
What is Raw Input?

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trfs wrote:

Works great! Only issue I have is that it's impossible to log in or out while it's enabled, the cursor just flies around everywhere.

PromiscuousDuck wrote:

It makes it almost impossible to use with tablets, like it makes the game fullscreen meaning you have to move more making it almost impossible to play.

Is there anyway around this?
Increase active area in the driver I guess? The in-game sensitivity option works but the cursor isn't confined in the window properly, which is frustrating if you tap accidentally and it loses focus.
I already have it set to be full screen so I don't know how to change it otherwise :/

Spyrunite wrote:

peppy wrote:

The cursor IS confined to the window. If it isn't, report this as a bug, because it is incorrect. Tablet works fine at any sensitivity for me (osu!tablet).
I strongly disagree with this change. I play in windowed because I want to be able to go to other windows outside of my osu! window. I can't do that without switching to my mouse when there should be no reason for me not to be able to just tap it with my tablet.

I also got used to the area of the tablet with osu! in windowed, now that it treats osu! as the full area it is completely different. Do the huion drivers allow for you to change the area or is there just no way to change it back to the area I was used to as of now?

Edit: I messed around with changing the tablet speed a bit, and it kinda help definitely does not fix the problem. The area around the outside of the osu window isn't clickable because the cursor goes right back onto osu, completely skipping that area. It also just doesn't go up in fine enough increments for my liking. Really I'd rather just have a way to turn off Raw Imput. Not giving us the option to turn it off is just silly.
That's strange, for me the tablet cursor is neither confined to the osu! window, and is using the entire screen as the active area, just as before. At least, at the main menu, when in a song I think it is confined to the window.
That's exactly the way it was before the update, maybe you didn't install the update?

Edit: Ok, so I thought about this some more. Is the reason that the cursor is locked in the window because otherwise the raw imput wouldn't be happening? If that is the way it works then I understand why it is locked down the way it is, but the above problems still exist.

Spyrunite wrote:

That's exactly the way it was before the update, maybe you didn't install the update?

Edit: Ok, so I thought about this some more. Is the reason that the cursor is locked in the window because otherwise the raw imput wouldn't be happening? If that is the way it works then I understand why it is locked down the way it is, but the above problems still exist.
No, I've definitely installed the update.
Topic Starter
I will likely add a way to disable it for supported devices in the next update. Please wait calmly until then.

peppy wrote:

I will likely add a way to disable it for supported devices in the next update. Please wait calmly until then.
Would it be possible to make it so that the area acts the same as it was before (with the area of the tablet being to your full monitor) with 1.0 speed in game and get raw imput or is that not doable?
Guys can recommend me tablets that can run Osu?(PC VER )
Coz I'm not sure which one could :/
After this patch when not playing (when spectating) my fps is 60, which is lower than my refresh rate(75hz). This makes the game look choppy.

Edit: Woops, didn't read the title. Thought this was the latest patch thread.
This is a excellent change in general, but especially for win 8.1 users, thanks a lot Peppy!
"use unlimited and pay the extra power bill."

I don't really think it makes that much of a difference.

Yamadash wrote:

"use unlimited and pay the extra power bill."

I don't really think it makes that much of a difference.
Unlimited fps = video card works harder = more power usage

Remember when Starcraft 2 first came out and the menu was unlimited fps? People's GPUs overheated and died.
Hey, just a question: Do you have any plans of supporting this on touch screens?

peppy wrote:

Why doesn't it work with Wacom tablets?

Wacom tablets use proprietary drivers, which don't conform to hardware standards. I may look at adding support for them later.
Please do :D - this would be awesome, would love to adjust the sensitivity to more than 1.0x through osu! :)
So I was told Windows Aero causes a delay as well and believe it to be true, does this bypass that specific delay as well?

Moodkiller03 wrote:

Please do :D - this would be awesome, would love to adjust the sensitivity to more than 1.0x through osu! :)
Raw Input support for Wacom devices wouldn't make that possible... If you want to increase your tablet's sensitivity, change the size of your tablet area through the drivers.

