
List of Currently Known osu!ctb Specific Exploits

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What is the point of this?

Due to the ever-present (but limited) customisable nature of osu!, the game can be influenced in such a way that allows players to discover ways to start using its customisability with malicious intent. Since there has been no reporting on this (or lack-there-of presence) and how players only know this through word of mouth, this post has been made to document every possible exploit on osu!catch the beat.

Could this be fixed?

Limiting the ability to customise the game to remove exploits is a possibility but then two further issues arise;
  1. The treadmill problem may where regardless of any progress made is to patch out the issues, it's still possible that exploits will still be found.
  2. If a new exploit is found, depending on how malicious the exploiters are and how fully aware a patch will come out if it is found, it will be sure that it never rises to the surface, allowing for undetectable cheaters.
So then what?

There are two potential ways to fix this:
  1. A new patch can be made such that every time a player beats a map and submits it, the client will automatically submit the skin. There are downsides to this where: I don't see peppy (+ team) implementing this any time soon (a new database may need to be made + skins may be overly bloated), and it potentially infringes on the player's privacy depending on the intention of said player (refer to `OPINIONATED NOTE`).
  2. (I believe the best option is to) Normalise the openness of the exploit skins. This doesn't mean "Normalise the use of the exploit skins" as it is deliberately cheating. As stated prior with malicious actors, disregarding exploit skins has the further potential to go underground, and so accepting the fact that these skins do exist can add to the list, help us gain more knowledge/data on how the exploits are used and allow for the ability to detect their usage.

It should be said that the use of these exploits should only be used ethically; this means that the use of these skins should only be used offline, with scorev2 (if it still doesn't submit plays), or depending on the given situation; such as to practise sections of a map, experiment with playstyles, or use it as a means for entertainment. Submitting/Applying it on ranked plays, tournaments, or challenged plays/bounties, without the expressed permission of the game itself, mapper, tournament staff, or bounty placers, destroys the intended use of the mod and how it should be interacting with the map, and can land you in hot water.

Hopefully now that this has started to go out, I hope that now it would be deemed unacceptable to submit plays using these exploits. Since it has been gone underground for some time, I have always heard that it was an unwritten rule that using this is OK but shitty because it's not possible to combat (or some other reason). But that can go the same for malicious hacking; the only difference is that now the osu! client painfully attempts to annoy hackers who want to ethically hack (refer to osu! opened sourced Livestream PP counters, plus, I've started to get a lot of PTSD from League of Legends but hopefully osu! client stands by their Privacy Policy on Anti-Cheat even if they have never mentioned that the game closes if applications like Cheat-Engine are opened (while `Cheat` is in the name, it's more for branding; there are many use cases that Cheat Engine provides where the biggest example is searching values through the computer memory)). Seeing that many people are addressing this (Twitter poll on Lanecovers), I am a firm believer that those who have used these exploits unfairly were misinformed or didn't know of the ramifications of their habits and deserve a second chance now that this can be further documented. As for whether or not exploited ranked plays should be removed from before, I'm a bit hesitant to say since exploited ranked plays such as the Gamma Flashlight mod from years(/a decade?) ago are still up. If you don't agree with any of these opinions, the comments are there and I am interested to see what you guys have to say!

With all of that out of the way; Here are all the exploits I was able to compile (and I will continue to add more if you put them in the comments):

Blatant Exploits
Blatant Exploits

Everything listed below allows the player to unfairly gain an advantage.

Lanecover Skin
Lanecover Skin

The Lanecover skin uses the customisability of osu! to the extreme by scaling up the skin's health bar (specifically `scorebar-bg.png`).

Why is it an exploit:
The skin allows for the intended low Approach Rate maps, either with NoMod or Hidden mod, to prevent the ability to see many Hit Objects at once, which nullifies the intended act of overstimulating the player. (NOTE: Has potential to prevent the learning curve of low Approach Rate NoMod/Hidden thus incentivizing further normalisation of skin.)

Requires multiple skins configured for the correct settings.

