
[NPC 2024] Newspaper Cup 2024 作图比赛

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Welcome to Newspaper Cup 2024!

欢迎来到 Newspaper Cup 2024!

当前阶段: 选手作图
Submission is now open!



Newspaper Cup 是旨在吸引更多玩家加入作图,展现与提高作图技巧的新人mapper作图比赛。本届比赛将延续往届传统,采用“全民参加,新人拿奖”的比赛模式。详细比赛规则和组委会名单将于选曲开始时公布。请加入比赛官方 Discord CBCE 以获取最新消息。重要通知也将同步于相关QQ群。

Newspaper Cup is a mapping contest aiming to attract more players to join mapping and to show and improve the mapping skills of new mappers. This contest will continue the tradition of previous contests and adopt the "everyone can participate, but only new mappers can win prizes" competition model. Detailed rules and the list of organizing committee will be announced when the song nomination starts. Please join the official Discord CBCE for the latest news. Important notices will also be synchronized to the relevant QQ group.

征集赞助中!有意者请联系主办 Mafumafuyf_bmp

Seeking sponsors! Please contact the chairs Mafumafu or yf_bmp if you are interested!



  1. 提交网址:
    1. 器乐组:
    2. 人声组:
  2. 作品及提交要求:
    1. 提交的作品应为osz格式。(使用编辑器的Export功能生成)
    2. 您的作品应符合Ranking Criteria。(Spread等不适用的除外。)
    3. 请在编辑器内将Creator项改为您的用户名。您的作品中,除Creator之外,不应包含能够辨识您的信息。
    4. 请独立完成作品,在成绩公布前,请勿将您的作品上传或分享给他人。
    5. 您可以使用自定义音效,Combo颜色。但请勿在您的作品内添加背景图片,视频或故事板。
    6. 请勿修改除Creator之外的Metadata,例如Artist和Tags。您可以设置预览点,但请勿修改BPM和offset。
  3. 参赛资格:任何状态正常的用户均可参加和参与排名,但您必须满足以下所有条件才可被认定为“新人”从而获得获奖资格:
    1. 您的账号注册时间必须在2023年12月1日之前。
    2. 您未曾在其他osu!模式的作图比赛(如PDC, NPC, MBC, oBWC等)中获得过奖项。
    3. 您不曾担任过osu!模式的NAT, QAT, BAT, MAT和BN等职位。
    4. 您的“新人分数”必须小于7.27。(计算方式请见下文)
    5. 在比赛的各个阶段,组委会还可能对您进行人工审查,若您未通过,则仍可能无法获得奖项。
  1. 请记录下您2024-01-23之前所有osu!模式上架难度的星数和游玩时间(单位:秒)。这包括您为他人制作的客座难度(GD)和您与其他人合作的难度(Collab,只计算您制作部分的游玩时间)。请注意,您自己谱面内其他人为您制作的客座难度不在计算范围内。
  2. 将您的难度按照星数分为3.00* - 3.99*, 4.00* - 4.99*, 5.00* - 5.99* 和 >6.00*四组。星数小于3.00的难度不计。
  3. 将每组内所有难度的游玩时间相加,您在该组获得的“新人分数”为该组总的游玩时间乘以系数,系数为:3.00* - 3.99*: 0.35, 4.00* - 4.99*: 0.7, 5.00* - 5.99*: 1.4, >6.00*: 2.8。
  4. 将所有组的分数相加。
  5. 如果您的总得分不大于7.27,则恭喜您符合新人条件!
例:假如Mapper A有2个rank难度和一个collab难度:rank难度1星数为4.52,游玩时间为230秒。rank难度2星数为5.80,游玩时间为191秒。collab难度内,A制作的部分游玩时间为48秒,难度为4.2.
则他的得分为:0.7 * (230 + 48) / 60 + 1.4 * 191 / 60 = 7.7 > 7.27。很遗憾,他不符合新人条件。

