
Do people still wear masks where you're from?

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Currently, do you normally wear masks outdoors?

Even at home
Total votes: 21
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Here, the amount of people wearing masks have reduced significantly. I recall covid times when everyone made sure to wear a mask and anyone who wasn't wearing a mask were probably just heading to buy one. The roads were so empty that if any two people happened to pass by each other, they'd distance themselves on two different sides of the road.

Stores still prefer keeping a 'Vaccinated' notice to label their stores as safe. Now the main reason people within my age group wear masks is to hide insecurities, even despite some teachers discouraging masks because they hinder communication and trap moisture and bacteria.
Within school, it's like a 50/50 of students wearing masks. Only the sick are really advised to wear one.
Prior to that, anyone who didn't wear a mask wasn't allowed to enter classes.
In Thailand we don't have the idea of "wearing mask = limiting freedom". But instead have "Wearing mask = protect yourself". So most ppl still wear it lol. It's even encouraged in some places despite the government lifting restrictions nearly a year ago.
its a 50/50 chance, but if you are in a store you will see masks because you cant buy stuff without it unless you are vaccinated i think
[ Sebastian ]
I don't see anyone wearing masks. Maybe because COVID is no longer a big problem.

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

I don't see anyone wearing masks. Maybe because COVID is no longer a big problem.
We stopped wearing masks since early 2022 so No. But there are some people whos still afraid and still gonna wear masks.
I ocasionally see someone wearing a mask, but that's like 5-10 percent of people. I still have one saved in my pocket just in case, usually wearing it in crowded spaces like a bus mostly or whenever air is just too polluted/dusty (I am sorta sensitive to air quality).

Personally I stopped using masks outside in late 2022.
i basically never wear masks outdoors, and sometimes indoors in public spaces (like classrooms, but most people don't wear masks at all)
Wimpy Cursed
I only know one person that still wears a mask in my school.
However, everywhere else in my area, there are no people that wear masks.
Arctos Sagittario
covid here has pretty much died down after a national sweep last december, the next wave is around a month or two away according to simulation model... so to speak

but still, yes, we wear masks

because we got a small outbreak of h1n1 swine flu.

not that much better than covid according to those unlucky guys been hit by both.
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