
osu! Public Release b1023 [available]

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New release brings huge bug fixes, performance improvements and a few new features. Those of you that wanted an in-between for fps limiting can now choose the 120fps limit option for the best of both worlds. Performance of extended chat is now improved, and avatar load issues should all be resolved. AIMod has become more powerful, as well.

2009-10-12 (b1023)
(+) Added storyboard scripting support for vector movements (MX and MY transformation types).
(+) Added many new AIMod style and error rules (Ctrl+Shift+A to activate in editor).
(+) Added kiai overlay to editor seekbar.

(*) Rewrite of stacking code to follow strict standards (new maps only).
(*) Fixed wiimote not working in taiko mode.

(+) Widescreen support for extended chat.
(*) Extended chat (F9) performance improvements.

(+) Added support for 120fps limit.
(+) Improved error reporting and submission process.
(*) Avatar loading code is more efficient and reliable.
(*) Almost 100 bug fixes and minor improvements.

Full Changelog:

(+) [peppy] Widescreen support for extended chat.
(+) [peppy] Improved error reporting.
(+) [peppy] Bancho threading architecture rewrite (using worker threads now).
(+) [peppy] Added support for 120fps limit.
(+) [peppy] Added storyboard scripting support for vector movements (MX and MY transformation types).
(+) [peppy] Added new AIMod style rule: preview point not set.
(+) [peppy] Added new AIMod Style module. Stylistic warnings (very long combos, very long beatmap, excessively long unused mp3, too much kiai time used, too many kiai toggles).
(+) [peppy] Added new AIMod Error module. Rules for known unrankable errors (missing background, two objects with same startTime).
(+) [peppy] Added maintenance mode dialog.
(+) [peppy] Added kiai overlay to editor seekbar.
(+) [peppy] AIMod detects non-snapped objects.
(+) [Intermezzo] Added #23 (Final replay score no longer shown in the offline scoreboard).
(*) [peppy] osu!direct menu icon bypasses idle check (as it should).
(*) [peppy] Widescreen fixes for play modes.
(*) [peppy] Updated audio library.
(*) [peppy] Thorough Bancho code quality check, profiling and optimisation.
(*) [peppy] Restored old stacking code for old beatmaps.
(*) [peppy] Removed possibility for autopilot and autoplay to mix.
(*) [peppy] More timing fixes for new frame limiter option (fps counter displays incorrect fps).
(*) [peppy] Increased beatmap size limit for marathon maps (make sure the difficulty is "Marathon").
(*) [peppy] Improvements to replay playback perceptual framerate.
(*) [peppy] Further Bancho threading tweaks.
(*) [peppy] Fixed wiimote not working in taiko mode.
(*) [peppy] Fixed url encoding of difficulty links in BSS posts.
(*) [peppy] Fixed unpause cursor message not being centered in widescreen.
(*) [peppy] Fixed trigger events not activating in taiko mode.
(*) [peppy] Fixed too much mouse trails when viewing autoplay/replay with frame limiter off during kiai time.
(*) [peppy] Fixed too many stars during 2x replay in kiai time.
(*) [peppy] When spectaing someone who has a map you don't, osu!direct will only popup once (after you start the download).
(*) [peppy] Fixed tapping causing strange results if two taps occur on same millisecond value consecutively.
(*) [peppy] Fixed taiko notes flying to hp bar even when missed.
(*) [peppy] Fixed taiko mode scroller bar becoming split when game is paused/buffering/waiting.
(*) [peppy] Fixed stacking bug where two sliders are placed in a very unique arrangement.
(*) [peppy] Fixed song select hover select not working totally correctly with widescreen enabled.
(*) [peppy] Fixed snap divisor not loading correctly from editor open dialog.
(*) [peppy] Fixed sliders suddenly appearing in fast replay playbacks.
(*) [peppy] Fixed slider sliding sounds not stopping when swapping editor modes.
(*) [peppy] Fixed rare crash when retrieving BPM values.
(*) [peppy] Fixed rapid reconnects to bancho in some rare cases.
(*) [peppy] Fixed possible threading crash when loading online favourites.
(*) [peppy] Fixed possible crash when deleting last item from beatmap list using mouse.
(*) [peppy] Fixed multiplayer rank range showing incorrectly when an unranked player is in the room.
(*) [peppy] Fixed mouse not clipping to spinner circle in windowed mode.
(*) [peppy] Fixed mispositioned in-break ranking.
(*) [peppy] Fixed kiai fountain not aligning correctly on widescreen.
(*) [peppy] Fixed keyframe catch-up when osu! is not rendering frames for a long period of time.
(*) [peppy] Fixed keyboard shortcuts not responding correctly on main menu when in idle mode.
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #6 (Star difficulty maps not shown when grouping by difficulty).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #5 (No Video Mod Resetting).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #27 (Sliders disappearing in Auto play mode).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #24 (ID3 tags should fill song information).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #20 (Incorrect Stacking). Total rewrite of stacking code (needs some testing).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #19 (AIMod 1/3, 1/6 issue).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #18 (Disable mouse buttons in play mode option).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #17 (Editor - Timing "Invalid format!").
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #15 (osu! Direct causes mouse cursor to disappear).
(*) [peppy] Fixed issue #13 (Unmapped files cannot be removed from Beatmap Selection).
(*) [peppy] Fixed inherit sections' BPM displaying incorrectly in editor.
(*) [peppy] Fixed grid misalignment in rare cases in editor.
(*) [peppy] Fixed friend status not updating correctly immediately after adding/removing friendship (from within osu!).
(*) [peppy] Fixed crash during quit when Bancho is not yet connected.
(*) [peppy] Fixed changing current difficulty in editor not updating status on user panel.
(*) [peppy] Fixed break pass/fail sprite not aligning correctly on widescreen.
(*) [peppy] Fixed background not realigning with taiko hitbar.
(*) [peppy] Fixed alignment of popup dialogs on widescreen configurations.
(*) [peppy] Fixed alignment and draw depth of fail overlay.
(*) [peppy] Fixed CtB autoplay jumping rather than smoothly moving.
(*) [peppy] Fixed BSS to support flv removal for no-video files.
(*) [peppy] Fixed Autopilot+DoubleTime lagging with frame limiter on.
(*) [peppy] Fixed .flv files being deemed unnecessary.
(*) [peppy] Fixed 'Y' to toggle distance snap in editor not working.
(*) [peppy] Extended chat (F9) performance improvements.
(*) [peppy] Changed countdown to use timing data from first hitobject's location.
(*) [peppy] Changed AIMod snapping sensitivity to 1ms.
(*) [peppy] Change to messaging when first downloading localisations.
(*) [peppy] Bancho/osu! compression performance and memory improvements.
(*) [peppy] Bancho reliability fixes (client-side).
(*) [peppy] Bancho fixing.
(*) [peppy] Avatar loading improvements (no more missing avatars).
(*) [peppy] Avatar cache moved to a more subtle location, automatically purged. Removed manual purge option.
(*) [peppy] AIMod interface changes.
(*) [Intermezzo] fixed loop animation not showing correctly with a low fps.
(*) [Intermezzo] fixed incorrect date shown at the multiplayer ranking screen.
(*) [Intermezzo] Recoded mouse precision mode; it should now work with crappy mouse drivers.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed textures not loading in some cases.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed rare crash in song selection.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed players still showing up as playing after failing in a teamvs match.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed overlapping hpgraphs in teamvs mode.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed issue #8 (Unhandled Exception - Rank screen).
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed issue #7 (beatmap skin override in skin selection mode).
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed issue #11 (Crash on initial scoreboard update).
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed issue #10 (Unhandled Exception in taiko mode with unloadable beatmaps).
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed crash in testmode when starting in a kiai timing section.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed arrows pointing to blank space when activating them in the failscreen.
WoW good job peppy and intermezzo ^^, and thanks ;D
Nice job, peppy and Intermezzo!!