  1. Submission site:
    1. Instrumental:
    2. Vocal:
  2. Submission Requirements
    1. Your submission must be .osz exported from the osu! editor.
    2. Your submission should comply with the Ranking Criteria, except for those cannot apply, e.g., Spread.
    3. Please specify your username as the "Creator" of the map. Except for the "Creator", your submission should not contain information that help with identifying you.
    4. You must complete your submission independently. Please do not upload or share you submission with others.
    5. You can use custom hitsounds and combo colors. You cannot add backgrounds, videos or storyboards to your submission.
    6. Please do not modify metadata such as Artist and Tags. You can set preview points, but cannot modify BPM and offset.
  3. Newspaper Cup 2024 welcomes every valid osu! user. However, to be eligible for prizes, you must qualify as a "Novice" as specified below:
    1. You must joined osu! before 2023-12-01.
    2. You are not winnders from other mapping contests (e.g., PDC, NPC, MBC, oBWC, etc.) in osu! mode.
    3. You are not, or have never been a member of NAT, QAT, BAT, MAT, BN, etc. in osu! mode.
    4. Your "Novice Score" must be lower than 7.27. (See "Novice Score calculation" below.)
    5. Throughout the contest, the hosts may manually inspect if you qualify for the Novice status.
Novice Score calculation (Example below)
You can also ask host Mafumafu to calculate the score for you!
  1. Note down the star difficulty and drain time (in seconds) of all the ranked difficulties (osu! mode, before 2024-01-23) by you. This includes your GDs to others' sets and collabs (drain time of your section). GDs that are made by others to your set do NOT count!
  2. Add all the drain times within the star difficulty ranges of 3.00 - 3.99, 4.00 - 4.99, 5.00 - 5.99 and >6.00 separately, and divide each drain time sum by 60 (to get minutes). Ignore anything below 3.00*.
  3. Get the "Novice Score" you get from each star difficulty range by multipling the drain time sum with the weights. (3.00* - 3.99*: 0.35, 4.00* - 4.99*: 0.7, 5.00* - 5.99*: 1.4, >6.00*: 2.8)
  4. Sum all the scores together.
  5. If the sum is not greater to 7.27, then congratulations, you qualify as a Novice mapper!
For example, if Mapper A has 2 ranked difficulties and 1 collab difficulties. Ranked Diff 1: 4.52* / 230 seconds. Ranked Diff 2: 5.80* / 191 seconds. Collab section: 4.2* / 48 seconds.
Then their total score will be: 0.7 * (230 + 48) / 60 + 1.4 * 191 / 60 = 7.7 > 7.27. Unfortunately, they are not qualified to be "Novice".

Songs and Templates


Newspaper Cup 2024分为器乐组及人声组两个组别,您可以选择参加一个或两个组别。每个组别有两首曲目供您选择,但您只能选择其中一首曲目。每首曲目您只需完成并提交一个难度。
Newspaper Cup 2024 has two tracks: Instrumental and Vocal. You can choose to join one or both of the tracks. Each track provides two available songs, however, you can only select one of them. You only need to finish one difficulty.

模板下载地址: |
Download the templates at |
  1. 器乐组 Instrumental:Snail's House - Sunflower | かたぎり - 漆
  2. 人声组 Vocal:小倉 唯 - Empty//Princess. | まらしぃ×じん×堀江晶太 feat. 鏡音リン - 新人類
For Snail's House - Sunflower, mapping beyond the bookmark (1:46) is optional. All the rest songs require completion of the entire song (reasonable breaks are allowed).
对于 Snail's House - Sunflower 这首曲目您只需制作1:46(模板内以书签标注)以前的部分,剩余部分可选。其他曲目要求参赛者完整完成(可以合理使用休息时段)。



  1. Judging criteria:
    1. Expertise (50%): Expertise refers to how well the map execute to decetly reflect the elements music. This reflects the technical skill of a mapper. However, in Pending Cup, judging is not modding. Although we promote maps with expertise and professionalism and care about details, Judges are discouraged from being nitpicky on small mistakes or minor unrankables, instead Judges will score in this category considering an overarching picture of the map.
    2. Creativity (35%): Creativity refers to how reasonably outstanding the map compared with the current mapping meta. A generic map with the current mapping meta or copy paste the concepts from other "famous" maps is discouraged.
    3. Judge's Impression (15%): Judges can use this for extra scores or penalties for their specific comments or remarks on something in the entry.
  2. Judging scores will be standardized if the number of valid submissions are higher than 6, otherwise raw scores are applied.
  3. Submissions are anonymous to judges.
  1. 评分准则:
    1. 专业性 (50%): Expertise refers to how well the map execute to decetly reflect the elements music. This reflects the technical skill of a mapper. However, in Pending Cup, judging is not modding. Although we promote maps with expertise and professionalism and care about details, Judges are discouraged from being nitpicky on small mistakes or minor unrankables, instead Judges will score in this category considering an overarching picture of the map.
    2. 创新性 (35%): Creativity refers to how reasonably outstanding the map compared with the current mapping meta. A generic map with the current mapping meta or copy paste the concepts from other "famous" maps is discouraged.
    3. 评委印象 (15%): Judges can use this for extra scores or penalties for their specific comments or remarks on something in the entry.
  2. 若有效作品数量大于6个,则评委评分将会作标准化处理。
  3. 评分时,提交的作品将会作匿名处理。



