
longest session you ever had?

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rei et
mine was around 10-12 hours, i know, this is batshit insane
As expected of mr 4-6 hours everyday.

I personally reached a max of 4 hours in std and 3 in mania.
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rei et

Stomiks wrote:

As expected of mr 4-6 hours everyday.

I personally reached a max of 4 hours in std and 3 in mania.
i like "mr 4-6 hours everyday."

but yeah i'm playing less for my own health

dumbkurttt wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

As expected of mr 4-6 hours everyday.

I personally reached a max of 4 hours in std and 3 in mania.
i like "mr 4-6 hours everyday."

but yeah i'm playing less for my own health
Try picking up some hobbies in the down time. Something like exercising is good.
i think like 3 hours
2-3 hours idk i have trouble reaching 2 hours now
depends, i usually had 2-3 hours when trying to farm, it gets really tense at the end but sometimes i just play easier stuff which goes for a while
somehow, 7 1/2 hours. i played multi for like 4-5 of those hours though, so time flied.
17 hours straight once
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rei et

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once

dumbkurttt wrote:

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once
you can't let this guy beat you dumbkurt
these are not healthy hours what on earth

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once
jesus h christ what the fuck
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rei et

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once
you can't let this guy beat you dumbkurt
Let me come back from this break :) (jk wtf 17?)
17 is not healthy at all
bro got that quasimodo posture after that session 💀
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rei et

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing, I could PROBABLY get 17 someday, even though it's not healthy. But I don't want to get carpal tunnel so

dumbkurttt wrote:

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing
Don't you need to eat and take some breaks after playing for that long?
Like 10-ish hours with one break somewhere in there. Went from like 12:00 to 23:00

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once
Holy shit that is not good for you lmao
dude nobody should be playing even more than 5 hours at a time. 3-4 is overkill
Topic Starter
rei et

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing
Don't you need to eat and take some breaks after playing for that long?
i didn't eat that day, i just had a few cups of water and kept playing it 12 hours straight
healthy? not at all

dumbkurttt wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing
Don't you need to eat and take some breaks after playing for that long?
i didn't eat that day, i just had a few cups of water and kept playing it 12 hours straight
healthy? not at all
I understand skipping meals but jesus, only a few cups of water in 12 hours? That could really fuck up your physical condition.
Topic Starter
rei et

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing
Don't you need to eat and take some breaks after playing for that long?
i didn't eat that day, i just had a few cups of water and kept playing it 12 hours straight
healthy? not at all
I understand skipping meals but jesus, only a few cups of water in 12 hours? That could really fuck up your physical condition.
That's exactly why my finger was twitching LOL
(It's not moving on its own anymore if you're wondering, doing a lot better than before)

dumbkurttt wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

dumbkurttt wrote:

Znow wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
I got 12 hours without even noticing
Don't you need to eat and take some breaks after playing for that long?
i didn't eat that day, i just had a few cups of water and kept playing it 12 hours straight
healthy? not at all
I understand skipping meals but jesus, only a few cups of water in 12 hours? That could really fuck up your physical condition.
That's exactly why my finger was twitching LOL
(It's not moving on its own anymore if you're wondering, doing a lot better than before)
mania addiction at it's finest. Just be sure to take care of yourself alright?
Wimpy Cursed
probably like 7 hours.
I usually play for 2-4 hours per session, but I got distracted

I Love Requis 5 wrote:

17 is not healthy at all
found that out the hard way this week

regitt wrote:

17 hours straight once
this mfer lives osu
the longest session i remember was about 3 hours, cuz i wanted to reach lvl 100

Aireunaeus wrote:

the longest session i remember was about 3 hours, cuz i wanted to reach lvl 100
Wasn't that today or yesterday?

Stomiks wrote:

Aireunaeus wrote:

the longest session i remember was about 3 hours, cuz i wanted to reach lvl 100
Wasn't that today or yesterday?
that was the day before yesterday
i played 13 hours once because i had 3 tournaments throughout the day
13 hours in a row??? or just 13 hours in general, regardless i don't think that much time is needed for tournament matches. if it's in a row than it's extremely unhealthy but with breaks i suppose it can work out. the numbers in here just make me confused
ton of fruits here
annoying orange collab
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