
osu!Post - Live osu! status for your signatures

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Greetings osu! community!

A little about

(Feel free to skip if you don't care~)
As in my other post about osu!Rank I'll just say a few words in the beginning here.
I started this project to relax a little and try something new in a programming language I haven't used that much before, Delphi.
(I usually tend to use C# or C++.)
Thanks to Primula's application osu!np, I've had a nice idea for a "new" project I can have some fun with.
As said, at first I only wanted to get a break of programming for Android, as taking breaks is essential sometimes, at least I think it is~

As I worked on it, more and more ideas kept coming and I started to write a little neat backend as well, an upload host for live status signatures, that works hand in hand with osu!Post.
After beta testing it with some friends, I thought it might could be usefull, so I created this post, this is basically it.

I plan to also accept osu!np data at some point, as I got the basic idea for everything from him. So if you want to post your status and do many other awesome things, you should totally try his application.
osu!Post basically works the same the only difference is that it's focused on sending "post requests" to php scripts.

To get back on track, I am not sure if people need this, nevertheless, feel free to test it and play with it!
We'll see what will happen.

Main features

  1. Live osu! status in your signature (Or any other image you like.)
  2. Several selectable templates
  3. Custom signature upload (With output customization options.)
  4. Authenticated registration (No one can steal your name, basically.)
  5. Auto updating (Checks for new osu!Post versions.)
  6. "Webinterface" (Nothing fancy really, I like it simple.)
  7. Adding customization features on demand (Want something? Go ahead and drop me a message.)
  8. Using MSN Live status integration.
  9. And more to come!

How to get it running?

  1. Get osu!Post or osu!StreamCompanion
    Why? - You'll need this to track your osu! status and send it to the website.

  2. Enter your user name and press "Search" on the website
    Why? - Because the website will look for an osu! user with the name entered.

  3. Follow the instruction to change your "Location" in your osu!Controlpanel
    Why? - This is done so I can be sure that you are no one else, hope it's not a bother.

  4. After changing it and pressing "Check" you can get your key
    Why? - You'll need it to send data to the website or to log in here, you can also change the key there.

  5. Copy the key into osu!Post
    Why? - Well, to get it started and that's basically it, you are good to go now.

  6. If you play osu! in fullscreen, you will need to enable the MSN Live status integration, like this:

    (osu!Post will still work without doing this in Borderless window mode!)
    Why? - This is due to this change: [peppy] Don't set window title when running osu! fullscreen.

  7. Still problems? Update .net Framework!
    Why? - Microsoft says so and its always a good thing to have it up-to-date.


Templates to choose from!

Full customization!
(Also accepting transparent images and all sizes, as long as they are PNG everything is fine!)

The little application running in the background!

Download & Links

Status: Re-Development
Application: osu!Post (Build 20140618) or osu!StreamCompanion

Please keep in mind that the creators of osu! have nothing to do with this.
They can not be hold responsible for flaws or damage to the system.

Special thanks to

Primula (osu!np)
Oinari-sama (Early Beta testing)
Zakkyliar (Early Beta testing & Finishing up the forum thread)
Drebonda (luser)
skyleo (Coding)
XPJ38 (osu!sig)
Piotrekol (osu!StreamCompanion)
Ishkiz (Testing)
SlasherZX ("Pro-Beta-Tester")

Documentation *on Hold*

Application (Outdated since b20140110)
Multiple instances:
You can't launch osu!Post more than once at a time, you'll get a message if you try to do so.
osu!Post will be in your tray, right clicking it will open a context menu with several options, as launching the game.

Error handling:
If osu!Post isn't able to send the data, for example on a disconnect, it will retry every 30 seconds.

Game path:
osu!Post is reading the game path out of the registry.

Is also supported.

For now, osu!Post is using the data stored in osu!.db, as already known, this is not in peppy's favor. (Sorry about that.)
osu!Post is careful when reading from the .db file and is not setting any locks at all, so it won't fight with osu!.
osu!Post will frequently check the osu!.db file for changes and reload it only if neccesary, if it fails to read however, osu!Post will retry to do so.
If there is no file present or the data cannot be parsed, as for format changes, osu!Post will cancel the reading.

The configuration of the application is saved when gracefully closing it or every 45 minutes.
(Might be changed later on.)

