
[Mapping Contest] osu!mania 4K/7K Winter Mapping Contest: theyaretwocolors

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The osu!mania Mapping and Modding Hub is currently holiday themed to reign in the joyous festivities many of us are accustomed to around this time of year. And that got Utiba cooking on a Holiday themed mania mapping contest…

And thus we’re excited to introduce to you theyaretwocolors, a group 4K and 7K mapping contest based around… you guessed it, two colors: red and green.

The point of the contest? Get a group of friends together and make a map or mapset themed around either color of your choice: red or green. You can do this in a variety of ways – some obvious pointers would be color themed backgrounds and storyboards, but you can go a bit more subjective with elements that invoke the sense of a color (e.g. red is often associated with anger while green is associated with jealousy or nature).

While this is a team based contest, ultimately you are mapping in support of your preferred color: are you team red or team green? The final scoring of each colored team will be added together and averaged by the number of participating teams for that color to determine the superior holiday color.

There are many ways to invoke the sense of a color, so we’re excited to see what you’ll all come up with…


  1. Teams of 2-4 people
  2. 4K and/or 7K only
  3. Does not need to follow Ranking Criteria, but do try to make sure your team’s map can be opened in the editor without crashing
  4. Only one song per mapset. One submission per team.
  5. No limits on song length, number of difficulties, lowest or top difficulties, etc.
  6. Do not upload your map to BSS before the contest is over.


Maxus | Protastic101 | snomi | Utiba

We are looking for judges! See below for how to contact Protastic101 if interested.

  1. Musical Representation (10pts): How well does the chart and map elements compliment the song of choice?
  2. Playability (15pts): How well does the chart play? This is essentially the quality element of judging.
  3. Creativity (25pts): In what niche and neat ways were you able to implement the idea of color into your mapset? Creativity is heavily rewarded as we want to see how you interpret color within a mapping context.
  4. Theme (15pts): How closely does your mapset reflect the color of choice? Essentially, how green or red is your map?
  5. Judge’s Impression (5pts): Did you tickle any judges’ hearts with your map? This is a catch all for just about any other quality not included in the above criteria.
As you can see, the emphasis is not on unique or novel charting approaches moreso than it is on just finding a way to implement color into the set in subtle or obvious ways.

As for how the superior color will be decided, that will simply be a sum of the points each color representing team earned, divided by the number of teams representing that color (simple average).

Submission Schedule

  1. Submit your team name first to the Google Form here.
  2. The same person who submitted the team name will then submit their map to Mappers' Guild contest listing.
Tentative Schedule
Mapping: December 1st - December 25th
Judging: December 25th - January 3rd
Results: January 3rd - January 5th

Judging and results may be subject to change a little due to holiday chaos and coordinating with the judges.


1st place: 2 months supporter for every team member, BN nomination from me once unrankables are ironed out (if any)
2nd place: 1 month supporter for every team member
3rd place: A pat on the back for doing great (1 month of supporter if I can afford it)


Huge huge HUGE thanks to Utiba for coming up with the initial idea and drafting up the outline of the contest. Would never have come up with something so creatively festive without her, and I'm extremely grateful for her allowing me to co-organize this contest. Give her some recognition for coming up with such a great idea on the spot!

We know the announcement timing is a bit tight and last minute, but we hope y'all have fun finding ways to incorporate color into your maps! If there's any questions, feel free to post in this thread, PM me, or DM me via Discord (@protastic101). May the best holiday color win!
glhf :3
i have no friends i fear
Hoshimegu Mio

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Ok, a bit late with judging due to some difficulties with anonymization, but we expect to have results out by Thursday, January 11th now!
result when?
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Results are out! You can view both the scoring and team member listing here and the judge's comments here.

Congratulations to team "scissorloid christmas au" for winning on behalf of team Green! And also give applause to team "the silly shall commence" for coming in 2nd place on behalf of team Red! Despite being the only team to have mapped for Green, "scissorloid christmas au" has driven home their love of Green as the superior holiday color.

As there were only 5 teams, the top two will get supporter (2 months per team member for 1st place, 1 month per team member for 2nd place).

If you're interested, You can download all the entries here. Do note that some of the maps are quite large.

Congratulations to everyone and thank you to all who participated and gave your patience while judging and scoring took place, and please extend some appreciation to the judges for giving some of their time this holiday season to judge your entries and settle once and for all, the superior holiday color... (until next holiday season).

Until then!
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