
Furries Gone Wild! - Chapter Four: The Scout

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Okay, I need to clear some things up first.
  1. The thread Larto posted is both an introductory AND experimental thread. The former is to advertise the upcoming game, and the latter is to see whether the people here are really that inteligent enough to comprehend this game.
  2. The images posted in the thread are all drawn by me. I have collaborated with Larto about this a long time ago; he agreed to post the prologue and the images in my place while I played along. This is related to the thread being experimental, so I can also help the people realize what the game is all about.
  3. I have compiled the minds of the most intelligent people to help me with this game, which has been in development for weeks. They are neo@lex, Larto and Mark. To them, I thank you for wasting literally hours helping me out with this. strager helped me too, but he's dumb.
For the oblivious, welcome. This is a point-and-click mystery game where you (as a character I will reveal later) are unbeknownst to what is currently happening. Events will unfold as you discover more to what the place is all about. Be wise and resourceful in your course; wasteful actions might lead you to nowhere or, at worst, to your death. Talk with the other people about what your character must do, while speculate what could happen later on.

Be advised that I will convert this game into an interactive Flash story once it is done. Hence, every action you undertake will be REPLICATED into Flash.

Kim's Powers:
Clairvoyance - When used, the GM will give you a hint on what to do next.
Extremely Fast Metabolism - Cannot be killed, but can be injured.

Danny's Powers:
Claws - Can smash or destroy certain objects and be used to kill a generic rabid furry.
Extremely Fast Metabolism - Cannot be killed, but can be injured.

Hawk's Power:
Flight - Can reach heights using wings.

Now we begin.

You wake up, groggy and unwell. Your eyes try to adjust, but to no avail.

Through your blurry vision, you see someone in front of you. He seems to be saying something. Your confused mind tries to catch what it is.

"... I hope you'll do the right thing this time."


Please recommend an action.
retrieve full vision from blurry cupboard.
Check what you remember about anything.
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>> retrieve full vision from blurry cupboard.

Apparently you don't need any help. Your vision recovers quickly, but not fast enough to see the figure in front once more.

He seems to be gone.

collect pole, it might come in handy.
check cupboard.
check cage.
remember plot.
oh and check that brown stuff
Check thing behind floor of cage.
...Do we want to check what the brown stuff is?
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>>Check what you remember about anything.

You know that you're a female dog. A very sick female dog. Something in your stomach growls, as if you ate something bad.

>>collect pole, it might come in handy.
check cupboard.
check cage.
remember plot.
oh and check that brown stuff

One at a time! Whoever you are is still recovering from fatigue.

Come to think of it, you don't even know why you feel so tired.
Check the green stuff behind you.
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Check the window, though it might not have anything of use to you. It should be in Flash as a comment.
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>>Check the green stuff behind you.

You sniff out the green stuff. It really stinks.

It seems to be... your own vomit.

Have you realised that the cage is only on one strand?

If that strand breaks...
Grab the pole, and then crawl through that door thing, being ready to hit anything that moves.
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>> Check the window.

A closer inspection reveals it is a small vent. You can't reach it even with the drawer as a support, and even if you can, it seems too small for you to fit in.
Now that we're done sniffing at our own bodily fluids (unless you wanna go sniff the brown stuff as well) do everything at once.

How big is our inventory, like, bag of holding big or big enough to fit 6 different sized items perfectly at any time?

I reckon leaving this room right away is a silly idea.

adam2046 wrote:

I reckon leaving this room right away is a silly idea.
This. Also, when are you gonna get that pole?
I already said to grab the pole. As a weapon of sorts.
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>> (different suggestions)

OP: As a group of players working on a single character, you must talk to yourselves if you want to go with a suggested action. This is so I can cater to the majority.

A very subtle sense of fear disables you from going out of the room. However, it does not stop you from picking up the IRON PIPE lying around.
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>>Now check behind the cage floor pleeease?

You lift the cage floor to see what's behind it.

It seems to be a pretty simple and shallow hole, though there are outlines around it. You see no use of it now.
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Magic pockets.
lrn2adventure games
I know, I just wanted to know what it was called.

Magic Pockets doesn't seem to be right though.
Check cupboard for useful stuff.
Magic Panties.
rule of fist in adventure games: rub stuff together.
use pole on hole.
oh god this sounds weird.
Guys, we are discussing this in #mafia.

If you aren't already in there, get your butts over there please.
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Panty Check.
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>> use pole on hole.

The dog girl sees where you're going with this.

The IRON PIPE isn't big enough to fit in the hole. You reckon it wouldn't do anything useful.

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I wonder if you combine the metal pole with the cresent thing...

If you could weld it, then it would make a great staff.
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Then we get the hell out of there. Isn't the man going to come back soon?
I know. That's why the cresent can be a ranged weapon too.

So if you see him, throw it at him (preferably his neck) and if he isn't dead, you can beat him to death.

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>>I wonder if you combine the metal pole with the cresent thing...

The two items don't seem to fit.

>>Check brown stuff.

If the stinkness that resembled poo didn't give you a major hint, then there's something wrong with you because it IS poo.


>>Then we get the hell out of there.

You immediately leave the room.

The man from earlier is long gone now.
Everything seems normal except the top-right corner.

But really now:-

Check Window
Check Grate
Check TV (in what seems to be a glass box)
Check Arrow
The Wire from the TV

The window seems like it's going to explode.

I check for traps too.
I say check TV first.
looking at poo reduced our score?
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Wojjan wrote:

looking at poo reduced our score?
Staying in the room for too long reduced your score.
Traps, people.

The glass seems highly viscous. I recommend not searching that.
The TV's broken (cable), the arrow is just pointing the way out, and it's just a bunch of boulders bordered up, so we are probably underground.

Check the vent quickly and see if anyone's talking near one.

Then we decide if we want to get out, but check vent first.
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There's nothing to really check, except the vent.

The TV's broken, checking it is a waste of time. The glass is so you can't touch the TV. The arrows just point the way out, etc.

So, we check vent, then decide if we want to move on or go backwards, there is nothing else worth checking.

EDIT: We do a formal inspection. F.F
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>>Check the vent quickly and see if anyone's talking near one.

The vent's size is of the same as that of the one earlier, and it's bolted in this time.

With your HUGE DOG EARS, you listen through the vent. Nothing unusual could be heard.
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