Why is it not an exploit:
Since the intended mod of Flashlight has only one approach on how to practise specific parts of a map, that being to isolate a section of a map, (IMPORTANT/TEDIOUS PART) placing 100/200 Hit Objects to get Flashlight to its specific range (Shameless plug of a project I am working on to be more streamlined), then playing/practising the map normally, this skin can be modified to be served as an alternative.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Putting a towel or a piece of cloth over the screen.

Any examples of this in the real world:
Discussion on Twitter about this
An image of the much more developed exploit

Is it detectable?
Not enough information or techniques has surfaced to be confident.

Download Skin

Orbit Skin
Orbit Skin

The Orbit skin uses the customisability of osu! to the extreme by scaling up the skin's catchable Hit Object (specifically `fruit-apple-overlay.png`, `fruit-grapes-overlay.png`, `fruit-orange-overlay.png`, and `fruit-pear-overlay.png`).

Why is it an exploit:
The skin allows for the intended Flashlight mod (with the Hidden mod added if wanted) to see further than the blindspot which nullifies the intended act of memorisation (making it more reactive), or the intended act of unseeable objects since the skin displays the Hit Object(s) location.

The higher the Approach Rate, the more you need to focus on memorising than reacting, making it useless to use (if not, more of a hassle).
The density of objects allows for the experience to be overstimulating, rendering the map unreadable.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Doesn't seem possible

Any examples of this in the real world:
Discussion on Twitter about this
A play with the PSP
While not specifically using the Orbit skin still uses the philosophy of modification while being used in an entertaining way

Is it detectable?
Hypothetically; since the player can see multiple orbits, the further they go into a map, the more potential the player can get overstimulated by the number of objects, or misremember (prioritising reaction) where the next object will be, having this sort of rapid wiggles effect to decide where to go next.

Download Skin

Video on Top of Game
Video on Top of Game

The exploit uses a media player by playing a video of the Hit Objects falling without any effects and osu to be reduced to a small window such it goes below the video such that it mimics the full game.

Why is it an exploit:
The exploit allows for the intended Flashlight mod to completely nullify the entire act of playing the mod as it plays exactly as if the mod weren't there.

The exploit requires careful timing such that both the video and the game are in sync. Is not viable in multiplayer.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Using another device outside the computer.

Any examples of this in the real world:

Is it detectable?
Not enough information or techniques has surfaced to be confident.

Questionable/Potentially Exploits
Questionable/Potentially Exploits

Everything listed below should be questionable given certain specific circumstances.

Hit lighting
Hit lighting

The exploit is an inbuilt skin option that flashes a bright light on where the object will land (specifically `Hit lighting` in settings and `lighting.png`). It was used to emphasise a part of a beatmap.

Why it could be an exploit:
The use of the feature combined with a defining lighting skin allows for the intended Flashlight mod (with the Hidden mod added if wanted) to be given the location of the next Hit Object, nullifying the intended act of memorisation (making it more reactive).

This is only active during Kiai sections of a map.
The higher the Approach Rate, the more you need to focus on memorising than reacting, making it useless to use (if not, more of a hassle).
The density of objects allows for the experience to be overstimulating, rendering the map unreadable.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Doesn't seem possible

Any examples of this in the real world:

Is it detectable?
Hypothetically; since the player can see the Hit lighting, the further they go into a map, the more potential the player can reposition their catcher such that when they see the Hit lighting they've overextended on, they will reposition back to the Hit Lightings position. However, there is not enough information or techniques has surfaced to be conclusive.

Download Skin

Lanes Skin
Lanes Skin

The Lanes skin uses the customisability of osu! to the extreme by scaling up the skin's health bar (specifically `scorebar-bg.png`).

Why it could be an exploit:
The skin has the potential to be used as a reference point. A map with a high Circle Size (with the Hidden mod added if wanted), or the intended map to play with precision based on precise patterns, allows for the player to use the skin to their advantage on where they will need to be positioned next.

May potentially confuse the player on which relative lines to use the other.
May potentially make the playing field more convoluted.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Using the in-game background art as a reference point instead.
Using a piece of cloth or taping lines to the screen.

Any examples of this in the real world:
While not being deliberately shown, a form of this skin was used confidently beat the ending

Is it detectable?
Not enough information or techniques has surfaced to be confident.

