
Why are my approach circles and hitcircles different colors?

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I don't play standard but I'm attempting to skin it. I roughly understand that combo colors dictate hitcircle color/approach circle color but I can't find any info on why they would be different shades. Both my hit circle and approach circle files are set to the same color so blending shouldn't matter.

The approach circle is a much lighter shade of red/pink than the hit circle.

Any help?
Hi GrubDarlng!

How do you colour the approach circle and hit circle? Do you go through skin.ini file?

And does the contrast only happens with sliders only? If so, you might want to check out "sliderstartcircle" too.
Topic Starter
Approach circle files and hit circle files are set to the same color. No color changing commands have been inputted for the skin.ini file. The only lines I have for colors are for slider lines:

JustABeginner wrote:

And does the contrast only happens with sliders only? If so, you might want to check out "sliderstartcircle" too.
Happens for sliders and normal hit circles.


Edit: I'm just dumb

I was editing the SD version of my hitcircle and the @2x version of my approach circle so when I went to test, my hitcircle didn't change at all while my approach circle did.

Thanks for the help though.

GrubDarlng wrote:

As a side note, don't input random stuff in the skin.ini file like you did with the [Misc Colors], using sections which aren't recognized by the game can cause errors. These aren't just look good things but have a functional use to them, and the game will not know what MenuGlow: under [Misc Colors] may be.
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