may you could use some sliders or triples here, is kind of monotonous

00:33:089 (1) - too far away

00:16:024 (1,2,3) - this sounds weird, move it, 2/6 later... im not sure

Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod.

Lizbeth wrote:

00:16:024 (1,2,3) - this sounds weird, move it, 2/6 later... im not sure
I wasn't sure what to do about that so I turned it into a couple of sliders.
Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Starts Suggestions:

All seems ok.




Slider Velocity: 1,30


It's ok

68 BPM... challenging offset ._.

Offset: 352 (-13 from current)

...but hearing it from all the offsets I get, it's confusing. I agree with it being 68 BPM, it's just that... the offsets are dynamic at some points. For now this is the best I can get.

BPM: 68,00 - Offset: 290 (Remember to resnap all notes.)

Normal sections seems too loud. Lower volume.


Slider tick 3 sounds weird. Use 2 or 4.

Seems fine~


01:14:042 (5) - New combo.
01:17:095 (1) - I never suggest hitsounds, but here place a hitfinish.


00:33:081 (7) - New combo.
A very relaxing song~ Thanks for mapping it. ~ Star


Just because its a easy, don't devoid it of hit circles/sliders, map more parts please.

Click for picture >.> yes yes, I got lazy.

Also, Slider Tick Rate should be 2. 3 sounds off...


00:42:027 (3) - Extend this to the white tick, and fix spinner afterwords.
01:03:089 (2) - Place under (1) & (3) so it doesn't touch the slider.
01:07:042 (8) - one right, one up ( turn off grid snap )
01:15:036 (3) - isn't snapped. ( snap the rest then )
01:27:071 (1,2,3,4) - Place all in center. I thinks plays nicer.


Nice, I like this. Its pretty enough ^:)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

00:42:704 (5) New combo?

All note unsnapped! Resnap Please.

This difficulty is too! Resnap Please. :o
00:12:999 Remove Break.

Great song~! I like it~ Especially good hitsound.
Starred. :)



In general, I'm not confident about the offset the offsets I'm getting vary too much, I see Zekira has posted one so I'd keep that for now :D


Remove audio lead in time for this difficulty.

Well it's an easy, and there isn't much wrong with it.

00:30:035 (3) - Maybe move this directly beneath 2.
00:37:041 (3) - Directly above 2.
00:47:099 (3) - I'd move this horizontally so its on the same level as 1 and 2 is a square below.
01:03:088 (1,2,3) - Here it isn't evident exactly what beat you are following, I'd remap this bit.
01:09:017 (4) - Spacing? New combo.
01:12:070 (2) - New combo.
01:16:023 (1) - Spacing - too close to 4.


Remove audio lead in.

01:03:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - No this part doesn't work, it doesn't play nicely either. Options -

1 - Delete and ignore this whole section by extending the break (and mapping earlier)
2 - I love this part! (Keep it)
3 - Try this (ignore the numbers this is where I had the beats):

01:03:088 (1) - Beat
01:04:017 (2) - Slider till 3 01:05:035 (3) -
01:05:049 (4) - Beat
01:05:064 (5) - Beat
01:05:094 (6) - Beat
01:06:052 (7) - Beat

01:07:026 (8) - Beat
01:07:055 (9) - Beat

4 - Edit what you have, then I'd suggest:

01:03:058 (1) - Delete
01:06:023 (6) - Delete
01:05:094 (5) - Make a slider till 01:06:528

Other than that seems fine.


-- Why do the sliders have different sound effects just for this difficulty?
-- I'm not hitsound modding but I'd check for consistency between difficulties one example at 01:10:940 the hitsounds seem much louder than the other difficulties. Also this difficulty seems to have different cymbals etc.
-- You ignore the part I had issue with in the other difficulties (01:03:058)

00:00:005 (1) - I generally don't like beats before the timing section.
00:12:999 Remove break.
00:43:881 ^
01:02:041 - Start the spinner here and end it at 01:04:028

Good job with the map, I'm uncertain about the timing but I couldnt find a better alternative for now. Nice hitsound use as always, good map :D

~~ Starred
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

00:29:046 (2) - Nice Hitsound. <3

00:26:038 (6) - Move a little closer to (7)


Nothing wrong here.

I apologize for my late minor mod..Starred.
By AL2e10's Mod queue ~

00:29:469 (1) remove new combo
00:31:234 (1) ^
00:39:175 (1) ^
00:41:822 (1) ^
00:43:587 (1) ^
00:46:234 (1) ^
00:47:999 (1) ^
00:38:293 (4) new combo

[Easy, Normal]
That fine !!

Good map !!
Star !!
Just here to star this map
Fuuko's mod dekimashita~


Nothing wrong found.

