
osu!std 1v1 | Nordic All-Stars (signups closed)

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discord ✦ spreadsheet ✦ registration form ✦ challonge ✦ stream

  1. This is an osu! standard 1v1 tournament
  2. This is a Nordic-only tournament. Players must have one of the following flags on their profile to participate:
    • Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Åland Islands, Faroe Islands, Greenland
    1. Players with different flags may be allowed to participate given valid proof of residency. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis and applicable players should contact the hosts regarding their situation
  3. The tournament will be played in Score v2
  4. All players are subject to official player screening, meaning any misconduct during the past 12 months or ongoing tournament bans may void your eligibility to play
  5. Joining the Discord server is required. Players should change their nickname to match their osu! username
  6. The 32 best-performing players will advance from qualifiers into a double elimination bracket stage
    1. There is no limit on the amount of players who can play qualifiers
    2. Amount of qualifying players subject to change depending on the number of registrations
  7. Staff are not allowed to participate, with the exception of streamers and commentators
  8. Every match will have a referee present in the lobby
  9. All match times will be listed in UTC+0
  10. Mappools will consist of a No Mod, Hidden, Hard Rock and Double Time pool as well as a tiebreaker map

Qualifier procedure
  1. Players are free to choose a qualifier lobby of their preferred time
  2. The assigned referee will create the lobby before the match time
  3. Players will receive invites from the referee to their lobby a few minutes in advance. Players have 5 minutes past the match time to join the lobby
    1. Would a player miss their lobby, they are allowed to reschedule to any future lobby if applicable
  4. The qualifiers mappool will be played through in the lobby in the order on the spreadsheet, exactly once
  5. After all lobbies have concluded, the 32 best-performing players will advance into the bracket stage
Bracket stage procedure
  1. All matches will have a dedicated referee present
  2. Players will receive invites from the referee to their match a few minutes in advance. Players have 10 minutes past the match time to join the lobby
    1. Should a player not be present after the grace period, the opposing player will win the match by default
  3. Both players are allowed one warmup map with a maximum length of 3:30 minutes
  4. At the start of the match after warmups, both players will !roll
    1. The winner of the roll will choose either the pick or the ban order
    2. The loser of the roll will choose the remaining order
  5. On Round of 16 and earlier, both players will have one ban
  6. Starting from Quarterfinals, both players will have two bans. The bans will follow a snaking order (ABBA)
  7. Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for the duration of the match
  8. Players have 2 minutes to pick or ban a map
    1. Failing to choose a map in time will void that pick, and the pick skips to the other player
  9. Map picks will follow an alternating order. Should a match get to the last point (i.e. 8 maps played in a best-of-9) with no winner, the tiebreaker map will be played
    1. Round of 16 and earlier will be best-of-9 (first to 5)
    2. Quarterfinals and Semifinals will be best-of-11 (first to 6)
    3. Finals and Grand Finals will be best-of-13 (first to 7)
  10. The tiebreaker map will have freemod enabled, with Hidden and Hard Rock allowed. Picking a mod on the tiebreaker is not required
  11. The hosts reserve the right to change these rules at any time and as they see fit, within reason. Any possible rule changes will be communicated to the players. The hosts also reserve the right to punish any participating player for misconduct during the tournament, including but not limited to disqualification
    1. The rules and terms of service of any platforms used, such as osu! and Discord, will also apply, and will be enforced appropriately

  1. Registrations: December 26–January 7 @ 21:00 (UTC+0)
    2 week buffer for player screening
  2. Qualifiers: January 20–January 21 | 7.2★
  3. Round of 32: January 27–January 28 | BO9, 1 ban, 6.7★
  4. Round of 16: February 3–February 4 | BO9, 1 ban, 6.9★
  5. Quarterfinals: February 10–February 11 | BO11, 2 bans, 7.1★
  6. Semifinals: February 17–February 18 | BO11, 2 bans, 7.3★
  7. Finals: February 24–February 25 | BO13, 2 bans, 7.5★
  8. Grand Finals: March 2–March 3 | BO13, 2 bans, 7.8★
Tentative; subject to minor delays or other alterations

1st place
  1. Profile badge (pending)
  2. Animated profile banner
  3. 44% of the prize pool*
2nd place
  1. Animated profile banner
  2. 32% of the prize pool*
3rd place
  1. Animated profile banner
  2. 24% of the prize pool*
Current prize pool: 180.00€

*Prize pool pending community donations. You can contribute via PayPal, ko-fi or other means (dm shdewz). Include your name to receive a contributor role on the Discord server and a place in the contributor list


Hosts:Graphics / Technical:Mappoolers:Playtesters:Streamers:Commentators:Referees:
Looking for referees, streamers and commentators! Contact any of the hosts on Discord if interested

for any issues with the tournament, refer to the official tournament report link:
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