-Rinku- wrote:

So I was told Windows Aero causes a delay as well and believe it to be true, does this bypass that specific delay as well?
Aero causes visual delay, so this won't get around that.
Thank you based peppy. -All mouse users
So I followed the guide to make my mouse input work in osu exactly how it did pre 8.1. But now I'm forced to use raw input to turn up the mouse sensitivity (something that worked perfectly fine before). Having the raw input option selected makes all my mouse movements feel very...dampened. When I turn up the mouse sensitivity with the raw input option it doesn't have the same effect it had before (1.3x used to be the perfect option for me, now I have to go to about 2.5x to get a similar effect), and it has more stutters.

Is there anyway to get the sensitivity to work as it did before the most recent update? I enjoy the raw input option, it's just annoying that I'm forced to use it because osu detects I'm 8.1 and thinks I have a problem I don't actually have.

DeltaBurnt wrote:

So I followed the guide to make my mouse input work in osu exactly how it did pre 8.1. But now I'm forced to use raw input to turn up the mouse sensitivity (something that worked perfectly fine before). Having the raw input option selected makes all my mouse movements feel very...dampened. When I turn up the mouse sensitivity with the raw input option it doesn't have the same effect it had before (1.3x used to be the perfect option for me, now I have to go to about 2.5x to get a similar effect), and it has more stutters.

Is there anyway to get the sensitivity to work as it did before the most recent update? I enjoy the raw input option, it's just annoying that I'm forced to use it because osu detects I'm 8.1 and thinks I have a problem I don't actually have.
Maybe you have you windows mouse settings changed from their defaults (6/11 mouse speed in pointer options). Raw input bypasses windows mouse settings and the game gets it directly from the hardware.

Mathsma wrote:

Maybe you have you windows mouse settings changed from their defaults (6/11 mouse speed in pointer options). Raw input bypasses windows mouse settings and the game gets it directly from the hardware.
That seems to explain why raw input feels less sensitive, but it doesn't seem to fix the problem. I have to turn up the sensitivity past 2.0 to get any real effect, and it definitely feels less smooth (maybe because Windows isn't smoothing it I guess). I would definitely love an option to turn off the 8.1 check, mostly because it's very difficult to switch from one sensitivity to another after years of playing.
Topic Starter
Sorry but I'm not removing the win8.1 check. You can try adjusting your windows sensitivity and sticking it on 1.0x in osu! if you'd like to use the windows setting.

Yamadash wrote:

"use unlimited and pay the extra power bill."

I don't really think it makes that much of a difference.
It can make a huge difference depending on your setup.

I ran some tests when I built this PC and from what I've measured at the wall socket, unlimited (gameplay) uses 60% more power than 120fps capped. We're talking about a measly single HD6870 here, that figure is guaranteed to change if you have more "beastly" setup.

The result is up for interpretation depending on your view on sustainability issues though...

peppy wrote:

Sorry but I'm not removing the win8.1 check. You can try adjusting your windows sensitivity and sticking it on 1.0x in osu! if you'd like to use the windows setting.

Kind of sucks, because I've had a harder time playing 1.2x with raw input than 1.2x without it for some reason. Just feels slower to me.

I have win8.1 so I'm forced raw input with 1.2x. Adjusting my sensitivity through control panel doesn't help much either =/

peppy wrote:

Sorry but I'm not removing the win8.1 check. You can try adjusting your windows sensitivity and sticking it on 1.0x in osu! if you'd like to use the windows setting.
Could you at least let us change the sensitivity through the config file without it automatically turning on raw input? I realize the check will stop a lot of people on 8.1 from whining about mouse issues, but this really hurts how I (and other people) play in a very big way.
No problem. this is for Not-Supporting Mouse Operating System, Thought that the other's that not support mouse will can't move mouse correctly. :D

But somehow, I don't really like it. or maybe because need some adaptation

Known Windows 8.1 had an issues with a Mouse, Still a fortunate I was unable to raise up from 8 Pro :!:
Topic Starter

RemiFlan wrote:

peppy wrote:

Sorry but I'm not removing the win8.1 check. You can try adjusting your windows sensitivity and sticking it on 1.0x in osu! if you'd like to use the windows setting.