0:22:557 (8); Consider adding a break here.

Argh. Nothing wrong found. ;-;' That pisses me ( jk jk <3 )

I strongly recommend you change the hitcircle size on the hard diff. Most people don't like small hitcircles. ( I am one of them, myself... )

The hitsounds are amazing, hence why I don't see a single reason to not star this. Keep up the good work. ;*
Love the map and the custom hitsounds.

If you need more combo bursts, just call me.

Diff will come at you soon. Along with modding.

I think three is the max for each post so...

SOFT mod is gogo

nice map but first off, the timing goes out from 01:15, i think it needs another timing section around here for it to perfectly be in time, as it is it feels very wierd.

srry i cant find the the offset for this section, im no good at timing >_>

00:50:064 (2,3) - spacing is too close, with distance snap on move (3) a lil bit and you will see what i mean ;)

very nice song and peacefull beatmaps, good job, i just hope somebody comes along who can time this properly for you :)

star because i <3 it XD
Hard's sooo easy. If an Insane wouldn't feel overmapped, I'd say one would be nice.

Like I said, I won't be modding, just general comments. I didn't find anything that stood out through a play through each diff, and the technical stuff seems to check out. I thought the offset might be off at some point, but that could've just been me hitting a new song out of time. I don't have the time to test this right now in editor. I can SS it pretty easy, but the OD's low so offset could be off a little.

Anyways, nothing that blew me away, but it seems like a nice easy map. Star, good job.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Dusty wrote:

Yeah, that offset is annoying to find... I changed the BPM though.

The BPM Analyzer gave me a BPM about 1.875x larger than the one I had, so I thought that was just it being stupid. It gave me 127.43, while I had 68. I changed the BPM to 68 - (68/127.5)*(127.5-127.43) = 67.963.
There are probably multiple offsets/BPMs. (Or MM is just being extremely retarded.) No promises, but maybe I'll take a look when I wake up. Or you could ask a local resident timer, like Ephemeral, adam, yoshi, strawberry-kun, etc.

Song is a bit soft, so that's sometimes difficult. I'll take some plays in editor to figure it out if I do later on.
I believe I have that Insane difficulty that you are looking for, Shinde.

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [Insane].osu

And something else to go with it, everyone loves white, right?

Oh yeah, and I need you to replace the .osb file with this one.

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty).osb

Nothing particularly odd as far as I noticed.

01:16:118[4,5,6] These all are slightly late. Move them one tick backwards, and it should mesh with her singing.

Nothing bad I noted here, either, although it is quite tricky. =)

Since it's incomplete, so you might change it, but a 37 second wait is a bit long, especially for one spinner, lol. Also, not sure if there's any purpose to having Kiai time during the break...

All in all though, I definitely dig the orchestral/renaissance faire tone of the song, and the vid's pretty neat too. A star for you!
Topic Starter

HowlingBlue wrote:

01:16:118[4,5,6] These all are slightly late. Move them one tick backwards, and it should mesh with her singing.
Oh, wow. You're right.

(insert whining about the timing being annoying)
Updated diff coming through.

Ain't finished yet but, since you want to do SB changes and I haven't downloaded the new one.

EDIT: New and improved, squeaky clean diff. Now with more KB! 0_o

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MarioBros777's Heroic].osu
OSU! Timing Help!

BPM 68
Offset 320 340


Edit: Still Testing... :o :o :o ...Done

00:26:081 (7) - Pretty low down
00:42:025 (3) - ^

00:24:045 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I suggest you move this whole section up a bit.

Please lower the HP drain a bit....
01:28:057 (1) - Loooooong slider......

Great map (This map would fit the easy series )
Lower HP Drain and I'm not changing that slider.

Plus hitsound additions. ^_^ You got to love them.

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MarioBros777's Heroic].osu

Now if you excuse me, I'll help myself to some cake.
The timing and 1/6 beat snap divisor scares me... ;_;. Sorry, but I won't touch on timing then. However, I thought there should not be any notes before the initial offset ?

This song reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. =O

A star for yea, since I really have no idea how to mod a 1/6 map, but I have test play all of them, seems fine to me if the timing is correct.
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alvisto wrote:

This song reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. =O
Hitoshi Sakimoto composed both this song and the songs in FFT, so that's why they're similar.

Dusty wrote:

alvisto wrote:

This song reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. =O
Hitoshi Sakimoto composed both this song and the songs in FFT, so that's why they're similar.
:O No wonder ! xD

Turn MB's diff's lead-in down to 1985 to be consistent with Hard.
I'd recommend adding a black layer in the storyboard so that the video fades in from black instead of from the current background; looks better in my opinion.


00:27:692 - Excess timing section.


Has a lot of random uninherited timing sections, please fix.