Post data:
The data will be sent whenever your status changes.
There won't be any data sent if osu! is not running on startup.
The status "Offline" will only be sent when your last sent status is "Online".
osu!Post will refresh the data every 30 minutes, if there is no status change to prevent the serverside "timeout". (1 hour)
This won't happen when you are already "Offline" as in osu! is closed but osu!Post is still running.
The post request osu!Post is sending contains:
isOnline => Boolean: "true" or "false"
mapName => String: "Artist - Mapname [Diff]" or "NoMap"
mapID => Integer: ID of the map, on unknown/error: -1
mapSetID => Integer: ID of the mapset, on unknown/error: -1

Input fields:
Your generated key goes here, more about the key itself is further down in the website documentation.
The key can be "hidden" with the Hide Key checkbox mentioned further down.
The key is sent as an additional identifier.
(Can't be changed while Enable post is checked.)

User ID:
This field contains your osu! user ID.
If you want to use to osu!Post signature service, just put your ID here.
All the data sent there will be sent via "post request", the only exception is your ID, which will be sent via "get".
(Custom link will toggle between this and URL.)
(Can't be changed while Enable post is checked.)

Used if you don't want to use the osu!Post server!
This field contains the address where the data should be sent to.
All the data sent there will be sent via "post request".
(Custom link will toggle between this and User ID.)
(Can't be changed while Enable post is checked.)

Preview URL:
This input is hidden by default, it can be made visible by checking Show preview output.
You can optionally enter your custom signature link here to see if it's working correctly when sending data.
(Custom link will toggle this.)

Enable post:
This will check if osu! is running and send data everytime the status changes.
Where the data is sent, is depending on the status of Custom link, more about it below.
As of b20131213 osu!Post will not automatically send "Status offline" anymore, as the backend server now has a "timeout". (1 hour)
The "Status offline" will only be sent when you uncheck it and the status was "Online" before.

Custom link:
Used if you don't want to use the osu!Post server!
This allows you to enter your own, custom, address.
You can use this if you got a server and script on your own, for example.
(Can't be changed while Enable post is checked.)

Hide Key:
Checking this will hide your key, making it unreadable, you can check and uncheck this at any time.
This is only a visual security option.

Show preview output:
This will show a preview of your signature inside the application, if "Custom Link" is activated, you'll have enter the link manually.
The image will be updated everytime a status is sent and Show preview ouput is checked.

Show log output:
Checking this will show the log where everything that has been sent or done by the application can be seen.

(Always start osu! automatically):
Checking this will launch the game when starting osu!Post.
osu!Post basically becomes a launcher and runs in the background.
This option is recommended to be used while having Enable post checked.
It's used for easier handling without having to care about other applications than osu! itself.

Start osu!:
If osu! is not running, this button will start the game.

This button will refresh the Preview image.

First! :D

I'm always happy to see your cool ideas!
Nice stuff i'm going to use it as soon as i'm at pc
Some feedbacks:
Index Page
  1. More info for the "existing user" error, eg display this line below the Error message: "Not xxxxx? Enter your osu ID in the box below to register your own account!"
  2. Label the URL (eg osu!Post User URL: xxxx) and Link (eg Signature Link: xxxx) when search finds an existing user (in addition to the above)

Config Page
  1. Display this above the signature templates: "Click on the template image below and hit the Change signature button to set signature". Some people have habit of looking for buttons. You might also wanna consider changing the highlight colour to something more noticeable for that reason.
  2. Rephrase the text under the custom signature configure button: (Upload an image and customize your signature. This does not overwrite the templates agove)
  3. Show recommended image dimension for the Custom Signature Configure page
  4. To avoid confusion (somebody may think that he/she needs to input the key everytime to change signature template), display additional texts above the key change boxes:
    Change Broadcasting Keys
    You can change your broadcasting keys to something easier to remember"

osu!Post Client

Consider renaming some of the terms to improve clarity:
  1. Rename URL to something like "Server Link" or "Source URL"
  2. Rename "Enable post" to "Turn on Broadcast"
  3. Rename "Always start osu! automatically" to "Auto start osu with osu!Post"
Bug(?): The "Show preview output" still doesn't work for me by default:
Is there a way to auto load the output URL into the "Preview URL" field?
I have a problem, my signature shows offline all the time
It looks like this

I tried restarting osu and osu!post, running osu after running osu!post and osu!post after osu, changing skin


