
Annoying Maps

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I just found out about this game yesterday, and so far I really like it.
The only thing that separates this game from the actual DS games is the annoying fact that these player made maps have
beats stacked on top of each other so it's very hard to see.
So I'm just wondering, to you skilled players out there, do you just avoid playing these maps or do you have to play maps
over again to memorize all these annoying spots or do you all just get used to it after an immense amount of plays?
Ugh just so annoying when you go wtf i couldn't even see that shit, what the hell's going on, and then you fail the map ;_;
Usually the stacking is obvious and we can z/x or click fast enogh
it isn't hard with a little bit of practice.
Like Metroid said, it's easy with a little practice.

Otherwise, you can look at the approach circles.
There were stacks in the DS games. Only two or three usually, but they existed.
You'll eventually learn to read maps better and be able to play complex patterns on your first try.

Granted, not everyone can get every pattern, and some patterns do require memorization because notes are just clusterfucked.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Yeah, you just read the notes off the approach circles. If you play Hidden (or other mods), then it's memorization ;)

Derekku Chan wrote:

Yeah, you just read the notes off the approach circles. If you play Hidden (or other mods), then it's memorization ;)

Hidden is basically reverse approach circles.

I don't see how it's memorization. Just a different kind of reading (which is mostly more difficult).
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
It's easy when you fell BPM right.
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