Game-specific Rules:
-When signing up, please send me a forum PM with at least 3 roles off this list: ... gory:Roles
-The role can have at most one modifier (Odd-night Doctor, Weak Cop, etc.), or use vanilla as base to gain another modifier (1-shot Bulletproof Macho Townie, etc.)
-DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to nerf your role if it's way too OP, so if you send in a strong role try to balance it out a bit. also, if your list doesn't fit the setup, I may ask for a new list. just don't do anything stupid plz
-Besides that, be creative :3
-NOTE: 100% balance isn't guaranteed although I'll try my hardest. This game may have bastard elements. You have been warned ~
Mod: pieguy1372
1. Sephibro
2. Tanzklaue **
3. Sakura
4. GuyInFreezer **
5. kevincela
6. rEdo *
7. Setsuen ***
8. Gumica *
9. DakeDekaane **
10. fferylltCTs-Th *
11. NoHitter **
12. Irreversible ***
13. CalignoBot **Lapis Aoki
* = prod
Dead (w/ role reveal):
-When signing up, please send me a forum PM with at least 3 roles off this list: ... gory:Roles
-The role can have at most one modifier (Odd-night Doctor, Weak Cop, etc.), or use vanilla as base to gain another modifier (1-shot Bulletproof Macho Townie, etc.)
-DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to nerf your role if it's way too OP, so if you send in a strong role try to balance it out a bit. also, if your list doesn't fit the setup, I may ask for a new list. just don't do anything stupid plz
-Besides that, be creative :3
-NOTE: 100% balance isn't guaranteed although I'll try my hardest. This game may have bastard elements. You have been warned ~
Mod: pieguy1372
1. Sephibro
2. Tanzklaue **
3. Sakura
4. GuyInFreezer **
5. kevincela
6. rEdo *
7. Setsuen ***
8. Gumica *
9. DakeDekaane **
10. fferyllt
11. NoHitter **
12. Irreversible ***
13. CalignoBot **
* = prod
1. Sephibro, 1-shot Bulletproof Inquisitor, survived!
Dead (w/ role reveal):
5. -kevincela-, Mafia Godfather, lynched D2
3. Sakura, Town Hider, killed N2
8. Gumica, Town 1-shot Lynchproof Tracker, killed N2
10. fferyllt, Town Restless Spirit, lynched D3
6. rEdo, Town Bus Driver, succumbed to poison N3
13. CalignoBot, Town 1-shot Alien, lynched D4
11. NoHitter, Town Weak Seraph Knight, killed N4
4. GuyInFreezer, 1-shot Self-Reviving Judas, lynched D5
9. DakeDekaane, Inquisition Strong-willed Vote Thief, killed N5
12. Irreversible, Town 1-shot Poisoner, killed N5
7. Setsuen, Mafia 2-shot Paranoid Gun Owner, lynched D7
2. Tanzklaue, Town Odd Night Commuter, endgamed!
3. Sakura, Town Hider, killed N2
8. Gumica, Town 1-shot Lynchproof Tracker, killed N2
10. fferyllt, Town Restless Spirit, lynched D3
6. rEdo, Town Bus Driver, succumbed to poison N3
13. CalignoBot, Town 1-shot Alien, lynched D4
11. NoHitter, Town Weak Seraph Knight, killed N4
4. GuyInFreezer, 1-shot Self-Reviving Judas, lynched D5
9. DakeDekaane, Inquisition Strong-willed Vote Thief, killed N5
12. Irreversible, Town 1-shot Poisoner, killed N5
7. Setsuen, Mafia 2-shot Paranoid Gun Owner, lynched D7
2. Tanzklaue, Town Odd Night Commuter, endgamed!