Download Skin

Small Skin
Small Skin

The Small skin uses the customisability of osu! to it's advantage by scaling down the skin's Hit Objects (specifically `fruit-apple-overlay.png`, `fruit-grapes-overlay.png`, `fruit-orange-overlay.png`, and `fruit-pear-overlay.png`).

Why it could be an exploit:
The skin has potential to be used to counteract the readability of maps with a low Circle Size, specifically with the Easy mod.

Is not reflective of the Hit Objects hitbox, and may allow users to over or undershoot movements.
This skin has already been adopted and is used widely without combining it with the Easy mod or maps with a low Circle Size.

Mimicking exploit outside of the game:
Doesn't seem possible

Any examples of this in the real world:

Is it detectable?
Not enough information or techniques has surfaced to be confident.

Download Skin

Deprecated Exploits
Deprecated Exploits

Everything listed were exploits of a previous time and/or should no long be able to function as they have been patched out.



Increasing the value of GAMMA on the player's monitor.

Why it was an exploit:
The exploit allows for the intended Flashlight mod to completely nullify the entire act of playing the mod as it plays exactly as if the mod weren't there. The best guess would have to be that the Flashlight mod darkness had a slight opacity to it, thus exploiting this by using GAMMA to make sure the opacity was at 100%.

How did this exploit die:
By removing the opacity from the darkness and making it solid.

Any examples of this in the real world:
While not based on osu!ctb, I'm guessing there was at least some correlation



Having a recording of the map or storyboard elements that mimicked the placement of the Hit Object. Modifying the map would make it unranked, but not the storyboard elements.

Why it was an exploit:
The exploit allows for the intended Hidden mod and/or Flashlight mod to completely nullify the entire act of playing the mod(s) since turning on the video or storyboard would allow the player to see ahead of time.

How did this exploit die:
If the modification of the map has been done in any way, including the storyboard, the map will be deemed unrankable.

Any examples of this in the real world:

If you guys have anything more to add (including spelling errors I may have made); post it in the comments. Make sure to add evidence such that it adds the basis for the exploit and streamlines the process for verification and which category to place it in.
So essentially as far as I can tell every single one of these exploits is due to making maps easier to read and nothing to do with the technical aspect of map difficulty. Also they seem to only affect FL and EZ as it sounds.

First off FL is a pretty dumb mod and not many play it seriously. It's one of those mods that if it never existed originally nobody would complain that it didn't exist but we are kind of stuck with it now. It has created all sorts of issues in multiple gamemodes.

EZ on the other hand has always felt like a mod that was poorly designed initially. Clearly the intent when making the EZ mod was to make the maps, you know, easier and not create some silly reading challenge. I've always thought EZ should instead of just reducing the value of AR it should instead allow the player to select the AR they want for the map. However the issue we have here is that people are used to it being a weird gimmicky reading challenge and changing it to be selectable AR would cause backlash. Once again this is something I am pretty sure nobody would mind if it had always been designed this way in the first place.

FL could probably be changed to be like Mania where it gives no PP/score bonus thus removing the incentive to exploit using it. This would suck for the legit FL plays but legit FL plays that aren't just on super easy maps are few and far between. EZ however does add mechanical difficulty (for most maps due to creating edge jumps)
I'd agree with most of them, but "Small Skin".
Small Skin is a big tradeoff between pattern readability and AR readability, it's the same (reversed) with big skins.

Playing AR9+ DT with big skin is WAY easier on the reading, bigger notes giving you a bit more time to read the AR.
But at the same time if the notes are big it's harder to read the patterns and see the actual movement the map wants.

Small skins would help you on the timing required to play certain maps, especially converts. But you'd need to be a masochist to play high AR with that.

There is a reason why only Hyper uses this skin.
A lot of high ranked players tried that skin and it's just really really really hard to read high AR, the reaction time you need is insane.

Yeah you could get used to it (cf Hyper), but it's still a tradeoff in the end.

