
Hitcircles changing shades of color???

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Hello guys! I am new to skinning and I only mix skins occasionally, but why do my hitcircles change shades of color? For example, I’ll set a skins color in the skin.ini folder to only red, and it will become red, but it will switch between slightly dark red and normal red. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you for any help!
Attaching screenshots/video of your issue would help
As you hit new patterns (notes which are grouped together) the color will shift between what you set in your skin.ini file. You said you set them all to red but I'd just make sure you typed it all right and got the combo order right.

Should look something like this:


// -=- Combo Colours
Combo1: 205,50,89
Combo2: 136,78,90
Combo3: 255,224,236
Combo4: 255,102,138

If you only want 1 color just remove the combo2-4 lines.
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