
[Proposal] Allow difficulty specific tags to be different between difficulties on a set

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Nao Tomori
I believe that having all the tags match across all difficulties in a set is suboptimal at times. For example, having GDers tagged on difficulties that are not mapped by them, or having an entire normal difficulty spread in tags of every diff when a custom difficulty name progression is used.

I propose that tags relevant only to identifying specific difficulties not have to be included in every difficulty. Further, I propose that tags for GDer names or alternative translations of difficulty names be limited to the relevant diff rather than put in every diff. This would improve the tag system when using in game search and should not have a negative effect on website search.

Please let me know what you think.
wait yes absolutely agree

this works super well with sets that have difficulty progressions that dont include the standard naming convention for spreads either, i,e beatmapsets/2015722#osu/4208110
I think this would require web updates to ever be reality. Web currently takes tags from the lowest Beatmapid difficulty, same as how it does for thumbnails. Tags on other diffs that differ are not web searchable. How to get the correct set of tags for web with purposely manipulating which difficulty is lowest Beatmapid is very technical for the average person

I could see it maybe for alt diff names but definitely not gders as web is rn
Yea this is cool but would require ppy to make work I think
I think this more depends on how long until lazer things are done cuz I feel something like this could be resolved with updates to site/lazer searching. One example for GDer's is "I the mapset host select a gd owner then that sepcifc diff is tied to them in serach" IK extremely wishful thinking but maybe mapset host could select what the actual diffculty of a diff is then it can show up when searching for that diffculty level. Then tags could just be consistent across the mapset i.e. dont include diffculty specific things. I cant think of anohter diff specific tag you would use beside gder's and diffculty level tho.

but since stable is here now I think it would be cool but it seems more like a short term solution, I also dont know how it would work with how online tags currently function. If the mapset gets its tags from only the lowest id maybe osu could give mapset host the ability to edit online tags while in pending but then at that point idk
Online tags are a concern as others have mentioned so if that's an issue long-term then difficulty names can be difficulty specific but not GDer names which need to be found map-wide.
i think bringing up the whole set instead of just one difficulty when searching a contributor to the set is more intuitive encourages people to play adjacent diffs in the same set instead of just the diff called skystar imo

Okoratu wrote:

i think bringing up the whole set instead of just one difficulty when searching a contributor to the set is more intuitive encourages people to play adjacent diffs in the same set instead of just the diff called skystar imo
agree with this, if im searching a mapper, but the GD is not within my skill range, i still want see and play the rest of the map, would be weird to hide all the rest.

i think it worse to have missing data than having too much data. Realistically, u wont be finding that many maps for someone's GD 99% of time, its not a real problem to show the whole set.

i think a good solution is show the whole spread, but highlight the difficulty done by that GD (not possible right now in game cuz each diff not directly associated with a GD, only possible in web, need peppy add more meta field on osu file or query db)

also bad implementation to make the tags different for each diff, since it introduce extra trouble for BN to do meta checks, better to introduce a new field specific to indicate who mapped this, different from the map owner field we have currently. this way we can also allow both to reply and resolve mods on the map thread. If you put username in tags, u can't 100% tell that field means GD username, we already have the GUI to set it on the web, just need actually save it as new field, probably save it using the UUID instead of name, since name can change.

ideal state:
allow player to set new preference that if they want their old name to be searchable or not.
mapper doesn't need to manually set any tags for GD, it should be auto populated by the system based on their name search preference. or it can be looked up in real time with internet connection, or a cached ID to name list saved locally.
add fuzzy search in game/web, and get rid of the RC for adding _ for names with single chars
it's a technical problem, basically what Noffy said. Oko/Drum-Hitnormal's comments can be resolved with some updates too, for example just random idea: maybe the whole set would show as a result, but the non-applicable diffs would be dimmed out in some way

so I don't think this can be resolved soon but probably good to keep this thread open here as an eventual reminder.
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Nao Tomori
Alright so no individual GDer names. How about specific difficulty names? That should not cause any of the issues brought up.

Nao Tomori wrote:

Alright so no individual GDer names. How about specific difficulty names? That should not cause any of the issues brought up.
I agree with this. I'd say the best way (which still requires re-coding how web process the diffs) would be smth like only get the common tags presenting in all difficulties to show up on the site or change the tags based on what diff you're hovering (but that'd also require UI design so probably not that). DH's idea on a separate field and such would work as well but ofc more tedious for devs

If we can do that then format for tags (in the .osu file) would be: Non-diff specifics tags (including GDers) + Diff specific tags

And I'd say diff specific tags can be other things apart from diff names. maybe the skillset needed to play the diff (so smth like jump-oriented, speed-oriented for standard; SV-oriented for taiko, mania; LN-oriented, rice-oriented for mania etc etc) - of course maybe you might wanna put this on the whole set for searchability on the website in some cases, but in most scenarios where you don't want that you can do them as diff specific
any differing tags cause issues. some systems just don't support it at all. you need dev updates in at least a few places for this to work
Ryu Sei
I think I've seen this similar RC somewhere...

As much as I want it to be applied, it might be requiring new .osu version (e.g new properties supporting "global tags" and "diff-specific tags") or updated backend from the web. I can imagine it will be difficult to implement tag detection system that can differentiate "global" and "diff-specific" tags.
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