
Pain while playing mania

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I switched from mania to standard earlier this year, recently though, I've had the urge to start playing mania again. But every time I try to play it I feel pain in my hands if the map is more than a minute long. It's probably just me finally getting carpal tunnel after playing way too many rhythm games, but any tips to get rid of or at least lessen the pain would be appreciated.
- play less
- do hand exercises (
- make sure your hands aren't at an angle to your wrists
I'd say to take decent length breaks between songs. Practice doing good hand stretches and keeping your wrists and hands a comfortable angle. My friend had the same problem and had to quit for a while due to it being too straining on him. Honestly if you're doing everything you should be doing but still feel pain, i'd say to probably take an extended break before things get worse
eat moar protein get good sleep and dont play songs that you can't atleast get a 90% on otherwise you will end up spamming and hurting yourself more, also some days you just have to not play if the pain still persists from a previous session (like im doing today i only played for 727 achievement lol nothing else)
Just... Don't push yourself too much.. It's okay to challenge yourself to do higher diff beatmaps but you have to know your limits. Take a few days of rest at least if you have been playing nonstop.

I know I'm not an expert or a doctor but from what I can see, your fingers are getting stressed trying to hit the dense part of the notes. Yes you can read, but you just don't have the stamina yet to do that.

My office nurse said that the best way to know if you have a carpal tunnel synsrome is by bending both of your hands downward then joining them together (like clapping but backwards, is this the correct way of describing this?).

Pic for reference ^

If you felt a stinging/unbearabke pain while doing that, you have more likely got the syndrome.
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