kkdd singletap goat going for country #1 applerss my goat
catch sucks
4k and 7k player speedjack pro round goat
30.04.2021 first 100 pp play (+HDDT, 115 at the time) 18.09.2021 first 5 star pass 24.10.2021 2000pp 06.04.2022 first 5 star fc 20.07.2022 first 200 pp play (+HDDT, 203 at the time) 21.10.2022 first 7 star pass 05.11.2022 3000pp 27.11.2022 first 6 star fc 09.12.2022 first 8 star pass (+HDDT) 13.12.2022 first 300pp play (325 at the time) 24.12.2022 4000pp 29.12.2022 5 digit 24.01.2023 5000pp 02.06.2023 first 400pp play (403 at the time) 02.06.2023 first 7 star fc 02.06.2023 6000pp 20.06.2023 full area 04.09.2023 RAPID TRIGGER 07.10.2023 7000pp 08.10.2023 first 500pp play (+HDDT, 517 at the time) 28.10.2023 back to old area 19.06.2024 8000pp 28.08.2024 first 10 star pass (+DT, lazer op) 19.10.2024 first 8 star fc (+DT) 09.11.2024 4 digit 03.01.2025 9000pp
17.10.2021 1000pp 14.06.2022 2000pp 30.09.2022 4 digit cuz rework 13.10.2022 first 200p play (224 at the time) 05.03.2023 first 5 star fc 09.03.2023 4000pp 11.03.2023 first 6 star pass 11.03.2023 first 300pp play (305 a the time) 16.03.2023 5000pp 19.07.2023 6000pp 19.07.2023 first 6 star fc 19.07.2023 first 400pp play (456 at the time) 20.07.2023 first 7 star pass 20.07.2023 first 7 star fc 08.01.2024 7000pp 25.07.2024 first 500pp play (530 at the time) 25.07.2024 8000pp 24.02.2025 9000pp 20.03.2025 10000pp 24.03.2025 first 600pp play (+DT, 630 at the time)