Also they seem to only affect FL and EZ as it sounds.
No, not really. The "Lanecover Skin" would work on almost all AR. You'd need to change the size of the cover to adapt to the map, but in reward now all the maps you play are the perfect AR for you.

Ttobas wrote:

bigger notes giving you a bit more time to read the AR.
Is the amount of extra time more or less than simply having a monitor with higher refresh rate would give you?
[ Sebastian ]
Using EZ in a lot of maps for me is hard, that's because the notes are big and very close together, and it makes it hard to tell where to go.

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

Is the amount of extra time more or less than simply having a monitor with higher refresh rate would give you?
For me, higher refresh rate doesn't give extra time, it's more about how soft on the eyes the reading is, while using a 144 (and now 240hz) screen helped me understand the patterns on those AR, I still wasn't able to play them.

On the other hand, now that I changed my small skin to normal-big sized notes, I'm able to play AR9+ DT.
So in "extra time" big notes are better than higher refresh rate.
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Ttobas wrote:

Also they seem to only affect FL and EZ as it sounds.
No, not really. The "Lanecover Skin" would work on almost all AR. You'd need to change the size of the cover to adapt to the map, but in reward now all the maps you play are the perfect AR for you.
No, what I mean is that practising FL has a tedious task of modifying the map to get the requested darkness range in a section of a map, and using Lanecover is an alternative to this task, and thus it's not an outright exploit. To be honest, I think using lanecover for FL is more of a disadvantageous move than it is a beneficial one if used for ranked play. That's why I say `Why is it not an exploit`.

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

Ttobas wrote:

bigger notes giving you a bit more time to read the AR.
Is the amount of extra time more or less than simply having a monitor with higher refresh rate would give you?

Ttobas wrote:

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

Is the amount of extra time more or less than simply having a monitor with higher refresh rate would give you?
For me, higher refresh rate doesn't give extra time, it's more about how soft on the eyes the reading is, while using a 144 (and now 240hz) screen helped me understand the patterns on those AR, I still wasn't able to play them.

On the other hand, now that I changed my small skin to normal-big sized notes, I'm able to play AR9+ DT.
So in "extra time" big notes are better than higher refresh rate.
I didn't want to use easy things to say like a person's monitor refresh rate or anything similar because osu never makes this clear as to what extent, but I believe that by that very foundation then it’s OK to use any if it doesn’t modify the intended experience of osu or osu!ctb.

Hopefully that clear things up.
Welp thinks for the video ideas ig
For the sake of clarity im going to refer to AR as scroll speed. Also VSRG = Vertically Scrolling Rhythm Game.

I would say the problem with lanecover in Catch lies within its fundamental gameplay. There is a reason why VSRGS do no scale with scroll speed. If we take Taiko (not a VSRG) for example, the same principle can be applied as in Catch. If there is a map with low scroll speed you can also use lanecover, however nobody really bats an eye. Using 4:3 even cuts a bit of the play area without modifying a skin. Because what should be in the focus rather than the low speed should be the complexitivity of the patterns.

Theoretically speaking, If we take any rhythm game with a fixed hitposition, the difficulty is the same for anyone, regardless of the speed they use, because after all, they have to hit the same patterns to the same rhythm at the same BPM. This is exactly what makes a rhythm game a rhythm game.
That is the exact reason why FL and HD are not rewarded by PP in Mania. They are simply used as a tool to make reading more comfortable for the player.

Since technically speaking, Catch would fall under the category of a "VSRG" (Notes fall down and you have to hit them at the receptor) the real issue is the way the gamemode works itself. If the game had fixed scroll speed, this would not be an issue. I do understand that the scroll speed does add to difficulty, however does this actually matter when you have to hit buttons to the beat? The visuals are there to help you visualize the rhythm. Focusing difficulty merely on reading is not what defines a rhythm game.

Banning the usage of Lanecover won't do anything since people are just gonna stick paper on their screen. In my opinion, it is definitly not cheating since the players hit the exact same pattern at the exact same BPM.
If you say that it should be banned, shouldn't the game have only one fixed position that all of the players must look in order for them to have the same advantage?

