
Furries Gone Wild! - Chapter Four: The Scout

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Wojjan wrote:

"Gina, I was locked up. I don't know what you're talking about and I don't remember a whole lot. Could you please be more clear as to what she's like? My memory might return that way. Please?"
How's that? Try to score in a wink or so to Danny and Hawk so they don't ruin the plan.
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>>"Gina, I was locked up. I don't know what you're talking about and I don't remember a whole lot. Could you please be more clear as to what she's like? My memory might return that way. Please?"

"Ahh, sorry miss! I didn't know you're like me."

Gina looks back at the building. "I can't tell you what Ms. Vera looks like, no. You should go there yourself! The stairs to the third floor is in the boiler room. I always sneak there to play around when I'm bored, hehe."
check the boat for supplies, then head there
I nailed that conversation
#mafia's back up

Head over there, please, so much easier to converse...
I find it ironic that Vera has Classified Information and she's a Classified Information with Classified Information.
check boat
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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>>We have Kim get Danny and Hawk over, and ask the three of them to have a group discussion for a bit about what they think of Gina and what to do next, while we sit back and eat popcorn.

About Gina...

Kim: "Seeing the traps inside the facility makes me cling on to Gina. She seems to know more about the facility."

Danny: "Gina's just a little kid! I don't want to risk killing anyone, especially someone like her!"

Hawk: "... I don't like this kid, at all. I have yet to see if she's even trustable."

About what to do next...

Kim: "I'm a bit worried about Mr. Gasper. What if he's watching us all along? We should probably look out for anything he might set."

Danny: "We probably need to find this... 'Ms. Vera' and know more about what's happening."

Hawk: "I just want to turn back to being human."
We want to leave Gina behind with a walkie talkie on the boat, head off with Danny and Hawk to the boiler room, and ask Gina where the boiler room is beforehand.
*Get more popcorn*
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>>We want to leave Gina behind with a walkie talkie on the boat, head off with Danny and Hawk to the boiler room, and ask Gina where the boiler room is beforehand.

Gina says the boiler room is just beside the kitchen, which should be on the second floor. She says you'll have to search for it yourself.

The explosion must've rocked the place hard.
Kim on Danny to see if we can get the newspaper now. You know, that thing we tried earlier that didn't work because the newspaper was fastened to the wall. It seems loosened now.
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>>Kim on Danny to see if we can get the newspaper now.

You stand on Danny's shoulders and try to reach for the newspaper once more. Its loose condition enables you to grab it.

Most of the text is unreadable, but you can still read the headlines and some parts.

You feel uneasy just reading this.

(ADDED SCORE for obtaining REPORT FROM 2679)
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>>Continue to floor 2 to look for kitchen

Hawk stops you and Danny and reminds you that he can't grasp the ladder. Even if he flies, he wouldn't fit in the hatch.
We decide to check out the rest of the first floor to see if anything else changed, since we, you know, just caused a big explosion to occur.
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>>We decide to check out the rest of the first floor to see if anything else changed, since we, you know, just caused a big explosion to occur

Mhm. You swear that was where you found Hawk, but now it's closed...
Insert code from before?
9832 if anyone cares

Wojjan wrote:

Insert code from before?
9832 if anyone cares
yeah we do that f****** banco resets
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>>Insert code from before?

You do so.

The door covering the basement must be a new one.
*Look around and see if anything changed*
Maybe examine the new door?
It's stable now. I was wondering where you guys went.

Anyways, next room.
I vote TV room
wait, go get the pipe
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>>next room

Ugh. Another door.

Danny checks and sees that the door is jammed from inside. The door budges a bit, but does not allow any opening.
Try going up the ladder
also, #mafia wouldnt work for me
this is pretty much on hold?

Wojjan wrote:

this is pretty much on hold?
Sure it is. However, we could conclude that those doors are placed for a reason. It shows that we can only one other way... I hope when this starts again that you are wary of traps that can occur!
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I was rather disappointed by the lack of interest from my players last session, so I've decided that I will put this on hold and come up with a quiz for the people around here. If you wish for this to continue, the quiz must be fully answered by a set number of players. If not, then Godspeed. I can do this on another site, anyway.

