
how does grading and ranking work?

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Hi, i just want to find out how the grading system works? i tried many songs in solo play mode and despite getting 'A's, they are sometimes not recorded and some songs still show that i have gotten a 'B'. Also, how do you get ranked? Thanks!
Ranks are currently unavailable for the time being as a new system is being developed/implemented.
Your grade shown is from your highest score not your best grade.
The grading system can be seen on the wiki article: Standard - osu!wiki
grading is based almost exclusively on the percentage of 300s you get, NOT your accuracy. If it's less than 60%, you get D. Less than 80%: C. 80%-90%: B. 90%+: A. If you don't miss any notes, At least 70% becomes B and At least 80% becomes A. If you have both over 90% 300s and no missed notes, that's S. If you have all 300s, SS which is very rare. Your score is higher when you don't miss any notes/sliders in a row (builds up your combo which multiplies points more). But if you happen to get a lot of 100s your grade may be lower.
SS = 100% acc
Actually P3TEY you're not supposed to post a long time after the last post

It's called necroposting and not suggested
oh ok
stfu Omar
The way it works how I gound it is like this: F= Failing the map, D=69% or lower, C= 70% or higher, B= 86% or higher, A= 92% or higher, S= Don't miss a single note, SS= Don't miss a single note and hit all notes with 300 per note
This thread is 5 years old...

KingPichu wrote:

The way it works how I gound it is like this: F= Failing the map, D=69% or lower, C= 70% or higher, B= 86% or higher, A= 92% or higher, S= Don't miss a single note, SS= Don't miss a single note and hit all notes with 300 per note
This is not correct. xxdeathx's explanation from 5 years ago (just 6 posts up) is correct. Nathanael's post directly above that used to also take you to a page explaining the same thing, but it is outdated now. Here is a new link:
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