
[Taiko 2vs2] Taiko Team Festival

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Welcome to Taiko Team Festival!

TTF is an open-rank taiko team tournament which aims to involve everyone in the success of their team!
Each player will be attributed player points which will limit their participation and force all players to partake in the success of their team!

Players sign up and play qualifiers individually. The qualifiers will divide players in 5 seeds. 32 teams of 4 players and 1 substitute will be created and fight in a 2vs2 double-elimination bracket format!

For more details about the tournament, please read the rules.


  1. Any osu!taiko player who has not been restricted within the past 12 months is allowed to play in this tournament. The osu! support reserves the right of removing any player from the tournament following the screening phase.
  2. You must fill the registration form.
  3. You must join the Discord server of the tournament.
If you followed these steps then you are registered to the tournament!
Make sure to join the server or your registration will be cancelled.


Registration: April 18th 2024 - May 04th 2024 23:59 UTC
Screening: May 05th - May 11th
Qualifiers pool showcase: May 12th
Qualifiers: May 17th - May 19th
RO32: May 25th - May 26th
RO16 + Loser's Bracket Round 1 and 2: June 1st - June 2nd
Quarterfinals + Loser's Bracket Round 3 and 4: June 08th - June 09th
Semifinals + Loser's Bracket Round 5 and 6: June 15th - June 16th
Finals + Loser's Bracket Round 7 and 8: June 22nd - June 23rd
Grandfinal: June 29th - June 30th


Players and staff members must have read this ruleset entirely (and we will assume you did so throughout the tournament).
It is quite long but it should answer most of your questions.

  1. This tournament is a 2vs2 team tournament with teams of 4 players and 1 substitute.
  2. Teams will be generated via a program after qualifiers. For more information about team creation, read the corresponding part.
  3. The maximum number of players is 128 and 32 substitutes. Participants will be decided thanks to an individual qualifiers stage.
  4. The teams will then play in a double-elimination bracket.
  5. The Score System used will be Score V2.
  6. All participants must stay respectful and keep a proper attitude. Not following this rule can result in a ban/blacklist from the tournament. This rule concerns all the staff as well.
  7. Any rule change or unexpected occurrences will be announced in the Discord server.
  8. Any report to be made in relation to this tournament's organization should be sent to the official tournament committee reporting form.

  1. Any osu!taiko player who has not been restricted within the past 12 months is allowed to play in this tournament. The osu! support reserves the right of removing any player from the tournament following the screening phase.
  2. This means this tournament has no rank restriction.
  3. Any member of staff (Organizers, Mappoolers, Playtesters/Replayers, Custom Mappers and Referees) is not allowed to play. Other positions considered as helpers (Commentators, Streamers, ...) are allowed to play.
  4. Players who have been eliminated from the tournament are allowed to join staff as Referees or Playtesters/Replayers. Other staff roles are not allowed. They can also join the helpers at any moment.

Tournament Format
  1. There are 2 main stages in this tournament: the Qualifiers and then a double-elimination bracket in a RO32 format (RO32/RO16/Quarterfinals/Semifinals/Finals/Grand Finals).
  2. Each player signs up and plays qualifiers individually.
  3. Teams will be created according to the next Team Creation section.
  4. The bracket will be created thanks to the lazer randomizer seeding teams in 8 groups of 2 teams.
  5. The winning condition for each stage is:
    1. RO32: BO9 (first to 5)
    2. RO16, Quarterfinals and Loser's bracket round 1 to 4: BO11 (first to 6)
    3. Semifinals, Finals, Grand Finals and Loser's Bracket round 5 to 8: BO13 (first to 7)

Qualifiers Instructions
  1. During this round there will be multiple lobbies available at various hours.
  2. A private match will be created and players will be invited into the lobby when it's their time. Make certain you're online at this time.
  3. There are no warmups.
  4. Failed scores will count.
  5. Players will be seeded with the average of their ranks on each map during the Qualifiers round in 5 seeds: A seed, B seed, C seed, D seed and D substitute seed.
  6. Each seed is made up of 32 players.

Team Creation
  1. Teams will be created with a program that will average approximatively the level based on the ranking of each player on each map of the qualifiers.
  2. D substitute players are not taken into account by the program. They will be paired with the D seed who ranked identically inside their seed. (#1 D seed will be with #1 D substitute seed)
  3. Each team will be made up of 1 player from each seed making it a team of 4 players and 1 substitute.
  4. Then each team will have to choose a captain rapidly.
  5. It is recommended to come to an agreement as fast as possible to then decide on the captain and be able to schedule and prepare your matches rapidly.
  6. If the players can't agree or find a captain, the player from the A seed will be chosen as captain.
  7. The captain is going to be the one to reschedule a match if needed and will ensure that his teammates are here for the matches.

