A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty and guest difficulties of a similar level may use custom difficulty names. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Any custom difficulty name must not be a username, or anything related to a username.
Previous Discussion
Although the rule regarding custom difficulty names is not in the current Ranking Criteria, maps have been unranked for using difficulty names deemed as unclear. This thread is for a proposed amendment to this rule:
Using special difficulty names at a level of Insane or above can actually help indicate level of difficulty more clearly, as labelling all of them as only "Insane" can cause confusion in cases like this. Note the difference in difficulty between "Insane" and "FREEDOM".
Instances of a mapper name being used as a difficulty will be interpreted as "[mapper]'s Insane/Extra". Thus, using a mapper name as a difficulty is not acceptable if the level of difficulty is Hard or lower.
Difficulty spread naming such as "Blue / Red / White" is still unacceptable, because in this case none of the difficulties are labelled clearly and the spread may be interpreted as ENH, NHI, or HIX before playing the difficulties. However, difficulty spread naming such as "Beginner / Normal / Hyper / Another" or "Light / Standard / Heavy / Challenge" are still acceptable because all four difficulties work together to form a coherent naming system.
These changes have already received discussion and support among the staff, and more thoughts and comments are welcome. For the time being, assume the new star system is not in place when discussing this rule. The rule may be revised or removed once it is added and its accuracy is determined.
Points of Contention
A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of Insane difficulties. Many levels of Insane difficulties exist and special names may be used to differentiate between them.
With this rule in place, a spread such as "Easy / Normal / Hard / Insane / 0108" is acceptable again because four of the difficulties use the conventional difficulty names, while the fifth indicates a special degree of difficulty. As long as the rule is followed, the only difficulties using special names will be at a level of Insane or above, and thus the player will be able to deduce its level of difficulty. Usage of these difficulty names will also be supported by the new star system, which is confirmed to be in progress, and explanations added to the Creator's Words section if necessary.Using special difficulty names at a level of Insane or above can actually help indicate level of difficulty more clearly, as labelling all of them as only "Insane" can cause confusion in cases like this. Note the difference in difficulty between "Insane" and "FREEDOM".
Instances of a mapper name being used as a difficulty will be interpreted as "[mapper]'s Insane/Extra". Thus, using a mapper name as a difficulty is not acceptable if the level of difficulty is Hard or lower.
Difficulty spread naming such as "Blue / Red / White" is still unacceptable, because in this case none of the difficulties are labelled clearly and the spread may be interpreted as ENH, NHI, or HIX before playing the difficulties. However, difficulty spread naming such as "Beginner / Normal / Hyper / Another" or "Light / Standard / Heavy / Challenge" are still acceptable because all four difficulties work together to form a coherent naming system.
These changes have already received discussion and support among the staff, and more thoughts and comments are welcome. For the time being, assume the new star system is not in place when discussing this rule. The rule may be revised or removed once it is added and its accuracy is determined.
Points of Contention
- Allow completely free difficulty naming (not only Insane difficulties)?
- Allow free naming for the mapper's hardest difficulty?