Amane wrote:

If the game had fixed scroll speed, this would not be an issue. I do understand that the scroll speed does add to difficulty, however does this actually matter when you have to hit buttons to the beat? The visuals are there to help you visualize the rhythm. Focusing difficulty merely on reading is not what defines a rhythm game.?
I've always made this argument that the difficulty of the game should focus on mechanical difficulty and not reading difficulty. Adding reading difficulty always has felt like a lame way to make a map harder imo and just falls under being a "gimmick". Maps should be the easiest possible for the player to read and simply be a measure of how well you can play the patterns.
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Amane wrote:

For the sake of clarity im going to refer to AR as scroll speed. Also VSRG = Vertically Scrolling Rhythm Game.

I would say the problem with lanecover in Catch lies within its fundamental gameplay. There is a reason why VSRGS do no scale with scroll speed. If we take Taiko (not a VSRG) for example, the same principle can be applied as in Catch. If there is a map with low scroll speed you can also use lanecover, however nobody really bats an eye. Using 4:3 even cuts a bit of the play area without modifying a skin. Because what should be in the focus rather than the low speed should be the complexitivity of the patterns.

Theoretically speaking, If we take any rhythm game with a fixed hitposition, the difficulty is the same for anyone, regardless of the speed they use, because after all, they have to hit the same patterns to the same rhythm at the same BPM. This is exactly what makes a rhythm game a rhythm game.
That is the exact reason why FL and HD are not rewarded by PP in Mania. They are simply used as a tool to make reading more comfortable for the player.

Since technically speaking, Catch would fall under the category of a "VSRG" (Notes fall down and you have to hit them at the receptor) the real issue is the way the gamemode works itself. If the game had fixed scroll speed, this would not be an issue. I do understand that the scroll speed does add to difficulty, however does this actually matter when you have to hit buttons to the beat? The visuals are there to help you visualize the rhythm. Focusing difficulty merely on reading is not what defines a rhythm game.

Banning the usage of Lanecover won't do anything since people are just gonna stick paper on their screen. In my opinion, it is definitly not cheating since the players hit the exact same pattern at the exact same BPM.
If you say that it should be banned, shouldn't the game have only one fixed position that all of the players must look in order for them to have the same advantage?
If a mutable scroll speed was present, I would be very, very hesitant. Catch the beat has to be one of the most bizarre rhythm based game mode since it takes the core concept of what a rhythm game is as it breaks it down and rebuilds it up in its own vision. Where many players within the community debates on if Catch is even a rhythm base game, in my eyes, unlike every rhythm based game, instead of the player playing TO the beat, they are playing AROUND the beat. I say all of this because the catcher is binary and relative in order for this philosophy to work, meaning that they only move relative to the position of the catcher thus prioritising your CURRENT positioning in the map in the given time, whereas all other game modes are (this is my understanding on what I've seen and played) binary based rhythm games (mania and taiko) thus prioritising your timing, or absolute rhythm based games (standard) thus prioritising positioning (full emphasis on the lack of the CURRENT keyword being present since it's hypothetically possible to make your cursor go from the very left-hand side of the screen to the very right-hand side in a millisecond whereas the catcher does not have that luxury as its speed will always be fixed unless encountering a hyperdash). Applying the hypothetical of a mutable scroll speed may potentially render converts as unplayable, or/since players won't be positioned correctly for the next object if it appears too fast to react to. It's such a core fundamental concept to the game where a word has been coined such that if a player starts prioritising bananas in a map too much and the next hit object comes much earlier than expected, the act of missing that next object is named the `spinner trap`; and I can see this happen a lot to the point where the game is unfair/unplayable.

If a fixed scroll speed was present, which speed would it be? Once that is answered, how much is the current player base willing to proceed? There will have to be big compromises because who players don't get their fixed AR will always be severely alienated with this change; some players like normal and easy to digest maps (never changing from their comfortable play style), some like to only reading high AR, some like to only reading low AR, some (such as myself) likes changing play styles and actively experiment because it's less enjoyable if the game is repetitive, etc.

