
Skandi CTB Tournament

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Yukiteru Amano
As the topic says. Would this be of interest if so how many would like to join in on this? I know that there isn't a lot of CTB:ers in within the skandi community but I think it will be fun :)

Before entering you might want to be an experienced CTB player.


All Matches will be played 2v2.
Binationional are allowed. (You are allowed to team up with people from Denmark/Norway/Sweden).
The maps will be taken from this years CWC map pool.

Last registration date will be around late January!

Common sense. Silly ways of getting around diffrent things in ways that will benefit you only, will be taken seriously.

If you're interested the registration is open. Please write the name of you and your teammate, please name your Team ^^!

Teams :)
Team: Watashitachiha, CTB ga daisukidesu Player #1 Lanki33 Player #2 Azeidith
i'm not going to join but i just wanted to say i could probably help providing a stream if i got help from one or two people similar to how the OST stream will be handled :P that is if there actually is a CTB tournament xD
Make it 2v2s

Team Name: boatayo
Player #1 - boat
Player #2 - Kotayo
"help how do I catch the fruit"
jk but I might consider playing (even though I don't at all play ctb) if you do make it 2v2s.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
I kinda want singles since I want to see who is the best in Skandi. But maybe 2v2 could be considerd since 1v1 matches may take a lot more time. Kotayo, I'll let you know if I need any help streaming the whole thing. I hope there will be enough players signing up for it! :)
Unless there is a massive skill-gap between the top players you're not going to find out who's "objectively and consistently the best" through just a couple of matches.

Besides, tournaments should be for fun but playing alone is no fun.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
I see your point. 2v2 then, but if there is a low amount of players maybe 1v1 is an option, I believe it will be fun 1v1 as well. :)

boat wrote:

Make it 2v2s

Team Name: boatayo
Player #1 - boat
Player #2 - Kotayo
"help how do I catch the fruit"
jk but I might consider playing (even though I don't at all play ctb) if you do make it 2v2s.
wow ok sure i guess
and yea 2v2 is probably better just for the sake of fun. and if you have trouble finding players just make it smaller and skip groupstage or something? or have groupstage to determine seeds for the bracket
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Shall we start a sign up and see how many who are willing to take part :)?
this will be fun. good luck to all teams
Sounds fun, Im in! everyone loves pictures :3
i am in guess i wouldn`t hurt:3 will it?:P
I think you should have somewhat of a date it will be held. Hard to register for something if I 'm too busy.

Great idea though, any effiecient way of letting non-forumers on here??
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
The date will be set soon and I want to see how many that are actually interested :) I was thinking for it to start in either very late Jan or early Feb. If you would like, please tell as many within Skandi. I'll try to have the matches set on Weekends and a reasonable time 17:00-22:00 something? There is a lot of time left.
Yeah, I'm defenitely interested. Want to team up with me Yuki? :D

I'll also try to speak with the Norwegians playing ctb.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
I am going to wait to pick a partner. I want to see how many players plan on playing first!
Welp I guess it's time to start playing CTB
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Aldrig försent att börja :P

Yukiteru amano wrote:

Aldrig försent att börja :P
men man mår ju så illa 100posts
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
CTB master race!
ctb mustard race

Team dickbutt
Player #1:
Player #2: maal
"my poop smells like roses - shut the fuck up boat"
bring the mustard, cuz we're going ham
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Skriver upp er då! Vilket fint lagnamn!
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Please use some bbcode and formatting.

The OP is cringeworthy and a pain in the ass to read.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Sorry ;S Sämst på att göra sånt här xD Vad vill du att jag skall ändra?
I suggest not using the CWC mappools btw, they tend to be quite hard, and the Skandi CTB are not at this lvl yet. I suggest a map pool with some hards and insanes, with either no-mod all maps or let the choosing team decide what mod to use (in other words: not free-mods).

The reason for the Hard diffs is in case there are gonna be someone who hasn't caught any fruits before sign up, and would be horrifying to give them Fruitender.

Considering this, make a map pool afterthe sign ups. I can help fetch some maps if you want me to.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
Could make pools after what stage we are in competition. For an example Round 1 = Insanes ar8 or maybe easier ar9s. The diffculty level of the maps will increase the further in we move into the competition.

I believe the competition is for somewhat experienced players. So bringing in Hard maps will only make things boring.
Team Name: Watashitachiha, CTB ga daisukidesu
Player #1 - lanki33
Player #2 - Azeidith

Let`s do this :P
Hey guy if you're going to make this into some lolctb elitist tourney then I'm out.

Non official tournaments are for fun, not for flaunting your fruity penis.

Yukiteru amano wrote:

I believe the competition is for somewhat experienced players. So bringing in Hard maps will only make things boring.
Bringin in the Hard maps is just in case someone of not so high skill-level should want to have fun. And if you wanted an elitist tourney like boat said, maybe you should have started the thread in Tournaments forum?

boat wrote:

Non official tournaments are for fun, not for flaunting your fruity penis.

But I've read another topic with a guy who's pushing the arranger without any positivty, so I'll stop now before I become like him. Your tournament, your rules, I'm happy with however this tourney is gonna be played out :)
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
I have not heard of this Tournament thred before. Though this tournament wasn't intended to be for newbies. You should know how to play somewhat good. Joining a tournament with no skill on the mode that the tournament regards is just plain stupid. SOMEONE needs learn about constructive criticism as well. Instead of just being an aggrieving d-bag. I made this for the experienced part of the CTB community within Skandi.
Alright kiddo ;)

I don't intend to play with a bunch of angry ctb nerds so sign me off from this, thanks~
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
In what way have THE WHOLE "Catch the beat" community offend you?
woooow calm down a bit

saying it's just plain stupid to join a tournament even though you have no experience in the game mode is not cool IMO
you should be able to freely join no matter of skill level atleast for a skandi tournament where there aren't many players to begin with
if you wanna have an elitist tournament then atleast say that from the beginning
this will keep everyone from getting angry at each other for misunderstandings

this has not been managed very well in my eyes with the clarification of requirements and the like for playing in the tournament and should be fixed as soon as possible

if this can't be settled peacefully then i won't even bother even thinking about the possiblility of managing a stream for this and i'll just ignore the entire thing
i DO want to stream this to keep the skandi twitch filled with content for our fellow players but if this goes on it won't happen this time
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Yukiteru Amano
By using CWC maps isn't clarification that the skill level will be higher than hard?
i honestly don't know why you would even use the CWC mappool
i honestly don't know what the fk is going on with this anymore

and no, saying that the mappool is from the CWC isn't clear enough since there will still be misunderstandings as we have already witnessed
I'll just go out on a limb and say that you'll probably need more organizing than what you have right now for this to work.
Topic Starter
Yukiteru Amano
I know CXu. Though having people who aren't really interested complaining isn't helping a lot either. I know I haven't been very organized which I apologize for. Though the current main task is to actually see how many players that are in intrerested and active within the CTB Skandi community.
I'm not complaining. I'm telling you something that may help you if you actually intend to run the tournament.
Also, I don't know about other people, but if I were an active CtB player and saw this, I wouldn't want to participate, mainly because it's unorganized and probably won't work out from how it looks.
Maybe delete this thread and start anew?? After going through all the points of the tourney organization list? Can't help you out on that though.
wtf is this thread
Because Zoom found this t/171662 I will not bother to start to re-create this tourny. Check it out. :D
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