Player Points
  1. Each player will be attributed a certain amount of player points depending on their seed and the round that is played.
  2. Only the D seed or D substitute player can participate in a match. Once one of these two player played a map, they will get the D seed player points and play for the remainder of the match.
  3. A player must have a player point in order to play.
  4. A player lose a player point when they play a map and their team wins the point.
  5. The number of player points for each round is set as follows:
    1. RO32: A seed 4 points, B seed 3 points, C seed 2 points, D seed 1 point
    2. RO16, Quarterfinals and Loser's bracket round 1 to 4: A seed 5 points, B seed 4 points, C seed 2 points, D seed 1 points
    3. Semifinals, Finals, Grand Finals and Loser's Bracket round 5 to 8: A seed 5 points, B seed 4 points, C seed 3 points, D seed 2 points
    4. In case a player is missing, his player points can be passed to other players. However, they can only be passed down to a lower seeded teammate.
    5. The way points are passed down is detailed in a table that is provided on the main spreadsheet.
    6. Once points are distributed, a player cannot join the match even if they show up later.

Mappool Instructions
  1. There will be 1 mappool for each of the following stage: Qualifiers, RO32, RO16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals and Grand Finals.
  2. The Loser's Bracket will play on the same pool as the Winner's bracket of the same weekend.
  3. The ForceMod maps are played with FreeMod activated. Every individual player must pick Hidden or HardRock. ForceMod maps will be noted as FoM.
  4. The FreeMod maps are played with FreeMod activated. Every individual player can play with NoMod, Hidden, HardRock or Hidden+HardRock. FreeMod maps will be noted as FrM.
  5. The Tiebreaker is played under FreeMod conditions.
  6. Mappools structure will be as follow:
    - Qualifiers: 3 NM, 1 HD/HR/DT/FreM/HDHR
    - RO32: 4 NM, 1 HD/HR/DT/FrcM/FreM/HDHR, 1 TB
    - RO16, QF & LB R1-4: 5 NM, 1 HD/HR/DT/FrcM/HDHR, 2 FreM, 1 TB
    - SF, F, GF & LB R5-8: 6 NM, 1 HD/HR/DT/HDHR, 2 FrcM/FreM, 1 TB
  7. The mappool for each stage will be showcased a week beforehand.

Scheduling Instructions
  1. Every stage is held during the weekend. (It is however allowed to schedule on another day if no agreement is found on a time during the weekend)
  2. Matches are allowed to overlap if referees are available.
  3. The schedule will be released the previous weekend of each stage.
  4. Reschedules will only be considered if both teams agree on a time. Proof of that needs to be sent to the tournament staff before Thursday at 23:59 UTC+0 in that particular week when your match takes place.
  5. Rechedules must be done with the main D seed in priority. If the main D seed cannot make it, only then the D substitute player will replace the main D seed player.
  6. Reschedules may only be requested by a team captain.

Match Instructions
  1. A private lobby will be created 10 minutes before your match by a referee. Both team's captains will be invited into the room when it's match time. Then the referee or the captains will invite the other players into the room.
  2. If no staff or referee is available the match will be postponed.
  3. If less than the minimum required players attend, the maximum time the match can be postponed is 10 minutes.
  4. There is no penalty for not joining the room instantly after match time as long as it's within the postponed time.
  5. If neither of both teams have the minimum required players after 10 minutes it will count as a win for the team with the highest average seeding unless one player from one team was present. In that case, the team of that player will advance.
  6. The match will be played as TeamVs and ScoreV2 and the name of the room must be: "TTF: (Team Red) vs (Team Blue)".
  7. There are no warmups.
  8. There are no bans.
  9. The captain of each team will roll with the command "!roll" in the chat.
  10. The team with the highest roll chooses who picks first.
  11. Beatmap selection will then alternate between each captain selecting a beatmap out of the map pool.
  12. Captains may pick freely from any bracket.
  13. When picking a map, the captain must also announce the line up for their team (e.g.: AC). No change to this line up is allowed afterwards.
  14. Teams will have 2 minutes to pick a beatmap and 2 minutes to get ready. If a team didn't tell their pick before the end of the timer the map will be picked with a roll.
  15. Teams must follow the restrictions written in the Player points section of the ruleset to make their lineups. This includes having enough points to be able to align 2 players on every pick until the end of the match. Referees will inform of the allowed/disallowed line ups after each point.
  16. If a player disconnects between the beatmaps and the team cannot provide an exchange the match can be delayed 10 minutes at most. This delay can only be applied once.
  17. If a player disconnects, they get treated as if they failed the map unless they are able to provide a screenshot of their score. The screenshot must be hosted on domain and taken with F12 shortcut.
  18. Disconnects within 30 seconds after the beatmap was started allows the map to be replayed. This is only allowed once per team.
  19. Failed players' scores do get added to the team score.
  20. If the beatmap ends in a draw the game will be nullified and the map will be replayed.
  21. In case of a tie in points (example: 4-4 in BO9) the tiebreaker is selected.
  22. Each team is allowed a timeout of 2 mins per match. This timeout is optional.


The staff list can be found on the Main Spreadsheet.
We are looking for more people to help us in all the following positions: referee, streamer, commentator, custom mapper and playtester. Please join the server and ping one of the host if you would like to help!

In case you would like to join us as a custom mapper please fill this application form.

1st place: osu! profile badge (pending approval) & First place team banner
2nd place: Second place team banner
3rd place: Third place team banner

Tournament Committee official reporting form
Any report to be made in relation to this tournament's organization should be sent here.
hell yeah
I like this concept
ERA GulMyMommy
a tournament i actually have a chance to play in, im in
el pepe
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