I will post the quiz here later on.

vytalibus wrote:

I was rather disappointed by the lack of interest from my players last session, so I've decided that I will put this on hold and come up with a quiz for the people around here. If you wish for this to continue, the quiz must be fully answered by a set number of players. If not, then Godspeed. I can do this on another site, anyway.

I will post the quiz here later on.
no :( If the next session is on saturday, I'll stay up all night if necessary!

vytalibus wrote:

I was rather disappointed by the lack of interest from my players last session, so I've decided that I will put this on hold and come up with a quiz for the people around here. If you wish for this to continue, the quiz must be fully answered by a set number of players. If not, then Godspeed. I can do this on another site, anyway.

I will post the quiz here later on.
My my... Is this how it's going to be?

It can't die like this!
Even if it moves, you can just move with it. I'd rather have an active player base than wonder if I'm all alone. He'd probably have to restart it, but if he decided to do that, we could watch until Ch 4 and see how they go about it. Heeheeheeheehee.

Anyways, carry on. *waits for quiz*
If this does move, who is willing to move with it?

I'm on 50/50.
The problem for some of us is's pretty late in Europe when you start so we can't be active after a while....
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Here's the quiz. Instructions inside the spoilerbox.

PM me the answers, and I will ask another question through the PM. Do NOT post the answers here.

  1. What is the name of the first character you control?
  2. What item was lost between Chapter One and Chapter Two?
  3. Whose note had three erased age number in it?
  4. Since waking up in Chapter One, how many times had Kim used her Extremely Fast Metabolism?
  5. What was behind the code that opened the basement in Chapter Two?
  6. What killed the rabid furry that Kim and Danny encountered by the basement?
  7. Enumerate all the SPECIAL ITEMS found up to Chapter Three (not including notes and special notes)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Wojjan wrote:

wouldn't it be best to replay the storyline from Ch. 1?
It wouldn't make sense, since we've already started. I will link the new thread to the previous chapters, however. Provided that no one moves this thread, it'll be okay.
It would make more sense. You know, for any new players on the other site? Would be easier to gain their interest IMO if you just started over, especially due to the -7 points from dummies.

Oh well, I'll be there.
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Ekaru wrote:

It would make more sense. You know, for any new players on the other site? Would be easier to gain their interest IMO if you just started over, especially due to the -7 points from dummies.

Oh well, I'll be there.
Problem is, most of the rooms have been overwritten up to a point that it'll take quite awhile for me to clean them up AND change the pathways (since I can't use the same process of opening up doors if I start all over again).

That's why I'm expecting YOU to guide them. :3
Must it be left to this?

You got to leave us to the exact link of this place that you are going to host this game.
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MarioBros777 wrote:

Must it be left to this?

You got to leave us to the exact link of this place that you are going to host this game.
Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, in 30 hours, the game will continue. Then, go to TGChan and wait for my quest to appear.

Here's some new rules:

As we're now functioning inside an imageboard, you are allowed to hold discussions inside the thread. Also, please identify yourselves by putting "-FGW" next to your name. I will make a special mention of you as those who are following the game so the others who want to jump in can join.

Alternatively, you can go to the site's IRC channel, which is located by the side frame of the main site. There, you can hold discussions.

Please try and help the others by giving them the information you already know. I assure you that once they catch up, they'll be able to give wise suggestions as well. ;)

Some helpful pointers: putting a ">" before a line turns it green. I recommend that you use that to separate your suggestions from discussions.

These codes also work:


Hoping to see you there! And as a quest runner, I also suggest that you look at other quests that are in that site. You'll find them really fun to follow.
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The game will start in a few minutes. For those who wish to connect to a discussion chatroom, connect to using mIRC and type "#RubyQuest" as the channel.

Go to TGChan right now and click on "Quests". Put your name up there and add "- FGW" to the end so I can tell who my old players are, and wait for the thread to come out.

EDIT: Link to thread
Requesting unsticky.
Well that was a terrible idea.
I just responded. Basically agreeing with the guy above me.

Yo, vyt, you need to update. Badly. That guy's suggestion was from a week ago. ;_;

P.S. I could waste my life on that site if I wanted to. It's like a mini-heaven.
no ekaru who's gonna make the digimon maps? who will list all easy easies? we love you don't go
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