I'll put the vector movements addition to good use. :P
Thank you! ^^ that is very impressive
Lovin' this. Lots of nice stuff here. It's the little things that often matter. Also...

(*) [peppy] Avatar cache moved to a more subtle location, automatically purged. Removed manual purge option.

Just wonderin', is that why there was a Maintenance bar (that lasted a while) when I started up osu! after patching, or was it something else?
After this update, the Osu screen bug!

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Yep - for the time being avatar cache is per-session. I will rethink this moving forward, but in order to fix the performance issues people were having with extended chat I've fallen back to a simplistic approach for the time being.
Another images of the bug

The screen image is fading and returning
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@PedroGabriel: please update again and see whether it helps.

peppy wrote:

Yep - for the time being avatar cache is per-session.
I was worried something was wrong with caching until I read this, as updating caused the cache to be emptied.
Aaaahhh!!! The huge list of bug fixes!!

peppy wrote:

@PedroGabriel: please update again and see whether it helps.
Did the update and gave the same...

then again I read the changelog and saw that you increased the frame rate to 120, my video card can only hold up to 80 then moved to 60 and I will get well!
thanks for the help anyway!
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I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.

peppy wrote:

I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I'll just do what you said. Thanks for the heads-up peppy.
The DATES aren't so important as the SCORES themselves.

