
[STD/CTB] Closed [Kagamine Rin] mod q / gd req

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[Kagamine Rin]
Closed for now to work on current pendings reqs Submit ur map here

bump after req pls

ur set doesnt need to finished (for mods)

u can also send multiple maps but i wont mod them back to back since others also wait most likely

For ctb i only mod up to mid 5*

GD Request
currently closed for gd i got enough sended atm
same preferences as in osu mod

My likings of gds i map
Easy > Normal > Expert > Expert+ > Insane > Hard

I mainly map Easy/Normal/Expert but can also map 6/7* most likely ( if u want me to map hard or insane, i most likely wont accept those reqs unless its nightcore )

if u want me to gd just ask me in osu dm and send in osumod so i dont forget
(in osu dm dont forget to send link)

thats all =w=
Kanemochi Yuna
DJ Yoshitaka - Flower beatmapsets/2116645#osu/4535550
Length: 2:00
100% complete with HS
ExtrA is mapped like its 2013 :D
not new mapper
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[Kagamine Rin]

qwt wrote:

DJ Yoshitaka - Flower beatmapsets/2116645#osu/4535550
Length: 2:00
100% complete with HS
ExtrA is mapped like its 2013 :D
not new mapper
its not really my type of map so i wont mod it but i did look at the diffs
small stuff i noticed not actual modding
not all kiai sections are on the same time on each diff

for top diff corners are empty so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping
LP's diff the entire rightside is empty???? so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping unless its intentional?
another diff also barely corners used
Standard nd hyper diff had good playfield usage

i didnt look for paterning since i dont mod these type of maps

its considered burst nd thats its stuff i dont really do ( look for the preferences in osumod!!)

goodluck w the rest of ur set though
The bump strikes (:

[Kagamine Rin] wrote:

qwt wrote:

DJ Yoshitaka - Flower beatmapsets/2116645#osu/4535550
Length: 2:00
100% complete with HS
ExtrA is mapped like its 2013 :D
not new mapper
its not really my type of map so i wont mod it but i did look at the diffs
small stuff i noticed not actual modding
not all kiai sections are on the same time on each diff

for top diff corners are empty so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping
LP's diff the entire rightside is empty???? so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping unless its intentional?
another diff also barely corners used
Standard nd hyper diff had good playfield usage

i didnt look for paterning since i dont mod these type of maps

its considered burst nd thats its stuff i dont really do ( look for the preferences in osumod!!)

goodluck w the rest of ur set though
UGH i always mess up with playfield usage. I believe the map has enough variety in object placement, intensity, and rhythm, to compensate for the small areas of the screen left minimally touched. No player will notice and no mapper will either ... unless they press CTRL+A
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[Kagamine Rin]

qwt wrote:

[Kagamine Rin] wrote:

qwt wrote:

DJ Yoshitaka - Flower beatmapsets/2116645#osu/4535550
Length: 2:00
100% complete with HS
ExtrA is mapped like its 2013 :D
not new mapper
its not really my type of map so i wont mod it but i did look at the diffs
small stuff i noticed not actual modding
not all kiai sections are on the same time on each diff

for top diff corners are empty so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping
LP's diff the entire rightside is empty???? so try pressing ctrl+a during mapping unless its intentional?
another diff also barely corners used
Standard nd hyper diff had good playfield usage

i didnt look for paterning since i dont mod these type of maps

its considered burst nd thats its stuff i dont really do ( look for the preferences in osumod!!)

goodluck w the rest of ur set though
UGH i always mess up with playfield usage. I believe the map has enough variety in object placement, intensity, and rhythm, to compensate for the small areas of the screen left minimally touched. No player will notice and no mapper will either ... unless they press CTRL+A
players wont notice it i guess but its still important to use the corners ;)
femtanyl - I MIGHT B3 SICK beatmapsets/2156021/
length: 1:37
kinda complete? im new to mapping and ive tried hitsounds but they confuse me

Feedback on either would be appreciated, ty
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[Kagamine Rin]

2ezlma0 wrote:

femtanyl - I MIGHT B3 SICK beatmapsets/2156021/
length: 1:37
kinda complete? im new to mapping and ive tried hitsounds but they confuse me
cant really tell if this map is troll or not i assume not but be careful w ur spacings since on top diff it ramps really fast( havent checked the other diffs), it also dont really represent the song itself but mapping a song like this can be quite difficult, goodluck w the rest of ur set though. i cant really go over hitsounding either since i let ppl do it for me most of the time
beatmapsets/2158022#osu/4549435 6 star trying out a new style off mapping
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[Kagamine Rin]

Vidrogue wrote:

beatmapsets/2158022#osu/4549435 6 star trying out a new style off mapping
hi could u send it in my osu mod so i wont forget about it =w=
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