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

Amane wrote:

If the game had fixed scroll speed, this would not be an issue. I do understand that the scroll speed does add to difficulty, however does this actually matter when you have to hit buttons to the beat? The visuals are there to help you visualize the rhythm. Focusing difficulty merely on reading is not what defines a rhythm game.?
I've always made this argument that the difficulty of the game should focus on mechanical difficulty and not reading difficulty. Adding reading difficulty always has felt like a lame way to make a map harder imo and just falls under being a "gimmick". Maps should be the easiest possible for the player to read and simply be a measure of how well you can play the patterns.
In another timeline, we wouldn't have an assignable yet immutable scroll speed, but have we have it here, and it is a fundamental part of the game's identity and difficulty curve, and changing this may add a lot of insult to injury to the players who have developed these skills.

Your idea of Difficulty for the removal of Readability and only prioritising Mechanical play is very disagreeable. The act of having Readability allows for a different yet flexible play styles and method of approaches how a map can or should be played. A great example would be ExGon's Another Medium Map where despite the two maps being blatantly the same map, with AR being the only extreme change, the play styles from the players and their approaches to the map differ severely demonstrating how unique these two experiences are; you can even see the top players and what mods they are using to challenge themselves.

Focusing away from scroll speed now, I also want to touch on this mentality that `because I don't see it a lot` or `it's not present in everyday ranked maps/ranking criteria` (despite the fact that mappers are actively experimenting), that doesn't automatically get categorised into gimmick territory (the lack of knowledge may be a factor due to the influx of these types of maps); and even if it does, the act of actively discouraging certain gimmicks because it's "lame", "dumb", and "nobody would complain that it didn't exist" because "it should be" prevents the actual development of said gimmick to blossom into its own core utility/approach/alternative to the meta. Just because something is more simple (the removal of `gimmicks`) doesn't mean it's better. An example would be the meta from a decade and so ago didn't have wiggles because that was in it of itself was gimmicky; but because mappers and players got used to the approach of the gimmick and weren't discouraged for experimenting with it, meant it was able to be its own thing and now is an accepted part of the community/game.
Wiggles are tech though, I am fine with any sort of tech patterns including anti-flow, edge jumps, wiggles, tap dashes, crazy sliders, small circles, etc. My issue comes with where you could make the map easily FCable by just changing it to a different AR.

Amane wrote:

however does this actually matter when you have to hit buttons to the beat?
i dont agree
some catch skill is based on read
stand, edge even pixel jump

you have to move that "receptor", and speed is identical
so you need to judge how far you move, dash how long

example you can see me wiggle a little then stand the pattern
yes, notes should based on rhythm, but you have more than one way to press the key

Amane wrote:

(Notes fall down and you have to hit them at the receptor)
in catch, i would say it is "overlap the notes with receptor whether edge or center"
Reading is also prevelant in Mania but doesn't have anything to do with the speed of the notes are falling down. Patterns rhythmically stay the same no matter what the scroll speed (AR) is. You catch fruits to certain sounds, those individual sounds form a rhythmic pattern. Moving the catcher is just a different input method, same as me moving down my fingers to press the keys on my keyboard for Mania or Taiko. Stand, Jumps etc. emphasize a rhythm or a change in rhythm. Patterns enable us to distinguish between the different sounds that we hear in a Song.

From a rhythmical standpoint, standing can be seen as a Long Note or a Slider in osu!

"so you need to judge how far you move, dash how long" Doesn't really have anything to do with AR. The distance is still the same no matter if the AR is low or high.

I guess whether you hit at the center or at the edge can be considered a timing window. Doesn't matter where it lands it just has to land on time at the line.

Amane wrote:

"so you need to judge how far you move, dash how long" Doesn't really have anything to do with AR. The distance is still the same no matter if the AR is low or high.

I guess whether you hit at the center or at the edge can be considered a timing window. Doesn't matter where it lands it just has to land on time at the line.
hard to read extreme exmple: ar0

same pattern with ar8

AR didt change distance but

imagine u catch first notes in red pan location then press right with blue rhythm

another hell distance exmple, that ar8 video start from 1:18
when u hear hitsound, u are late :troll:

i mean i just want to say ctb is not just based on rhythm
noted for me
lane cover skin lost to time!
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