Edit: Eww, I have to do one by one? That's 759 drags then! :P
Whoa! Lots of updates! :D


I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it
Domo Arigato for the forewarning :)
(*) Extended chat (F9) performance improvements.
Thanks man, I had serious lags everytime I opened f9 chat for a while now, but it's running perfect again :>
I rather use a tool to gain all of my local scores back. But it isn't to much of a necessity for me although I have 2000+ files that need to be done which is the only issue of why I want the tool.
Great!!! Its Time to update via osu! updater thought it always get stuck in 38% when Downloading :cry:
Peppy have you Uploaded the Update version in the Download section too? Since I'm planning to reinstall it :|
Topic Starter
Would you please read further than your nose?

I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.

I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
Sorry but this way you have back only local scores, is there a way to bring back also local replays?
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If you actually tried the method I mentioned, you will notice that thsi does restore replays.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ach so... since I don't know the specified time of 'tonight' by the mean time its already 22:28 (GMT+7), well I'm forget the locations of the server itself. At the first I assumed it was in AU... ^^ thanks!

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I rather use a tool to gain all of my local scores back. But it isn't to much of a necessity for me although I have 2000+ files that need to be done which is the only issue of why I want the tool.
same I only have 1505 files but it's still much
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The fix will likely have to wait until later today.
A brand new EXE?

ruru89 wrote:

I dragged them but as soon as i click on Watch Replay i get "This score has no replay data saved" error :(
I would like to have a way for my scores to be automatically put back in, seeing as though I have plenty of replays and I use them to help me see where to improve.

Harris73 wrote:

ruru89 wrote:

I dragged them but as soon as i click on Watch Replay i get "This score has no replay data saved" error :(
(sorry for any rage) >.>
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b1024 is up to fix said problems. If you still don't have your local scores back after updating, please report here.
I still don't have local scores back, after updating to the latest version... :(
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They may not come back if you didn't enable "save local replays". Check the contents of your osu!\Data\r folder
It has a bunch of replays, but far fewer than the number of maps I have, and all of them were modified today... As far as I can tell it only contains local replays from today.
a majority of my replays were restored but a good amount didnt :/
and now theres a "a" folder in osu\data\?
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I can't offer more than what was recovered unfortunately.
I have no Local replays and no new ones are saved either. I have "Save local replays" checked but still nothing.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Found out a little more about it. I played a map couple of times that had no local replays and had Save local replays checked each time. Only the first play-through had the replay saved, but the others have no View Replay button.

I'm positive I had the Save local replay option checked everytime. I exported all the replays but only 1 is in the replay folder (Guessing it overwrites if you export more than once from the same song?). Anyways, I can't get this .osr file to open. I drag into osu!, double click, and open with osu! but nothing happens.

I couldn't attach in this post so I uploaded to mediafire: (Hatsune Miku - Everwhite)

Hmhm, happened to me too. I wanted to save a replay, so I checked "Save Local Replay" and "Export Replay as .osr" (just to be sure), but I still can't watch the replay.

Also, dragging the .osr (from the Replays folder) to osu! will get me to the results screen, but the "View Replay" button doesn't appears. Kinda... weird.

I should upload my .osr, but I think Nexy's example is enough.

Xanek wrote:

and now theres a "a" folder in osu\data\?
The "a" folder is an avatar cache for more efficient loading of the User Panels. You'll notice that the "Avatars" folder is gone.
I've been having the same problem with saving my replays. I selected "Save Local Replay" and it wouldn't save. Tried with "Export Replay as .os" checked and it does create and .os file in the replays folder but it just says the score I got at that time and wont allow me to watch the replay.

Someone on the chat told me to try pressing F2 and getting a replay saved by that. Also tried that but it has the same effect as "Export Replay as .os". So confused...
K a m a r u

peppy wrote:

Would you please read further than your nose?

I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.

I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.
I have temporarily disabled updating to this new version as local scores are deleted on running it. For those who lost their local scores (sorry) you can retrieve everything but date data by going into the osu!\Data\r\ folder and dragging replays back into the osu! window. If you don't wish to do this, I may release an automated tool to restore data if there is enough demand for it (reply in this thread if you are affected and MUST have your local scores back).

This should be resolved tonight for those which have not yet updated.

I cant get my replays Back :?
K a m a r u
I tried All you said, but its all the same. Cant get back them. For example this one >
You do realise you're posting in a thread that's been dead for years, right?
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