Build: 20131108
Maps: 4874
Mapsets: 1318
Registry: E:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\osu!.exe
Database: E:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\osu!.db
Config: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\givenameplz\osu!PostConfig.ini

isOnline: False
mapName: NoMap
mapID: -1
mapSetID: -1
mapIndex: -1

isOnline: True
mapName: NoMap
mapID: -1
mapSetID: -1
mapIndex: -1

isOnline: True
mapName: TOTAL OBJECTION - Higurashi Moratorium [Rin]
mapID: 230127
mapSetID: 83310
mapIndex: 4234

It's solved already i put signature link instead of input

I think this would be less confusing after labeling links as source and output
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[-Aoi-] wrote:

I have a problem, my signature shows offline all the time
It looks like this

I tried restarting osu and osu!post, running osu after running osu!post and osu!post after osu, changing skin
Hello, your URL is wrong, it's supposed to be!Post/input.php?u=2426596.
Input is the place you send your data to, signature itself is only for showing your signature.

[-Aoi-] wrote:

It's solved already i put signature link instead of input

I think this would be less confusing after labeling links as source and output
Edit: I see you fixed it, yes.. thats why I did this open beta.
I will most likely change osu!Post to only ask for the User name / User ID and the key, that should make everything easier
(And will still keep an option fo those that only want to use osu!Post for their own server.)

Please keep in mind that osu!Post is not auto updating yet, this will be made available in the next version, so keep an eye on this post from time to time.
Time for Good-to-Haves. It maybe a little early to consider these ideas since fixes always come first, but it doesn't hurt to mention them before I forget:

Signature Gallery
Are you considering having a Signature Gallery? A separate page where a visitor can browse and view signatures from all registered users, presented similar to p/friends.

Waifu System
Two registered users can add each other to have their avatar displayed as "Waifu" or "Married to" in the signature.
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Oinari-sama wrote:

Time for Good-to-Haves. It maybe a little early to consider these ideas since fixes always come first, but it doesn't hurt to mention them before I forget:

Signature Gallery
Are you considering having a Signature Gallery? A separate page where a visitor can browse and view signatures from all registered users, presented similar to p/friends.

Waifu System
Two registered users can add each other to have their avatar displayed as "Waifu" or "Married to" in the signature.
Sure always go for it, the Gallery is planned at some point.. about the Waifu System, huh.. haven't thought of anything like this, but will write it down for now..
P.S.: I saw your other post, will improve most of the sections as stated.
- Marco -

maybe it's because i'm using osu!test...

btw i waited untill the middle of the song...
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marcostudios wrote:

maybe it's because i'm using osu!test...

btw i waited untill the middle of the song...
Hoho! I forgot to implement osu!test, will do so in an upcoming version.

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osu!Post performance update, it should also work with the testbuild now.
You should change the updater language. It's german right now
Edit: New build asks me what I want to do with the signature.php (it wants to save it as an image)
Kyujuroku 96

Avail wrote:

You should change the updater language. It's german right now
Edit: New build asks me what I want to do with the signature.php (it wants to save it as an image)
He is not going to translate it anytime soon ;)
I'm having an issue getting the osu!Post program to go through Norton 360 Anti-Virus. Is there anything I can do to fix this and/or just avoid Downloading osu!Post all together?
Pretty damn cool system you got, loving it already! Would love to see font options in the future.

One thing to fix is this gives me extreme fps lag when I use it, so i will abstain for now.
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Alrighty, will look into all of it after work.
(This is why its called Beta~)

Avail wrote:

You should change the updater language. It's german right now
Edit: New build asks me what I want to do with the signature.php (it wants to save it as an image)
Interesting, will be fixed, about the German.. thats really really odd, could you screen it to me, because I haven't actually used any German at all.

Me168 wrote:

I'm having an issue getting the osu!Post program to go through Norton 360 Anti-Virus. Is there anything I can do to fix this and/or just avoid Downloading osu!Post all together?
Will also look into that.

fsxd wrote:

Pretty damn cool system you got, loving it already! Would love to see font options in the future.

One thing to fix is this gives me extreme fps lag when I use it, so i will abstain for now.
More font options like adjusting the glow and such will be coming soon, about the fps lags, thats rather interesting, please pm me with closer information about when it happens, for example, only if post is enabled or all the time and so on. (Also some PC specs if possible)

@All: Thanks for reporting.
Seems i've fixed the lag by updating my graphics driver and net framework, working fine now!~
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fsxd wrote:

Seems i've fixed the lag by updating my graphics driver and net framework, working fine now!~
The usual suspects~
I got this message when I lost internet connection tonight. lol it needs to be translated but I can probably guess what it says anyway:

Topic Starter

Oinari-sama wrote:

I got this message when I lost internet connection tonight. lol it needs to be translated but I can probably guess what it says anyway:

This is an annoying one, as its not supposed to happen.
Its a message from the component I am using (experimenting with) right now, this should hopefully be fixed within the next version.