01:21:810 (2) - A little non-symmetrical.


00:05:634 (3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing.

Geez, that's a lot of spinners... With only 1:19 of draining time, you have a spinner every 6 seconds. Might want to tone that down a bit.

Still a cool map though. :)
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

I'd recommend adding a black layer in the storyboard so that the video fades in from black instead of from the current background; looks better in my opinion.
Done. (that's actually really cool)

Kytoxid wrote:

Has a lot of random uninherited timing sections, please fix.
aah, how did that happen?...

Kytoxid wrote:

01:21:810 (2) - A little non-symmetrical.
It's better now.

Have to bug MB777 about his diff.
I love this game even though I haven't beaten the first story yet. I modding without even being asked for this reason.

00:56:810 (3) - Pushed into the lifebar looks wrong and on hard rock it's slightly offscreen.

The speed up seems really uncalled for and yet it seemed really good.

Great maps, and wonderful hitsounds, you get a star.
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rust45 wrote:

00:56:810 (3) - Pushed into the lifebar looks wrong and on hard rock it's slightly offscreen.
Oops, that shouldn't happen. Fixed.

rust45 wrote:

The speed up seems really uncalled for and yet it seemed really good.
If it seemed good, then I guess it was called for?

Also, thanks for modding
Since I've modded this already, I'll mod the one last thing I didn't before. (and I'll pubble once this mod and MB777's diff are fixed).


01:26:810 - Unused timing section.


01:20:781 - Unused timing section.
01:21:369 - ^


01:31:369 - Unused timing section.

[MB777's Heroic]

(remember to make sure you change the lead-in time, currently the black background flashes in late because there's too much lead-in)

01:36:389 - Unused timing section.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
LOVE !_!
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yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

>> 01:09:163 (1,1,1) - Don't really see the need for new combos like this on an easy, but your call.
Fixed, thanks.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

LOVE !_!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Thanks for modding!

Gens wrote:

  1. OD feels a tad too high.
OK, lowered by 1.

Gens wrote:

  1. Shouldn't a 2x warning be there somewhere?
I guess...

Gens wrote:

01:28:134 - Kiai fountain? unfitting :[
whoops, forgot to add Kiai to the timing section before it, fixed

Gens wrote:

EDIT: Oh yes, check the Audio lead in in Mario's diff, the background is not black when it starts
MB hasn't sent me an updated version, but fixed just so people stop pointing this one out
oh crud, I didn't submit anything yet? I swear I did.

Let's get this ranked!

Oh...and I can do those jumps, Gens. And I suck at osu!

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MB's Heroic].osu

MarioBros777 wrote:

Oh...and I can do those jumps, Gens. And I suck at osu!
Yes but they don't fit the music imo
also they're the only jumps in the whole diff =/
The only jumps in diff? That should be fine, shouldn't it?

And it does fit with the song. She takes 3 syllables to say "and".

Don't you think that fits well enough?
Pre-pubble mod.


01:19:457 (2,3) - Difficult to read, combined with a jump. Kinda concerning, since the rest isn't as hard.

[MB's Heroic]

The fact that his name suddenly disappears is weird; fade it out?

00:33:281 (1,2,3) - 2 grids down to center?
00:41:810 (4) - Use Bezier and make it look nicer?
00:51:516 (3,4,5) - Stack 5's endpoint on 6, just to be consistent?
01:28:134 - Unnecessary timing section.

Almost there, although I'm concerned about the timing; I concur with Gens, I think offset is late.
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Kytoxid wrote:


01:19:457 (2,3) - Difficult to read, combined with a jump. Kinda concerning, since the rest isn't as hard.
Fixed not being able to tell which way the slider goes. (But that whole section is a big mess now, argh, I'll look at it again when I'm not tired)

[MB's Heroic]

The fact that his name suddenly disappears is weird; fade it out?
I like it that way. (If there's a consensus that other people don't like it I'll change it.)

Almost there, although I'm concerned about the timing; I concur with Gens, I think offset is late.
what a pain :?
Star(since it's pre-bubbled)
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It's not pubbled yet.

And just because something's pubbled/bubbled/(sometimes even ranked) doesn't mean you can't mod anymore...
Oh yes.

Herp derp.

And it was meant to be a catmull slider.

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MB's Heroic].osu
Topic Starter
uploaded, thanks

-- Okay, I see 4 pages of mod posts and not a single one offering a definitive timing... It's annoying me because I can't find a good timing either. I used offset 366 but I'm definitely not confident with it >:(

Maybe try posting here for more opinions.


00:46:222 (2) - Slider slide noise intentional?

