DIVIDE ÷ 8 by thetasigma
Based on Quaver by dj TAKA, mapped by Sotarks.
— created for the 4th skinning contest
⟡ Screenshots (Imgur album)
⟡ Download (Google Drive)
Video Showcase
3rd place guys GG nice

Cookie art — Bison
Bootstrap Icons — Icons (free and cool)
Redo_ — Sounds (shamelessly stolen from Bloomoon, and Redo_ doesn't deserve a credit*)
*For various purposes, this is a joke; sounds are used with the permission from the author.
Based on Quaver by dj TAKA, mapped by Sotarks.
— created for the 4th skinning contest
⟡ Screenshots (Imgur album)
⟡ Download (Google Drive)
Video Showcase
3rd place guys GG nice
Cookie art — Bison
Bootstrap Icons — Icons (free and cool)
Redo_ — Sounds (shamelessly stolen from Bloomoon, and Redo_ doesn't deserve a credit*)
*For various purposes, this is a joke; sounds are used with the permission from the author.