  1. 个人页面徽章: 若全部两个组别的参赛人数均超过16人,则每个组别的第一名将会获得个人页面徽章(待osu!官方申请通过),否则两个组别将合并评分。
  2. Supporter: 第一名,第二名及第三名将分别获得 8 / 4 / 2 个月的supporter。
  3. 幸运抽奖:本届比赛将在所有合格参赛者(无论新人与否)中抽取幸运参赛者。幸运奖为1个月的supporter或discord nitro。 每有10位合格参赛者将增加一位幸运选手,最多有4位幸运选手。
  4. 第一名获奖者可以选择等值现金作为奖励。其他获奖者,若有中国大陆或美国的收款方式,也可选择等值现金作为奖励。
  1. Badge: If there are 16 or more submissions of both track, the champion of each track will be awarded by the badge (subject to tournament staff approval), otherwise the two tracks will be combined as one.
  2. Supporter: The champion, runner-up and the second runner-up will be awarded with 8 / 4 / 2 months of supporter.
  3. Raffle: There will also be a prize draw of 1-month supporter or discord nitro, for every 10 valid participants (regardless Novice or not, max 4 winners) in the contest.
  4. The champion (or other winners with payment methods in United States or Mainland China) can choose to cash-out the prize instead.

Tentative Schedule


  1. 比赛预告 2023-12-09
  2. 征集选曲 2024-01-01 ~ 2024-01-23
  3. 选手作图 2024-01-24 ~ 2024-03-18
  4. 评委打分 2024-03-24 ~ 2024-04-29
  5. 结果公布 2024-05-01

Call for Song Nominations


征集选曲(提名及投票)将于2024年1月1日开始,并于2024年1月20日结束。用户创建时间在2023年12月1日前,且至少上传过一张图的用户有投票(提名)资格。每位用户可以最多投3张票,且只能投1张票给同一首歌曲。提名时需要包括 Artist、Title、以及可浏览或下载的链接。推荐较短的歌曲(时常在1:30左右)或适宜裁剪的歌曲。歌曲需遵守osu!社区规则。歌曲提名(投票)网站:

Song nomination and voting will start on 2024-01-01 and end on 2024-01-20. Users joined before 2023-12-01 with at least one submitted map can vote. Each user has 3 votes, but can only add 1 vote for each song. When nominating, please include Artist, Title, and a link that can be browsed or downloaded. It is recommended to nominate shorter songs (usually around 1:30) or songs that are suitable for cutting. General community rules and code of conducts of osu! applies for song nomination. Website:

Organizing Committee


  • Chair
  1. Mafumafu | yf_bmp
  2. TtmnZk (Design Co-chair) |Teages (Web Co-chair)
    Judging Board
  3. acnozei | Pata-Mon | Ascended | kanor | Dada | Agllius | Graphical
  4. Hollow Wings | Voicecore | Mafumafu | Seeking sponsors! Please contact the chairs if you are interested.

  • 主办
  1. Mafumafu | yf_bmp
  2. TtmnZk (设计) | Teages (网站)
  3. acnozei | Pata-Mon | Ascended | kanor | Dada | Agllius | Graphical
  4. Hollow Wings | Voicecore | Mafumafu | 征求赞助中!有意者请联系主办!
Shiraya Sayuki
我现在不爱爸爸Regraz ;w;
[Hatsune Miku]
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没有想到 我居然还能参加今年的npc正赛
-Spring Night-
捉个虫, 在歌曲投票列表中 <青色コントラスト> 的链接错误, 应该是末尾多了一个空格, 导致打不开, 手动去除空格是ok的(网易云短链)
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