MB's Heroic:

00:07:987 (7) - Remove new combo. (This looks silly when reading the lyrics)
00:19:751 (1) - ^
01:04:016 (1) - Maybe delete this and extend the spinner to this point?
01:28:575 (1) - A lot of inheriting sections on this spinner with slight volume reductions that aren't really noticeable, tidy this up? (Also delete the last one its uneeded).

Too many spinners imo, and also a lot of added notes that don't coincide with anything in the music, otherwise a good difficulty.

Great job with the maps, it's changed a lot since the last time I looked at it :D

~ Kudos Star.
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Shulin wrote:

-- Okay, I see 4 pages of mod posts and not a single one offering a definitive timing... It's annoying me because I can't find a good timing either. I used offset 366 but I'm definitely not confident with it >:(

Maybe try posting here for more opinions.
I actually did try there already, actually

Shulin wrote:

00:46:222 (2) - Slider slide noise intentional?
Yeah, that was. Does it sound bad?

Dusty wrote:

Shulin wrote:

-- Okay, I see 4 pages of mod posts and not a single one offering a definitive timing... It's annoying me because I can't find a good timing either. I used offset 366 but I'm definitely not confident with it >:(

Maybe try posting here for more opinions.
I actually did try there already, actually
Oh right, well I didn't see a result so...

Dusty wrote:

Shulin wrote:

00:46:222 (2) - Slider slide noise intentional?
Yeah, that was. Does it sound bad?
Imo yes, at least it might be a little too loud, that's why I asked lol.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Removed those new combos... I will, unfortunately, reject that suggestion because I've tried it before and it doesn't sound good.

Also, changed the inherited timings. And left the ones that I think are important.

Really, I kinda like my insane... but I'll probably never do one again.

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MB's Heroic].osu
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And updated.
Totally forgot to post here.

MarioBros777 wrote:

The only jumps in diff? That should be fine, shouldn't it?

And it does fit with the song. She takes 3 syllables to say "and".

Don't you think that fits well enough?
Yeah well, you don't seem to get it... why to pull out jumps like that out of nowhere? :|
It maybe fits the song timeline-wise, but the music doesn't have that kind of impact calling for jumps.
If you're going to take my maps as an example, I always make the whole map jumpy instead, even if they don't fit, so I think they're fine.

It's OK if you want to leave it like that anyway, I just wanted to get my point across.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
01:20:928 (2,3,4,5) - Perhaps redo the spacing here?

00:39:457 (5) - Spacing
00:51:516 (3,4,5) - Make this all one slider? Seems a bit overmapped.
01:16:222 (1) - Whistle intentionally left out?
01:20:634 (1,2,3) - Hard maps are great, but this just seems out of place.
Wooo, second part of Zerostarry's modding. 8D


No errors.


00:22:545 (9,10) - Fix spacing?
00:37:251 (2,3) - ^

Nothing to say

A mod here and a mod there... and what do we have?

Download: Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme (Dusty) [MB's Heroic].osu
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Popping bubble.

I highly recommend removing the video if it is not being used. If it is supposed to, it doesnt, and probably needs to be reecoded.
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RemmyX25 wrote:

Popping bubble.

I highly recommend removing the video if it is not being used. If it is supposed to, it doesnt, and probably needs to be reecoded.
I'm not sure what the problem is, because it's been working for me. How should I encode it?

(also, I can't upload anything right now, but I'm sure this map can wait another week)

mm, I have no idea, going to try to get a good-quality .flv once I'm in a place which doesn't have youtube blocked.

All right. I don't know anything about video editing, hopefully it works for you now?
The video works this time, but can you cut the white.png part of the storyboard shorter? it unnecessarily drags out the end of the map, causing players to wait or just skip it all together
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bubble worthy

01:01:810 (1) - I would remove the finish here.

Fix and I'll rank.

Edit: Done.
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Next one will have an actual storyboard.

kingcobra52 wrote:


01:01:810 (1) - I would remove the finish here.

Fix and I'll rank.

Edit: Done.
I just want to say I had a really good time mapping for this.

Unless there's a high demand, I will not be making an Insane ever again.

So you got lucky, Dusty.

The reason being is that it's just not my style. I can't just go overmapping something or making it challenging because I'm self conscious that I can't complete it myself. I don't map things that I can't play myself.

It really was fun.
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Yeah, I get what you mean. If you can't really play your beatmap, how do you know if it's good? and stuff

thanks for doing it, though
How is this a (instrumental) song?
I think is (Other) or (Japanese)
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It's French with a heavy Japanese accent, really.

Dusty wrote:

It's French with a heavy Japanese accent, really.
It's not french.
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Well, she's trying but her accent sucks and makes stuff unintelligible

Dusty wrote:

Well, she's trying but her accent sucks and makes stuff unintelligible
true, sorry for my mistake...
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