We often found problems in help forums from users can't seemingly to process the downloaded beatmaps correctly (community/forums/topics/1772102 , community/forums/topics/1765894 , community/forums/topics/1705902 , community/forums/topics/1692408 ) , and most of the problems lies in the fact that the file names the uploader used was non-ASCII characters. This might be caused from the beatmap audio, background or difficulty names. Because it isn't a rule to use non-ASCII characters for file names, one can technically rank a beatmap and it can cause problems for the future. As simple as it sounds, I propose this:
- Remove this guideline, because it might cause issues in future uploads.Avoid non-alphanumeric unicode characters in a difficulty's name. These can cause errors with the beatmap submission system and problems for certain users when appearing in chat.
- Add a new rule regarding file names and difficulty names.All file names and difficulty names must use printable ASCII characters. Using other characters can cause errors with the beatmap submission system and importing process.This should cover all needs of character limitation. Even if we don't mention about reserved characters, it should be not possible to use it at first place in file systems. For difficulty names, reserved characters are automatically trimmed by osu!, so we can ignore that.
- Printable ASCII characters (character 32-126/20-7E)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
- Reserved characters ("illegal" characters in Windows systems)
\ / : * ? " < > |
Add a new guideline regarding difficulty names.
Additionally, community/forums/posts/9181474 explained in detail on how square brackets affect IRC chats.
This guideline proposal is not necessary due to its implication for limiting the creative difficulty names.
Difficulty names containing square brackets symbol ( [ ] ) should be...
Combining square brackets in certain order will cause the chat to bug (as seen on my beatmap, beatmapsets/1860586 ). That should be put as guidelines instead because there are some uses of square brackets in difficulty names, such as difficulty name stylizing.- ...at most 1 of each symbol when unpaired. Having multiple unpaired square brackets in succession may cause unintended behavior in chat.
- ...paired when using both square brackets. This also applies to nested square brackets ( [[ ]] ).
Additionally, community/forums/posts/9181474 explained in detail on how square brackets affect IRC chats.
This guideline proposal is not necessary due to its implication for limiting the creative difficulty names.