
Ranking-Panel unalined

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Iv looked through and read multiple forums for the ranking panel being off placement and below by a few tiles or pixels, and all them have either said change the skin.ini version or try and make the resolution bigger and drag the picture down. Iv tried both, when i change skin.ini version it still doesn't line up and other skin elements are unaligned. And when i change the resolution and move it down it just makes the panel go down and unaligned with the score and other hit scores.

I don't know what to do, to make it move up without anything else being ruined or unaligned. If you think you know what to do please tell me.
(My version was originally 2 but then i changed it to version 2.7)

I do not see what the issue here is based on the description and image, it all looks working correctly?
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RockRoller wrote:

I do not see what the issue here is based on the description and image, it all looks working correctly?
on the image if you look above the ranking panel and below the ranking title there are a bunch of pixels/tiles not filled in.
Heres a better picture:
Ah, the gap. The best way to fill it is by using the ranking letters, here is a link to one of my skins that does it, just take a look at the files.
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RockRoller wrote:

Ah, the gap. The best way to fill it is by using the ranking letters, here is a link to one of my skins that does it, just take a look at the files.
Alright i see, is there a set amount i need to fill the gap or it dependent on your screen res?
The gap always has the same thickness, just be aware that if you cut the height or width of the ranking letter files you need to cut them on both sides. So if you cut the height cut both the top and bottom equally because the ranking letters have a center origin point
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Thank you!, i have been able to do one of the ranking letters and it looks fine now.
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