(I usually suppress those pop-ups and output them in the log.)

I also updated to a new version, this should fix a few things, I'll rework the update process after this version, changes only take place when you manually restart at the moment.

Will add the ability to adjust the glow color on the website later.
Awesome project! Awesome Idea!

When I open osu!post
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Avail wrote:

When I open osu!post
(We discussed this on PM, if there is someone else with that problem:)

This is a problem with an old build of osu!Post, this is fixed already, updating and then restarting osu!Post will take care of it.
After leaving osu!Post on for a long time (12hrs+) yesterday, it was somewhat un-responsive when I tried to turn it off. I finally managed to turn it off by unchecking "Enable post" and "Show preview output" but my sig has been displaying "Online" since last night.

The log mentioned a certain error that "you would love to hear" so I'm posting it lol

The texts are a bit hard to read because the screenshot was taken when the program was busy.

Memory usage just before I killed it:
Topic Starter

Oinari-sama wrote:

After leaving osu!Post on for a long time (12hrs+) yesterday, it was somewhat un-responsive when I tried to turn it off. I finally managed to turn it off by unchecking "Enable post" and "Show preview output" but my sig has been displaying "Online" since last night.

The log mentioned a certain error that "you would love to hear" so I'm posting it lol

The texts are a bit hard to read because the screenshot was taken when the program was busy.

Memory usage just before I killed it:
Alright, thanks for posting. I think I know whats causing this, I will start some more long term tests later.

Edit: Should be fixed with the upcoming version. I will also add options for text alignment later at some point. (eg. left align, right align or centered between two points, like the name is now.)
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I sneaked in a few options for the custom signatures a while ago and also improved a few things in the background.
Everything should be explained if you hover over the tags under "About the positioning values:"

Some new things are:
  1. Adjust glow colors.
  2. Adjust status output slightly. (Hide your name and only show "[Online]" or "[Offline]".)
  3. Adjust map data ouput slightly. (Actually not really worth mentioning, but you can hide the "Playing:" label.)
  4. "Save & Preview" button. (You can also see your uploaded picture correctly now.)
The tags for the output adjustments are named full_output right now and can be set to either 1 (on, full output) or 0 (off, slightly altered output).
(I might rename those tags in the future, but this won't cause any problems, so don't worry.)

Access them here by pressing on the "Configure" button in the "Custom signature:" section.
Tried two minutes ago dont work for me.

Uncaught exception! (EAccessViolation)
Please tell givenameplz, he would love to hear this!
Topic Starter

Daniel58[MC] wrote:

Tried two minutes ago dont work for me.

Uncaught exception! (EAccessViolation)
Please tell givenameplz, he would love to hear this!
I am already aware of that problem.
This problem will be fixed within the next update, thanks for the report.
(Release within the next days.)
Ok thanks I will be waiting for it.
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Released a new version containing mostly fixes and performance updates.
As said, this should fix the "exception problem", if its still consistent please drop me a post or a PM.
(I also changed the auto updating to be more efficient.)

Get it here or simply run your osu!Post and restart it after the update.
You might wanna add a version/build number somewhere now
Working now.
Thanks :)
eto... how to change the background?
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R-A-I-N wrote:

eto... how to change the background?
First go here.
There you can select a template one or create your own from scratch and upload it with the button below thats saying Configure in the section Custom signature:.
By editing the number values in the input field you can change the output positioning, for more information about the values, hover over the tags above the input field there.

Edit: @Oinari-sama you can already see it in the very first [Info] output, but I will put it somewhere else as well.

givenameplz wrote:

R-A-I-N wrote:

eto... how to change the background?
First go here.
There you can select a template one or create your own from scratch and upload it with the button below thats saying Configure in the section Custom signature:.
By editing the number values in the input field you can change the output positioning, for more information about the values, hover over the tags above the input field there.

