
how to remove combo/score/accuracy numbers

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- Marie -
I want to do something similar to the old skin vaxei used to use, 404 skin not found v2, where the combo counter in the bottom left is completely gone, like how it would be if you had the in-game interface turned off. first off, how do I do this, and secondly is it possible to do something similar to the score and accuracy counters in the top right corner and if so how. I apologize if this was covered in the faq but I looked and couldn't find what I was looking for. any help is appreciated.
Zelzatter Zero
There's a way to separately customize each elements. All you have to do is to create each and put in their own folder inside the main skin one, and use skin.ini to redirect the game which one it should use. For reference, you can go to this thread and check the [Font] section under skin.ini sheet.
The moment you blank out score numbers the ranking panel will not display anything. The proper way would be to set ComboPrefix: to some random gibberish i.e. "ComboPrefix: 9q38t7ase89dg". That way combo numbers are turned blank. For the score and accuracy, you should cover them with a black rectangle placed on the right side of scorebar-bg. You need to extend the width of the asset to some stupid amount, and then cover a bit of the right side with said rectangle.
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