Kind of sucks, because I've had a harder time playing 1.2x with raw input than 1.2x without it for some reason. Just feels slower to me.

I have win8.1 so I'm forced raw input with 1.2x. Adjusting my sensitivity through control panel doesn't help much either =/
If you adjust it in control panel, you HAVE TO USE 1.0x. else it will not be applied to osu! anymore.

Yamadash wrote:

"use unlimited and pay the extra power bill."
I don't really think it makes that much of a difference.
Looking at CPU alone:

Idle: 12w
osu! 60fps: 13.5w
osu! unlimited: 38w

Now consider the GPU draws 2-10x as much as the cpu. Add it together and work out the cost savings in your local currency (look up rate of electricity per kWh). I guarantee it will be over a dollar a day for heavy users.
No. Latencies for 3-8ms are not perceivable by humans. If you believe you need 1ms then use unlimited and pay the extra power bill.

it can still make a difference on High latency IPS monitors, some monitors of those are 20ish ms latency, chose 26ms or 20, it can make the difference in making it feel natural.
Unrelated question:
Is "osu!mania layout" replaced by "Raw Input" toggle temporary or permanently (much like the Combo Fire taken by Storyboard toggle)?

Can somebody delete my bug report? :?
Does this fix mouse acceleration from all sources? Sensors such as the Avago 9800 are known to have around (plus or minus)5% acceleration - a mouse with this sensor without acceleration has yet to be seen. As far as I know, this raw input thing shouldn't be able to fix this, but some people that I am in contact with feel as if acceleration has been completely fixed for them. They use the g500, which is known to have some acceleration.
Topic Starter
i use a g500 and no it does not have any acceleration at a secnsor level.

peppy wrote:

i use a g500 and no it does not have any acceleration at a secnsor level.

Do you have any tests with which to back this up with? I'm asking for peace of mind; I've only ever heard of the mouse having slight acceleration before.
Topic Starter
I just tested on my mouse pad using raw input around 20 times with different velocity movements and could not produce any kind of acceleration effects.

peppy wrote:

Raw input allows osu! to read mouse/tablet values directly from the hardware, without any post-processing. As a result, it can bypas windows bugs and acceleration algorithms. It can also allow for tablet sensitivity adjustment without setting a custom tablet area mapping at driver-level.

Why did you even bother adding this? Input was fine already.

It fixes an issue with Windows 8.1 where mouse sensitivities other than 1.0x not working correctly.

Should I use raw input?

Try it and see if you like it. Some users will still prefer leaving it off if they enjoy windows mouse acceleration (known as "Enhance Precision" in newer windows versions).

Why doesn't it work with Wacom tablets?

Wacom tablets use proprietary drivers, which don't conform to hardware standards. I may look at adding support for them later.

My latency is more than 1ms. Add a new fps limiter option to make it 1ms without being unlimited.

No. Latencies for 3-8ms are not perceivable by humans. If you believe you need 1ms then use unlimited and pay the extra power bill.
I don't know, I'm somewhat happy about Raw Input.
Despite fixing a bug with my tablet where I could only access an area on my screen the size of the osu! window (1024x768 from top left with 1280x1024 as desktop resolution, so if the window was in the middle about 1/4 or so of it weren't accessible), movement now feels more direct and the cursor isn't drifting away anymore.

Tablet is a Slimline Design Tablet (TB-5300) used under Windows 7.

peppy wrote:

I just tested on my mouse pad using raw input around 20 times with different velocity movements and could not produce any kind of acceleration effects.
Do you experience acceleration outside of osu?