Edit: @Oinari-sama you can already see it in the very first [Info] output, but I will put it somewhere else as well.
ow thank you
ps: why you not add ability to start automatical when startup or when i open osu! lel
Failed to show preview image! (EIdSocketError)

Also my banner doesn't update but I guess these issues are connected. What to do?
There is currently a problem for those playing osu full screen. The banner shows your Online/Offline status, but does not show song info. This is related to a fix in the latest osu update:
[peppy] Don't set window title when running osu! fullscreen.
I believe that givenameplz is working on a solution at the moment. For time being, those affected can try using borderless instead (which still displays song info through your signature).
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as Oinari-sama said, due to the new osu! patch, you are not able to send data when playing in fullscreen. You can use a workaround and play in borderless window mode, simply uncheck fullscreen in your osu! options and choose your desktop resolution.
(Please bear in mind that this might cause different behavior on some machines, performance wise.)

I will write more about this later, when I find the time to do so.
(I am also looking for and working on alternatives.)

However, Stefan's case might be a different problem, if you may, please PM me a screen of your running osu!Post application (and maybe information about your PC).
I will contact you when I am home.
(Please also make sure that osu!Post is not blocked by any firewalls, but under any circumstances, do not disable the firewall completely. You wouldn't detach your door if you only want to let one of your friends inside.)
Maybe you should make an arcadey style signature. Just sayin.
I can't seem to get it working :|
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Awoken wrote:

I can't seem to get it working :|
(Just summarizing the PMs:)

Problem has been solved, simply run the application and let it update, then restart it. Everything should work after that.
Thanks for the report.
I've been using this for awhile, and I all I can say is that I love it.

Just wondering if you ever have plans to add status updates for people that are "Editing" or "Modding" maps as long as it has an ID?

Lanturn is [Online]
EBTC - Billow on the Eternal Peak [Hard]

for example.

Regardless, if you can actually do this or not. This is still a wonderful little program. Thanks :3
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Lanturn wrote:

I've been using this for awhile, and I all I can say is that I love it.

Just wondering if you ever have plans to add status updates for people that are "Editing" or "Modding" maps as long as it has an ID?

Lanturn is [Online]
EBTC - Billow on the Eternal Peak [Hard]

for example.

Regardless, if you can actually do this or not. This is still a wonderful little program. Thanks :3
Sorry for the late answer.
I am not able to access this data, I also can't say if there will be the possibility in the future.
But thanks for your feedback, its very much appreciated.

I am reworking a lot of the background stuff happening behind the scenes of osu!Post, in other words the website.
I also added a new template in a "Userbar" design, the size and style might change in the future, still testing with it.
There are some other designs coming "soon" as well, but for now I am focused on officially removing the "beta" status.
This will happen when I finished the backend rework, in a few weeks or so.
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just a short update.

I've been working quite a lot on osu!Post for the last weeks and think its now ready to move out of "Open Beta".
The website is fully functional, new features will come in over time.
(Website contains a "News" block for changes regarding the website)
The application itself has been reworked aswell to fix most of the performance issues, not many changes in the design of it but other than that the background stuff is all new.
The next thing is to fix up the application documentation again and after that the documentation for the website.
(Stuff like outgoing data and such might be interesting for people that send data to their own servers.)

If there are any issues or requests, feel free to drop a message.

I am still working on a new icon, this one is somewhat a placeholder, I just wanted to stop using the osu! logo for it.
Suggestions welcome.
Am I the only person having trouble customising the signature?

The "Save & Preview" and "Save & Exit" doesn't seem to be working for me. Changes I made just seem to be lost after hitting those buttons.

I've already tried clearing browser cache and cookies but it doesn't help. Just wondering if it's a stand alone case...
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You need to upload an custom image for that.
Its not intended (and possible) to change the template signatures.

I looked into it, your custom settings are fine, but as said there is no uploaded image.

I added a few more features to the customization, more to come sometime.
(If there are any other feature request shout them out, they'll be most likely implementet.)
The thing is though, I did upload a custom image but the buttons "ate" it:

Very weird...

EDIT: Wait... I was derping hard today. Was trying to upload a JPG all along orz
Is it possible to return an error notification when a user upload a non-PNG in the future?
Topic Starter

Oinari-sama wrote:

EDIT: Wait... I was derping hard today. Was trying to upload a JPG all along orz
Is it possible to return an error notification when a user upload a non-PNG in the future?
I see, this will be fixed in the future, I plan to remove the "only PNG-restriction" soon anyways.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Awesome, going to use this 4evur
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