
Experimental Music

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Kolon Dee
ive been into experimental music the past week and i dont know why

send me some experimental music you've listen to before

tw: epilepsy visuals
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Kolon Dee

Nikolai wrote:

merzbow if his songs had lyrics

Kolon Dee wrote:

Nikolai wrote:

merzbow if his songs had lyrics
ah yes my ears have been violated to the perfectest degree
merzbow for sure is something

Topic Starter
Kolon Dee

nominomu wrote:

i like this one, actually pretty good
Topic Starter
Kolon Dee
my new fav experimental music
g darius ost
pulse demon is babby's first noise album and honestly it's not even that good

Kolon Dee wrote:

my new fav experimental music
had no idea brakence had this kinda stuff on his albums, I've only known him as a sadboy pop dude with decently cool production
this might be of interest to you
Topic Starter
Kolon Dee

xch00F wrote:

this might be of interest to you
i am in interest of this, it's actually the variant of experimental music I want to hear when I first got into the genre, stuff like this

though this album in particular kinda reminds me of Lowercase (music genre)
since I saw Merzbow and Deathpile in the thread might as well post diff noise artists, Whitehouse probably the most accessible out of these 4 tbh lmao

(huge fucking epilepsy warning for the first 2 videos lmao)


PlickyPluck wrote:

since I saw Merzbow and Deathpile in the thread might as well post diff noise artists, Whitehouse probably the most accessible out of these 4 tbh lmao

(huge fucking epilepsy warning for the first 2 videos lmao)

How is this even music? It's just shrill sounds combined together...


PlickyPluck wrote:

since I saw Merzbow and Deathpile in the thread might as well post diff noise artists, Whitehouse probably the most accessible out of these 4 tbh lmao
How is this even music? It's just shrill sounds combined together...
Hey anything can be music that's my opinion

if you wanna try to fw something a bit more rhythmic on the noise side of things

also sumn completely different (give this one some time)


How is this even music? It's just shrill sounds combined together...
tbh music isn't actually all that well defined and a lot of people still debate about what is and is not considered music, and these kinds of fringe genres are why that debate is still ongoing lol. it's an interesting debate for sure. a lot of people will say something like "music is organized noise" which is a pretty good definition but it writes off a bunch of important styles of music like free jazz and musique concrete. if you think of music more as something like "the exploration of sound with expressive intent," imo that opens up the door to a lot of very interesting and crazy stuff. music is still very much a subjective experience tho.

a lot of the enjoyment of noise music is predicated on texture and timbre, sometimes with the added element of "how the fuck do you make a sound like this?" it's honestly pretty hard to make noise that sounds good, at a base level you still need to know how sound and sound design work. poppy put out a noise album a few years ago named "music to scream to" and if you compare it to stuff like merzbow or government alpha, especially the stuff later in their catalogs, it's pretty blatantly amateurish and not well designed/produced.

this isn't on youtube so here's the bandcamp link to one of my fav noise pieces

here's some flashcore

and if we're talking shrill sounds, I'd be doing a disservice by not posting diamanda galas lmao. she's basically a banshee and I mean that in the best and most complimentary way possible. harrowing stuff

edit: o here's another good noise album

xch00F wrote:


How is this even music? It's just shrill sounds combined together...
tbh music isn't actually all that well defined and a lot of people still debate about what is and is not considered music, and these kinds of fringe genres are why that debate is still ongoing lol. it's an interesting debate for sure. a lot of people will say something like "music is organized noise" which is a pretty good definition but it writes off a bunch of important styles of music like free jazz and musique concrete. if you think of music more as something like "the exploration of sound with expressive intent," imo that opens up the door to a lot of very interesting and crazy stuff. music is still very much a subjective experience tho.

a lot of the enjoyment of noise music is predicated on texture and timbre, sometimes with the added element of "how the fuck do you make a sound like this?" it's honestly pretty hard to make noise that sounds good, at a base level you still need to know how sound and sound design work. poppy put out a noise album a few years ago named "music to scream to" and if you compare it to stuff like merzbow or government alpha, especially the stuff later in their catalogs, it's pretty blatantly amateurish and not well designed/produced.

this isn't on youtube so here's the bandcamp link to one of my fav noise pieces

here's some flashcore

and if we're talking shrill sounds, I'd be doing a disservice by not posting diamanda galas lmao. she's basically a banshee and I mean that in the best and most complimentary way possible. harrowing stuff

edit: o here's another good noise album
Ngl I consider something as music if it intends to be one and not just ear-breaking saturated sounds for nothing. I would lean more towards the "music is organized noise" definition, but I guess anything can be music nowadays, even these kinds of sounds...


Ngl I consider something as music if it intends to be one and not just ear-breaking saturated sounds for nothing. I would lean more towards the "music is organized noise" definition
if we're talking intent then merzbow is music because his intent is musical. you could even call his music "organized noise" to a certain extent because while it sounds like noise, he knows what he's doing and he knows how to get the sounds he wants.

but I guess anything can be music nowadays, even these kinds of sounds...
this is part of why I brought up free jazz and musique concrete, back at their inceptions most people did not consider these genres "music." electronic music is pretty young in the grand scheme of art, it basically began in the 1910s but didn't start in earnest until the 1940s. free jazz, and I suppose just jazz in general lol, was considered "not music" by a bunch of folks as well. and you can go even further back than this and find instances of the mainstream and critic calling a bunch of wild stuff "not music" because of dissonance, disharmony, lack of structure, etc etc. like I'm pretty sure even some of debussy's pieces were being called "not music" lol.
here's something experimental and goregous, 19 minute long piece by richard chartier (very good drone artist) and gwyneth wentink (very good harpist), electronics and a triple harp



i adore this one, it is so satisfying and playful

im gonna save this in a playlist immediately

PlickyPluck wrote:

this too!!! i envy these textures so much how do i make thissss

im very charmed by this mood of darker wrongness, the uncertain moans of falling tones and the chirps & squeaks & chirps...

xch00F wrote:


how is this even music? it's just shrill sounds combined together...
music isn't actually all that well defined and a lot of people still debate about what is and is not considered music, and these kinds of fringe genres are why that debate is still ongoing lol. it's an interesting debate for sure. a lot of people will say something like "music is organized noise" which is a pretty good definition but it writes off a bunch of important styles of music like free jazz and musique concrete. if you think of music more as something like "the exploration of sound with expressive intent," imo that opens up the door to a lot of very interesting and crazy stuff. music is still very much a subjective experience tho.

a lot of the enjoyment of noise music is predicated on texture and timbre, sometimes with the added element of "how the fuck do you make a sound like this?" it's honestly pretty hard to make noise that sounds good, at a base level you still need to know how sound and sound design work. poppy put out a noise album a few years ago named "music to scream to" and if you compare it to stuff like merzbow or government alpha, especially the stuff later in their catalogs, it's pretty blatantly amateurish and not well designed/produced.


shrill sounds:
"a banshee [...] in the best and most complimentary way possible, harrowing stuff"

i wish i would listen to more like this...
i love this so much

(i dont know how to make it a vid im dumb xd) nvm im a pro now

Yuri wrote:

i love this so much

(i dont know how to make it a vid im dumb xd) nvm im a pro now
the music video is a bit... 💀
consider(?) replacing thread title

akmal2232232123 wrote:

consider(?) replacing thread title

akmal2232232123 wrote:

consider(?) replacing thread title
...maybe some songs here aren't intuitive to someone else as being experimental, but

surely this would at least qualify a little bit?

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