If possible, could you explain how acceleration is removed with raw input enabled? I know it's supposed to allow reading mouse values directly from the hardware, but as the sensor itself is a piece of hardware, I'm rather confused as to how acceleration is ignored, as small as it may be on certain mice.
Well I don't know about w8.1 (still using XP in my toaster) but it felt really strange, more inaccurate, I used to use a mouse sensitivity of 4.0, I tried adjusting it but it still felt kinda off, so I deactivate the 'enhance pointer precision' on the windows control panel, and activate the Raw Input in the game, and voila, just as it was... It gave me quite a headache though...

opnmind wrote:

Well I don't know about w8.1 (still using XP in my toaster) but it felt really strange, more inaccurate, I used to use a mouse sensitivity of 4.0, I tried adjusting it but it still felt kinda off, so I deactivate the 'enhance pointer precision' on the windows control panel, and activate the Raw Input in the game, and voila, just as it was... It gave me quite a headache though...
I take that back...

marshallracer wrote:

I don't know, I'm somewhat happy about Raw Input.
Despite fixing a bug with my tablet where I could only access an area on my screen the size of the osu! window (1024x768 from top left with 1280x1024 as desktop resolution, so if the window was in the middle about 1/4 or so of it weren't accessible), movement now feels more direct and the cursor isn't drifting away anymore.

Tablet is a Slimline Design Tablet (TB-5300) used under Windows 7.
nvm, bug is still there, I should report it I can deal with it
still the movement itself has improved

SanicHegehog wrote:

peppy wrote:

I just tested on my mouse pad using raw input around 20 times with different velocity movements and could not produce any kind of acceleration effects.
Do you experience acceleration outside of osu?

If possible, could you explain how acceleration is removed with raw input enabled? I know it's supposed to allow reading mouse values directly from the hardware, but as the sensor itself is a piece of hardware, I'm rather confused as to how acceleration is ignored, as small as it may be on certain mice.
To follow up with SanicHegehog's question: What DPI do you use? Mouse acceleration becomes more and more difficult to detect the higher it is.
Raw input saved my life. Thank you peppy.
Thank you so much for this, peppy!

Quit osu! some time ago because I kept getting annoying mouse bugs and this option solved it!

SanicHegehog wrote:

Does this fix mouse acceleration from all sources? Sensors such as the Avago 9800 are known to have around (plus or minus)5% acceleration - a mouse with this sensor without acceleration has yet to be seen. As far as I know, this raw input thing shouldn't be able to fix this, but some people that I am in contact with feel as if acceleration has been completely fixed for them. They use the g500, which is known to have some acceleration.
there is no way for software to know if the hardware is causing the acceleration (obviously)

this software will detect software based accel tho (taken from MarkC mouse accel fix package)

dont let your cursor touch the edges of the screen when you're testing else it will mess up the results
I'm using a genius tablet, I tried testing raw input but this results in my tablet not being sensed at all. I supposed that it was for mice but this thread said otherwise...
While it's great to finally see raw input support, I think there's a slight flaw in the implantation. If the FPS dips even slightly from its limiter, the cursor stops tracking properly as if significant acceleration were applied. I've had to go back to normal mouse input with the windows 8 fix.

Are you using the buffered or unbuffered version, and are you processing the input messages in the same thread as the main game loop?
Topic Starter
darkimmortal i think your brain is sending waves that are bouncing off the moon and hitting your cpu causing the issues you mention.

the implementation is not flawed and what you are experiencing is what i can only call your imagination. feel free to use whatever solution you deem necessary to counteract that.
i updated to windows 8.1 and i cant use my tablet with osu! unless the sensitivity is at 1.0x or below and each time i make it go higher it automatically put raw input on and i cant use my tablet at all like this please fix this I NEED TO PLAY MY OSU!!!
Tablets WILL NOT WORK above 1.0x without raw input, because the whole point of tablets is that their absolute positioning means movements are based on physical area traveled. If you want a higher "sensitivity", and your tablet is wacom (which means it doesn't support raw input), you'll have to change the active area in your tablet options in most cases.
Due to the new update I tried Raw input with my wacom tablet and it seemed to work.
?!?!?! um peppy my cursor just got crazy when spining in the spinner is a bug

makemecool123 wrote:

?!?!?! um peppy my cursor just got crazy when spining in the spinner is a bug
If you think this is a bug, then please report it to the Help/Tech Support forum, and make sure to use the search form on the top first to avoid creating duplicates!

Bumping threads that didn't get an answer for 5 months won't result in anything but locking this thread. Please avoid bumping long-dead threads in the future unless it's for a really important reason.
Locked to prevent futher bumping.
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