Hello hello! I kind of doubt that this'll be your kind of map (plus it's only one difficulty) BUT hey it never hurts to ask!
Artist - Title: Lapix - And Drugs
beatmapsets/2044835#mania/4267931It's more of a tech dump type thing with some spicy jack patterns and falls firmly under the "trust me this actually plays well" genre of maps lmao
ALTERNATIVELY! If that doesn't work for you I have a slightly less mean and super simple little chordjack map here that does have a spread (not asking you to mod both btw, just one if you're interested in either! Idk if this map would be your kind of thing though, neither are LN maps sadly):
Artist - Title: Du Vel Mat Te - 1104
beatmapsets/2038524#mania/4251898(I'd prefer the first map though since I like it more though, also if you'd prefer that I don't link two maps at once that's totally fine).