i made bmc leave the lobby https://www.twitch.tv/btmc/clip/VenomousHealthyDurianBatChest-jcvLXc9Kus01DFZ7 i just found these in my computer the history is real in this 5500pp DONE 22.1.2017 6000PP DONE 9.7.2017 6500pp DONE 12.2.2018 7000PP DONE 14.5.2018 #1 score on every djpop tag4 maps in finland 24.9.2018 21.10.2018 I DID CIRNO #1 IN FINLAND that means i have #1 country on all ranked/loved tag4 maps 7500PP DONE 18.10.2018 100k playcount 29.11.2018 8000pp DONE 6.2.2019 8500PP DONE 27.3.2019 (also first 500pp play) 9000PP DONE 20.4.2019 19.4.2019 first real 500pp play (blue zenith) i had finlands pp record for 3 weeks (7.8 - 7.30.19) 10000PP DONE 11.7.2019 10500PP DONE 4.3.2020 (had 10490~pp for like 6 months xd) now i try to find next milestones, may not be accurate 11000pp DONE 8.7.2022(?) 11500pp DONE 17-31.8.2022 12000PP DONE 6.9.2022(?) 12500PP DONE 9.9.2022 13000PP DONE 2.10.2022 13500PP DONE 29.1.2023 (?) 14000pp DONE 5.2.2023 hold finnish pp record (873pp) 12.6.2023-4.9.2023 14500pp DONE 7.9.2023 GOT NUMBER ONE IN FINLAND 28.9.2023 (hold it like a couple days XD)
23 years old guy from finland, doing what i love to do i still enjoy this game at same energy as i did in 2015 when i started, you should too! i think i will play this game even when im 60 years old
i dont take it seriously yet, just making fun maps and trying different things, maybe sometime i try it seriously but my favourite one are these beatmapsets/1973366#osu/4151435 if some mod sees this map and thinks it has potential to be ranked dm me beatmapsets/1952385#osu/4043001